

我在extjs 4.2.1中有一个网格面板,我在其上使用ftype rowbody向每一行添加其他元素。在这种情况下,我正在为每行添加一行按钮(标签)。Extjs网格与rowbody按钮处理程序

features: [{ 
      ftype: 'rowbody', 
      getAdditionalData: function(data, idx, record, orig) { 
       var headerCt = this.view.headerCt 
       var colspan = headerCt.getColumnCount() 
       var rowData = '' 
       record.data.tags.forEach(function(tag) { 
        rowData += '<button class="tagDiv">' + tag.name + '</button>' 

       // Usually you would style the my-body-class in CSS file 
       return { 
        rowBody: rowData, 
        rowBodyCls: 'tagRow', 
        rowBodyColspan: colspan 
     }, { 
      ftype: 'rowwrap' 



Ext.define('MyApp.view.MyGrid', { 
    extend: 'Ext.grid.Panel', 
    xtype: 'orderlinesgrid', 
    requires: [ 

    statics: { 
     onTagClick: function(btn, tag) { 
      // Click handler code... 

    features: [{ 
     ftype: 'rowbody', 
     getAdditionalData: function(data, idx, record, orig) { 
      var headerCt = this.view.headerCt 
      var colspan = headerCt.getColumnCount() 
      var rowData = '' 
      record.data.tags.forEach(function(tag) { 
       rowData += '<button class="tagDiv" onclick="MyApp.view.MyGrid.onTagClick(this,\'' + tag.name + '\')">' + tag.name + '</button>' 

      // Usually you would style the my-body-class in CSS file 
      return { 
       rowBody: rowData, 
       rowBodyCls: 'tagRow', 
       rowBodyColspan: colspan 
    }, { 
     ftype: 'rowwrap' 