谷歌Android出版商API与“410 purchaseTokenNoLongerValid”错误


在收到订购状态响应(与谷歌Android出版商API与“410 purchaseTokenNoLongerValid”错误

    "error": { 
    "errors": [ 
     "domain": "androidpublisher",  
     "reason": "purchaseTokenNoLongerValid",  
     "message": "The purchase token is no longer valid." 
    "code": 410, 
    "message": "The purchase token is no longer valid." 




这里的原因的OAuth2令牌列表 -,但我觉得这是完全一样的情况。

  • 用户已取消访问。
  • 令牌未使用六个月。
  • 用户更改密码,令牌包含Gmail作用域。
  • 用户帐户已超过一定数量的令牌请求。

这不是OAuth2用户错误和令牌不涉及OAuth2令牌。 – Blago


我没有说它是OAuth2令牌,我说它可以是“相同的情况”。 – ksimka




I took a look and the order ID you provided is associated with an account that has now been deleted. This is why it does not pass verification. This is a good example of the licensing system working as intended.

You may feel free to simply ignore this subscription.


Technically, the subscription is still active even though it's not attached to an account - hence, it does not show as cancelled. We're aware it's confusing not to receive a clear message about the account's status and just get an error back, though. This is an area of our product we're still actively working on.

What you can do is use the API to revoke the subscription, which is fine to do now that you have confirmation that the account is gone. Then it will read as cancelled and will no longer throw an error when making an API call.