

所以我有一个包含6个图像的页面。 4是某种类型的球(篮球,棒球等)。一辆是卡车,另一辆是随机的。如何使用jQuery显示特定类型图像的图像数量?

我有一个从两个单选按钮,让用户可以选择显示每种类型的图像(球的图像,卡车图像等)的数量。我需要编写javascript/jquery来获取他们选择的单选按钮,然后在span标签(“有X个球的图片”,“有一个卡车的图片数量X”)下面显示图片计数。 。我可以弄清楚如何获取已检查的值,但我不知道如何获取每种图像的图像数量。 (不只是让单独的跨度与预设数量,只是displaing取其算用户选择)


<div id="images"> 
<h3>Some Images</h3> 
    <p><img src="firetruck.jpg" alt="pic of truck" > | 
    <img src="baseball.jpg" alt="pic of baseball" > | 
    <img src="soccer_ball.jpg" alt="pic of soccer ball" > 

    <p><img src="hockey_puck.jpg" alt="pic of hockey puck" > | 
    <img src="tennis_ball.jpg" alt="pic of tennis ball" > | 
    <img src="basketball.jpg" alt="pic of basketball" >  </p> 

</div><!-- end of 'images' div --> 

<input type="radio" name="imageCount" id="ballImages" value="ballImages">Images of Balls<br> 
    <input type="radio" name="imageCount" id="truckImages" value="truckImages">Images of Trucks<br><br> 
    <input type="button" name="btnImageCount" value="Image Count" onclick="getImageCount()"> 
    <span class="spanImageCount"></span> 


function getImageCount() 
    if ($("#ballImages").prop("checked")) 
    var count = $("#images img[src*="ball"]").length; 
    document.write('<span class="spanImageCount">There are ' + count + ' images of a ball!</span>'); 
    else if ($("#truckImages").prop("checked")) 
    var count = $("#images img[src*="truck"]").length; 
    document.write('<span class="spanImageCount">There are ' + count + ' images of a truck!</span>'); 


如何,在你的HTML,你确定图像类型? – 2014-10-18 23:24:25


为什么jQuery标签?你问/打开jQuery解决方案吗? – j08691 2014-10-18 23:24:38


我希望你的意思是用某种方式在HTML中标记或标记图像,对吗?代码如何知道什么是球,什么是卡车等('data'属性,或基于文件名或其他内容?) – GabbyL1003 2014-10-18 23:25:09


// bind the click-handling anonymous function to the button-input: 
    // find the input element whose type is 'radio' and whose name is 'imageCount' which 
    // is also checked: 
    var chosen = document.querySelector('input[type="radio"][name="imageCount"]:checked'), 
     // if there is a chosen radio input, we get the 'type' of image we're looking for, 
     // by removing the 'Images' string from the 'id', if there is no chosen radio input 
     // we use a string of white-space: 
     type = chosen ? chosen.id.replace('Images','') : ' ', 
     // finding the images whose 'src' attribute contains the substring identified 
     // above ('truck','ball' or ' ', the ' ' will deliberately not match): 
     relevantImages = document.querySelectorAll('img[src*="' + type + '"]'), 
     // if we have any relevant images, and the number (length) of those images 
     // is greater than 0 we get the number of found images, otherwise we offer 
     // a simple message to the user telling them to select a type of image: 
     count = relevantImages && relevantImages.length > 0 ? 'There are ' + relevantImages.length + ' images of that type.' : 'Please select an image type.'; 
    // assigning the text of the 'span' to the count (or message) we set, above: 
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> 
<div id="images"> 
    <h3>Some Images</h3> 
    <img src="firetruck.jpg" alt="pic of truck">| 
    <img src="baseball.jpg" alt="pic of baseball">| 
    <img src="soccer_ball.jpg" alt="pic of soccer ball"> 

    <img src="hockey_puck.jpg" alt="pic of hockey puck">| 
    <img src="tennis_ball.jpg" alt="pic of tennis ball">| 
    <img src="basketball.jpg" alt="pic of basketball"> 

<!-- end of 'images' div --> 


    <input type="radio" name="imageCount" id="ballImages" value="ballImages">Images of Balls 
    <input type="radio" name="imageCount" id="truckImages" value="truckImages">Images of Trucks 
    <input type="button" name="btnImageCount" value="Image Count" /> 
<span class="spanImageCount"></span>



这工作!非常感谢!我怎样才能让消息说“有”数“这种类型的iam”而不是数字?我似乎无法在perenthesis中添加一个字符串 – 2014-10-19 21:11:45




完全按照我所希望的方式工作。谢谢!! – 2014-10-19 21:37:48


function getImageCount(){ 
    var count = $(".ballImage").length; 
    document.write('<span class="spanImageCount">There are ' + count + ' images of a ball!</span>'); 
    else if($("#truckImages").prop("checked")){ 
    var count = $(".truckImage").length; 
    document.write('<span class="spanImageCount">There are ' + count + ' images of a truck!</span>'); 



<div id="message"></div> 


function getImageCount(){ 
    var count = $(".ballImage").length; 
    $("#message).html('<span class="spanImageCount">There are ' + count + ' images of a ball!</span>'); 
    else if($("#truckImages").prop("checked")){ 
    var count = $(".truckImage").length; 
    $("#message).html('<span class="spanImageCount">There are ' + count + ' images of a truck!</span>'); 

谢谢!我得到它做我想要的,但我不能得到响应显示在当前页面上。它显示了一个新的空白页面的响应。 – 2014-10-19 00:08:00


Document.write()使页面空白。 – PaulH 2014-10-19 08:03:28


var ballCount = 0; 

var truckCount = 0; 

相反,如果图片src不包含这些信息,你需要给一个ID或类每一个形象,以识别是否是卡车或高尔夫球影像。仅在一行$( 'IMG [来源* =东西]')上面的代码变化,并成为

与IDS:$('img[id^=truck]') //where ids need to be like truck1, truckTwo, truckSomething
