Xamarin GCM推送通知不工作


我下面一步步来,并准确复制下面的教程中提供的代码:Xamarin GCM推送通知不工作


顺便说一句,我和我的API密钥更换,我正在使用usb debug进行测试,使用mashmallow运行我的moto g,运行cyanogenmod。


UPDATE 这里是logcat。我有阅读,有时这个错误是由于失踪的谷歌服务.json,但它似乎不需要由XAMARIN。

08-23 14:19:50.207 I/GMPM (9213): App measurement is starting up, version: 8487 
08-23 14:19:50.207 I/GMPM (9213): To enable debug logging run: adb shell setprop log.tag.GMPM VERBOSE 
08-23 14:19:50.216 E/GMPM (9213): GoogleService failed to initialize, status: 10, Missing an expected resource: 'R.string.google_app_id' for initializing Google services. Possible causes are missing google-services.json or com.google.gms.google-services gradle plugin. 
08-23 14:19:50.216 E/GMPM (9213): Scheduler not set. Not logging error/warn. 
08-23 14:19:50.231 E/GMPM (9213): Uploading is not possible. App measurement disabled 
08-23 14:20:26.066 I/GMPM (9213): Tag Manager is not found and thus will not be used 
08-23 14:21:35.288 I/GMPM (9547): App measurement is starting up, version: 8487 
08-23 14:21:35.288 I/GMPM (9547): To enable debug logging run: adb shell setprop log.tag.GMPM VERBOSE 
08-23 14:21:35.295 E/GMPM (9547): GoogleService failed to initialize, status: 10, Missing an expected resource: 'R.string.google_app_id' for initializing Google services. Possible causes are missing google-services.json or com.google.gms.google-services gradle plugin. 
08-23 14:21:35.295 E/GMPM (9547): Scheduler not set. Not logging error/warn. 
08-23 14:21:35.312 E/GMPM (9547): Uploading is not possible. App measurement disabled 

Full logcat here.


'adb logcat'中应该有大量的日志来搜索。你失败了哪一步?这本身就是一个很大的指导。 –


我认为这不是失败。我完成了整个教程,我只是没有得到通知没有任何错误的logcat – srecce


,如果它的调试模式,然后运行应用程序时,你的OnMessage函数打?你可以看看这个 - http://*.com/a/29126946/1155650。 –
