org.bsc.maven.maven-processor-plugin不适用于java 1.7及以上版本


我有一个GitHub repository,我主持一些Hibernate示例并生成JPA MetaModel类我一直使用下面的Maven插件:org.bsc.maven.maven-processor-plugin不适用于java 1.7及以上版本


在Java 1.6一切运行得很好,但是当我切换到Java 1.7,我得到以下错误:

[INFO] javac option: D:\wrk\vladmihalcea\\hibernate-facts\target\generated-sources\java 
[INFO] diagnostic Note: Hibernate JPA 2 Static-Metamodel Generator 1.0.0.Final 
[INFO] diagnostic warning: Supported source version 'RELEASE_6' from annotation processor 'org.hibernate.jpamodelgen.JPAMetaModelEntityProcessor' less than -source '1.7' 
[INFO] diagnostic warning: File for type '' created in the last round will not be subject to annotation processing. 
[INFO] diagnostic warning: File for type 'com.vladmihalcea.hibernate.model.baglist.BagTree_' created in the last round will not be subject to annotation processing. 
[INFO] diagnostic warning: File for type '' created in the last round will not be subject to annotation processing. 
[INFO] diagnostic warning: File for type '' created in the last round will not be subject to annotation processing. 
[INFO] diagnostic warning: File for type 'com.vladmihalcea.hibernate.model.linkedset.LinkedParent_' created in the last round will not be subject to annotation processing. 
[INFO] diagnostic warning: File for type 'com.vladmihalcea.hibernate.model.fetch.FetchChild_' created in the last round will not be subject to annotation processing. 
[INFO] diagnostic warning: File for type '' created in the last round will not be subject to annotation processing. 
[INFO] diagnostic warning: File for type '' created in the last round will not be subject to annotation processing. 
[INFO] diagnostic warning: File for type 'com.vladmihalcea.hibernate.model.baglist.BagLeaf_' created in the last round will not be subject to annotation processing. 
[INFO] diagnostic warning: File for type 'com.vladmihalcea.hibernate.model.indexlist.Branch_' created in the last round will not be subject to annotation processing. 
[INFO] diagnostic warning: File for type 'com.vladmihalcea.hibernate.model.linkedset.LinkedChild_' created in the last round will not be subject to annotation processing. 
[INFO] diagnostic warning: File for type 'com.vladmihalcea.hibernate.model.indexlist.Tree_' created in the last round will not be subject to annotation processing. 
[INFO] diagnostic warning: File for type 'com.vladmihalcea.hibernate.model.bag.Child_' created in the last round will not be subject to annotation processing. 
[INFO] diagnostic warning: File for type 'com.vladmihalcea.hibernate.model.baglist.BagForest_' created in the last round will not be subject to annotation processing. 
[INFO] diagnostic warning: File for type 'com.vladmihalcea.hibernate.model.indexlist.Leaf_' created in the last round will not be subject to annotation processing. 
[INFO] diagnostic warning: File for type 'com.vladmihalcea.hibernate.model.bag.Parent_' created in the last round will not be subject to annotation processing. 
[INFO] diagnostic warning: File for type 'com.vladmihalcea.hibernate.model.eagerset.SetParent_' created in the last round will not be subject to annotation processing. 
[INFO] diagnostic warning: File for type '' created in the last round will not be subject to annotation processing. 
[INFO] diagnostic warning: File for type 'com.vladmihalcea.hibernate.model.eagerset.SetChild_' created in the last round will not be subject to annotation processing. 
[INFO] diagnostic warning: File for type 'com.vladmihalcea.hibernate.model.fetch.FetchParent_' created in the last round will not be subject to annotation processing. 
[INFO] diagnostic warning: File for type '' created in the last round will not be subject to annotation processing. 
[INFO] diagnostic warning: File for type 'com.vladmihalcea.hibernate.model.baglist.BagBranch_' created in the last round will not be subject to annotation processing. 
[INFO] diagnostic warning: File for type 'com.vladmihalcea.hibernate.model.indexlist.Forest_' created in the last round will not be subject to annotation processing. 
[INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:resources (default-resources) @ hibernate-facts --- 
[WARNING] Using platform encoding (Cp1250 actually) to copy filtered resources, i.e. build is platform dependent! 
[INFO] Copying 3 resources 
[INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:2.5.1:compile (default-compile) @ hibernate-facts --- 
[WARNING] File encoding has not been set, using platform encoding Cp1250, i.e. build is platform dependent! 
[INFO] Compiling 52 source files to D:\wrk\vladmihalcea\\hibernate-facts\target\classes 
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------- 
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------- 
[ERROR] D:\wrk\vladmihalcea\\hibernate-facts\target\classes\com\vladmihalcea\hibernate\model\store\[8,16] error: duplicate class: 






Maven的处理器插件为JDK 1.6激活,而默认情况下它是Maven的编译器插件应用JPA元模型后处理。