


Array ([0] => Array ( 
      [topic_id] => 402 
      [topic_title] => Website Development 
      [topic_slug] => website-development 
      [topic_description] => This topic will cover everything form the most CSS to the most advanced PHP. You will learn not only how to code but create maintable code bases that can be authored by various authors with no previous knowledge of the project. 
      [date_created] => 2011-10-03 17:27:41 
     [1] => Array ( 
      [topic_id] => 404 
      [topic_title] => j41-ramp-handling 
      [topic_slug] => j41-ramp-handling 
      [topic_description] => Ramp handling course for J41 
      [date_created] => 2011-11-02 23:14:00 
     [2] => Array ( 
      [topic_id] => 405 
      [topic_title] => aviation-regulations 
      [topic_slug] => 
      [topic_description] => Changes to aviation regulations. 
      [date_created] => 2011-10-17 10:19:40)) 


Array ([0] => Array ( 
       [topic_title] => Website Development 
       [topic_id] => 402 
       [topic_slug] => website-development 
       [topic_description] => This topic will cover everything form the most CSS to the most advanced PHP. You will learn not only how to code but create maintable code bases that can be authored by various authors with no previous knowledge of the project. 
      [1] => Array ( 
       [topic_title] => aviation-regulations 
       [topic_id] => 405 
       [topic_slug] => 
       [topic_description] => Changes to aviation regulations. 

第一阵列被称为$topics第二个叫$signedup我想请选中该复选框默认情况下,如果ttopic id匹配双方阵中,不过,无论我试试我得到不打勾,下面是我的HTML/PHP代码,

        <legend>Topics Sign Up</legend> 
        <?php $i = 0; ?> 
        <?php foreach ($topics as $k => $v) : ?> 
         <?php //var_dump($signedup[$i]['topics_topic_id']); ?> 
         <label for="topics_topic_id[]" class="checkbox"><?php echo $v['topic_title'];?></label> 
         <input type="checkbox" name="topics_topic_id[]" value="<?php echo $v['topic_id']; ?>"/> 
         <?php $i++; ?> 
        <?php endforeach; ?> 



$signedUpIds = array(); 
foreach ($signedup as $topic) { 
    $signedUpIds[] = $topic['topic_id']; 


<?php foreach ($topics as $k => $v) : ?> 
     <?php $checkedText = in_array($v['topic_id'], $signedUpIds) ? ' checked="checked"' : ''; ?> 
     <label for="topics_topic_id[]" class="checkbox"> 
      <?php echo $v['topic_title'];?> 
     <input type="checkbox" name="topics_topic_id[]" value="<?php echo $v['topic_id']; ?>" <?php echo $checkedText; ?> /> 
<?php endforeach; ?> 

我血腥的爱你! – Udders


<input type="checkbox" name="topics_topic_id[]" value="<?php 
if (in_array($v['topic_id'], $signedup[$i]) == true) echo ' checked="checked"'; 