ruby​​ json从数组中获取值


我有一个这个json,它有一个数组。 我如何获得:
- full_text
- 图片链接:media_url_httpsmediaextended_entities
- 网址从实体网址
- ruby​​ json从数组中获取值

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"id_str": "9184869314823331890", 
"full_text": "trying some stuff! \n\n\uf6430\nWhat bird is this? What is its name? It has beautiful feathers. Love the mix of green, white.", 
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可能是一个复制错误,但似乎是''哈希'阵列' – whodini9


如果有多个“媒体”项目会发生什么? – whodini9


require 'json' 
test = JSON.parse(json) 
test.each {|k| 
p "============================" 
full_text = k['full_text'] unless k['full_text'].nil? 
urls = k['entities']['urls'] unless k['entities']['urls'].nil? 
urls.each {|u| 
    entities_url = u['url'] unless u['url'].nil? 
    p "Url: #{entities_url}" } 
lang = k['lang'] unless k['lang'] 
media = k['entities']['media'] 
extended_media = k['extended_entities']['media'] unless k['extended_entities'].nil? 
p "Full text: #{full_text}" unless full_text.nil? 

media.each {|u| 
p "Media url: #{u['media_url_https']}" unless u['media_url_https'].nil? 
} unless media.nil? 

extended_media.each {|u| 
p "Extended url: #{u['media_url_https']}" unless u['media_url_https'].nil? 
} unless extended_media.nil? 
p "Lang: #{lang}" unless lang.nil? 
p "=============================" 