


  • 我的应用程序创建应用程序ID(例如:com.standardApplication.tictactoe)
  • 使用标识符在Xcode功能的iOS应用和Watchkit应用程序启用appGroup:“group.com。 standardApplication.ticTacToe” enter image description here

  • 上的证书与我之前创建我的应用程序ID创建开发配置概况和分布,标识符&档案中心。下载它并双击klick将其添加到我的Xcode。 enter image description hereenter image description here

  • 后我去I调谐连接,使新的应用程序与我的应用程序ID和信息...

  • 后,在Xcode和建立设置,我改变了代码签名对所有目标( iOS的目标和Watchkit目标)是这样的: enter image description here


Check dependencies 

Code Sign error: No matching provisioning profiles found: None of the valid provisioning profiles allowed the specified entitlements: com.apple.security.application-groups. 
CodeSign error: code signing is required for product type 'WatchKit Extension' in SDK 'iOS 8.3' 



  • 创建扩展应用ID(例如:com.standardApplication.tictactoe.watchkitApp)

  • 启用扩展应用程序ID appGroup能力和集扩展

  • 创建部署配置文件用于扩展应用程序,然后设置..


它不只是一个简单的供应配置文件。您需要为手表套件扩展程序和手表应用程序创建两个更多配置配置文件。因此,提交整个应用程序应该总共有三个配置文件。 –


工作就像一个魅力。 –

我刚刚回答了这个问题N于这个职位,你也许可以看看这个: Submitting the Apple Watch app


Because this is a very special piece of application, and you can not just simply submit the application like the way you used to do.

The differences are the total number of provisioning profile. Without WatchKitExtension, a provisioning profile is enough. However, you have to apply for three different application identifiers and three different provisioning profile in order to let the Xcode to detect you actually have your phone app, watch app and watch extension.

So, what you need to do is really simple. Just create two more app identifiers based on the bundle identifier you saw from the WatchApp target and WatchExtension target. Then, create two more provisioning profile. Last step, import them into your Xcode. And you are good to go.