


Shirts [White, Navy, Light Blue, Gray], 
Pants [Black, Navy, Gray], 
Ties [Houndstooth, Polka Dot, Herringbone, Solid] 


White Shirt with Black Pants and a Houndstooth Tie, 
White Shirt with Black Pants and a Polka Dot Tie, 
White Shirt with Black Pants and a Herringbone Tie, 
White Shirt with Black Pants and a Solid Tie, 

White Shirt with Navy Pants and a Houndstooth Tie, 
White Shirt with Navy Pants and a Polka Dot Tie, 
White Shirt with Navy Pants and a Herringbone Tie, 
White Shirt with Navy Pants and a Solid Tie, 

And so on, 
And so on... 

我有点生锈的JS,所以请解释你做了什么。 – Ferrius


你有这个代码吗?如果不是,先写一些并尝试一下,然后我们会看到我们可以做些什么来帮助。 – jmoon


你的问题到底是什么?你有什么尝试?您发布的阵列有75种可能的组合。 – Thomas


var shirts = ["White", "Navy", "Light Blue", "Gray"]; 
var pants = ["Black", "Navy", "Gray"]; 
var ties = ["Houndstooth", "Polka Dot", "Herringbone", "Solid"]; 

for (var i = 0; i < shirts.length; i++) { 
    var start = shirts[i] + " shirt with "; 
    for (var j = 0; j < pants.length; j++) { 
    var middle = pants[j] + " pants and a "; 
    for (var k= 0; k < ties.length; k++) { 
     var end = ties[k] + " tie.<br />"; 
    document.write(start + middle + end); 


var shirts = ["White", "Navy", "Light Blue", "Gray"]; 
var pants = ["Black", "Navy", "Gray"]; 
var ties = ["Houndstooth", "Polka Dot", "Herringbone", "Solid"]; 
var total_combinations = shirts.length * pants.length * ties.length; 
document.write("Total number of combinations: " + total_combinations);


var shirts = ["White", "Navy", "Light Blue", "Gray"]; 
var pants = ["Black", "Navy", "Gray"]; 
var ties = ["Houndstooth", "Polka Dot", "Herringbone", "Solid"]; 

var random_shirt = shirts[Math.floor(Math.random()*shirts.length)]; 
var random_pants = pants[Math.floor(Math.random()*pants.length)]; 
var random_tie = ties[Math.floor(Math.random()*ties.length)]; 

document.write(random_shirt + " shirt with " + random_pants + " pants and a " + random_tie + " tie.");

希望这有助于! :)


如何在html中打印? – Ferrius


你可以使用'document.write()'。我刚刚更新了我的答案,以涵盖此:) –


现在完全不同的问题。点击按钮时如何输出其中一个随机组合? – Ferrius


乘以它们。 5*3*4=60变体。


var shirts = ['White', 'Navy', 'Light Blue', 'Gray']; 
    var pants = ['Black', 'Navy', 'Grey']; 
    var ties = ['Houndstooth', 'Polka Dot', 'Herringbone', 'Solid']; 
    for(var s in shirts) { 
     for(var p in pants) { 
     for(var t in ties) { 
      document.write(shirts[s] + ' Shirt with ' + pants[p] + ' Pants and a ' + ties[t] + ' Tie<br>'); 


我想用html打印它,但是'document.write'不起作用。我能做什么? – Ferrius



'和'document.getElementById('out')。innerHTML + =“string”' –

仅供参考[使用'for/in'的不好做法](https://*.com/questions/500504/why用于在阵列中迭代 - 一个坏主意)迭代数组。 – Andy