

我有这个二维数组$ userDesignatedCategory。如何通过稀疏键访问内部数组来遍历2D数组?

Array ( 
    [1] => Array (
     [0] => CEO 
     [1] => Assistant Art Director 
     [2] => Assistant Choreographer 
     [3] => Assistant Creative Director 
     [4] => Assistant Director 
     [5] => Assistant Editor 
     [6] => Assistant Equipment Engineer 
     [7] => Assistant Hair Dresser 
     [8] => Assistant Lighting Director 
     [9] => Assistant Make Up Artist 
    [2] => Array ( 
     [0] => Senior Developer 
    [3] => Array ( 
     [0] => CEO 
     [1] => Script Supervisor 
     [2] => Creative Director 
     [3] => Anchor 
     [4] => Executive Producer 
     [5] => Director 
     [6] => Actor 
    [7] => Array ( 
     [0] => Director 
     [1] => Executive Producer 
     [2] => Journalist 
     [3] => Producer 
    [10] => Array ( 
     [0] => Head of Division 
     [1] => Vice President 
    [11] => Array ( 
     [0] => Anchor 
     [1] => Chairman 
     [2] => Co Founder 
     [3] => Creative Director 
     [4] => Director 
    [13] => Array ( 
     [0] => Associate Producer 
    [16] => Array ( 
     [0] => Accounts Manager 
    [20] => Array ( 
     [0] => Adventure Cameraperson 
     [1] => Cameraperson 
     [2] => Director Of Photography 
     [3] => Underwater Cameraperson 
    [21] => Array ( 
     [0] => Director 
     [1] => Screenplay Writer 
     [2] => Writer 
    [28] => Array ( 
     [0] => Director 
    [50] => Array ( 
     [0] => Cameraperson 
    [73] => Array ( 
     [0] => Accounts Manager 
     [1] => Actor 
     [2] => Aerial Cameraperson 
     [3] => Anchor 
    [78] => Array ( 
     [0] => Accounts Manager 
     [1] => Aerial Cameraperson 
     [2] => Animator 
    [79] => Array ( 
     [0] => Actor 
     [1] => Anchor 
     [2] => Adventure Cameraperson 
     [3] => Aerial Cameraperson 
     [4] => Animation Director 
     [5] => Animator 
     [6] => Assistant Make Up Artist 
     [7] => Assistant Manager 
    [82] => Array ( 
     [0] => Adventure Cameraperson 
     [1] => Cameraperson 
     [2] => Director Of Photography 
     [3] => Associate Producer 
    [86] => Array ( 
     [0] => Director 
     [1] => Producer 
     [2] => Writer 
    [87] => Array ( 
     [0] => Co Founder 
     [1] => Vice President 

我有稀疏的钥匙,所以我不能使用for($i=0;i 'less than' count;$i++)

我用foreach($userDesignatedCatogery as $key => $value)但它没有帮助的。我如何遍历这个数组访问内部数组?


究竟什么是你预期的结果? – mickmackusa



    foreach($userDesignatedCatogery as $index => $pull) { 
    echo '#' . $index . '<br>'; 
    foreach($pull as $id => $position) 
     echo $id . ' => ' . $position . '<br>'; 

我怎样才能访问整个单一的内部阵列?我必须找到userDesginationCategory [0]与所有内部数组的交集。 –


$ key = key($ userDesignatedCategory); $ main = $ userDesignatedCategory [$ key]; unset($ userDesignatedCategory [$ key]); $ result = []; foreach($ userDesignatedCategory as $ index => $ values)if($ intersect = array_intersect($ main,$ values)) $ result [$ index] = $ intersect; } // $结果 - 有你的交集 – dekameron



$count = count($userDesignatedCategory); 
for ($i=0; $i < $count; $i++) { 
    foreach ($userDesignatedCategory[$i] as $item) { 
     //some codes here 


foreach ($userDesignatedCategory as $item) { 
    foreach ($item as $subitem) { 
     // some code here 

如何在第二种方法中访问内部数组的键? –


@KaranTikku你的数组没有键名,你可以计算索引,像这样:'foreach($ userDesignatedCategory as $ item){$ count = 0; foreach($ item as $ subitem){$ current_index = $ count; $ count ++; }}' – aidinMC


我使用array_search()来访问内部元素键。 –