


1.       Attach a console cable to the Serial Console (9600 baud, 8 bits, 1 stop bit, No parity) of the NetScaler appliance.


2.       Restart the NetScaler appliance.


3.       Press any of the following keys, as prompted:

Press Spacebar when the following message is displayed:


Hit [Enter] to boot immediately, or any other key for command prompt Booting [kernel] in 10 seconds

Press Ctrl and C keys simultaneously when the following message is displayed:

Press [Ctrl-C] for command prompt, or any other key to boot immediately.

Booting [kernel] in 2 seconds...


4.       To start the appliance kernel on a single user mode, enter the following command:


boot –s


Note: If boot -s does not work, then try reboot -- -s and appliance will reboot in single user mode.


5.       Press Enter when the following message is displayed:


Enter full pathname of shell or RETURN for /bin/sh:


Note: Notice that the prompt of the appliance changes to \u@\h\$.


6.       Run the following command to check the disk consistency:


\u@\h\$ /sbin/fsck /dev/ad0s1a(此命令一定要先执行,否则不能挂载/flash)


Note: Refer to the Knowledge Center article CTX121853 – Device Names Assigned to Hard Disk in Various Models of the Citrix NetScaler Appliance to verify the device name assigned to the hard disk of the appliance model and replace ad0s1a in the preceding command with the appropriate device name.


7.       Run the following command to display the mounted partitions:




8.       Run the following command to mount the flash drive:


\u@\h\$ /sbin/mount /dev/ad0s1a /flash( 一定要把flash挂上,否则看不到ns.conf)


If the preceding command fails to mount the flash drive, then run the following command to create the flash directory and then run the preceding command again to mount the drive:


\u@\h\$ mkdir /flash(如果有/flash可以不执行这步)


9.       Run the following command to change to the nsconfig directory:


\u@\h\$ cd /flash/nsconfig


10.     Run the following set of commands to rewrite the ns.conf file and remove the set of system commands defaulting to the nsroot user:

a. Run the following command to create a new configuration file that does not have commands defaulting to the nsroot user:

\u@\h\$ grep –v “set system user nsroot” ns.conf > new.conf(提取除nsroot用户以外的其他配置到新文件)

b. Run a command similar to the following command to make a backup of the existing configuration file:

\u@\h\$ mv ns.conf old.ns.conf(备份原来的配置)

c. Run the following command to rename the new.conf file to ns.conf:

\u@\h\$ mv new.conf ns.conf(用没有nsroot的配置启动)


11.     Run the following command to restart the appliance:




12.     Log in to the appliance by using the default nsroot user credentials.


13.     Run the following command to reset the nsroot user password of your choice:


> set system user nsroot <New_Password>重新输入密码