


enter image description here


IntPtr ptr = (IntPtr)frameInfo.ptr; // The pointer to the buffer 

for (int i = 0; i < nChannels; i++) 
    channelFrames[i].data = new float[nRamps * nPoints * 2]; 

for (int ramp = 0; ramp < nRamps; ramp++) 
    ptr += (int)rawHeaderSize; // Skip the header 

    for (int point = 0; point < nPoints; point++) 
      for (int channel = 0; channel < nChannels; channel++) 
       Marshal.Copy(ptr, channelFrames[channel].data, (int)(point *2 + ramp*nPoints*2), 2); 

       ptr += (sizeof(float) * 2); // Move to the next data       



也许你应该试试[CodeReview](https://codereview.stackexchange.com/) –


你的图表看起来不符合你的描述或代码? “每个频道有2个浮动”,但你的图表显示每个频道有8个浮动?什么是点,什么是nPoints?你为什么一次只复制2个浮点数(根据你的图,这将是re0 + re1,然后是re2 + re3)?由于您为其分配了一个“新的float []”,因此我假设'data'是一个'float''Array'。 – NetMage


@NetMage不,它显示每个通道2个浮动。每个浮点数是4个字节,因此Re0Re1Re2Re3产生一个浮点数并且Im0Im1Im2Im3产生另一个浮点数。 nPoints是4096. Marshal.Copy已将4个字节更改为浮点数。我需要将两个浮点数,实部和虚部复制到通道数组中。 – Ignacio



//Pin arrays with channel data in memory and get pointers of these fixed arrays 
fixed (float* fixed_ch0ptr = channelFrames[0].data) 
fixed (float* fixed_ch1ptr = channelFrames[1].data) 
fixed (float* fixed_ch2ptr = channelFrames[2].data) 
fixed (float* fixed_ch3ptr = channelFrames[3].data) 
    //fixed arrays pointer cannot be modified, we must create writable copies ot these pointers 
    float* ch0ptr = fixed_ch0ptr; 
    float* ch1ptr = fixed_ch1ptr; 
    float* ch2ptr = fixed_ch2ptr; 
    float* ch3ptr = fixed_ch3ptr; 

    //unsafe pointer to array from sensor 
    float* floatptr = (float*)ptr; 

    for (int ramp = 0; ramp < nRamps; ramp++) 
     floatptr = (float*)((byte*)(floatptr) + (int)rawHeaderSize); // Skip the header 

     for (int point = 0; point < nPoints; point++) 
      //Unrolling loop that iterates over channelFrames can give as some additional performance gains 

      //copy channel 0 data 
      *ch0ptr++ = *(floatptr++); 
      *ch0ptr++ = *(floatptr++); 

      //copy channel 1 data 
      *ch1ptr++ = *(floatptr++); 
      *ch1ptr++ = *(floatptr++); 

      //copy channel 2 data 
      *ch2ptr++ = *(floatptr++); 
      *ch2ptr++ = *(floatptr++); 

      //copy channel 3 data 
      *ch3ptr++ = *(floatptr++); 
      *ch3ptr++ = *(floatptr++); 