在Google Maps API中显示多个地图标记


处理.cgi文件中的一些perl代码,该代码循环遍历IP地址的散列列表,然后通过Web服务运行每个IP地址,该服务返回IP地址的经度和纬度,那么它需要将每个IP地址显示为谷歌地图上的标记。截至目前,我已经通过哈希列表并打印每个IP地址的坐标。我无法弄清楚的是如何在谷歌地图上显示多个地图标记。我目前只是通过将值硬编码到$ latitude和$ longitude变量来测试它。我想在javascript中需要有某种循环,它会遍历并分配每个坐标,但我不知道如何处理该坐标。在Google Maps API中显示多个地图标记


unless ($result->fault) { 

# Print out the results one by one 
my $latitude = "LATITUDE = " . $result->valueof('//LATITUDE') . "\n"; 
my $longitude = "LONGITUDE = " . $result->valueof('//LONGITUDE') . "\n"; 

#print "MESSAGE = " . $result->valueof('//MESSAGE') . "\n"; 

$lats .= $latitude . ','; 
$lons .= $longitude . ','; 

} else { 

print "IP2Location Web Service Failed!\n"; 
print join ', ', 


chop $lats; 
chop $lons; 

#printing here to test if the variable is making it out of the loop 
print $lats ; 
print $lons ; 

print <<ENDHTML; 
<title>IP Lookup Map</title> 
<meta name="viewport" 
    content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no"> 
<meta charset="UTF-8"> 
<style type="text/css"> 
    html, body, #map_canvas { 
    margin: 0; 
    padding: 0; 
    height: 90%; 
    width: 90%; 
<script type="text/javascript" 
<script type="text/javascript"> 
//If I comment out the following variables the map will load, not sure what the problem is 
    var latitudes = "$lats".split(","); 
    var longitudes = "$lons".split(","); 

    var map; 
    function initialize() { 
    var myOptions = { 
     zoom: 7, 
     center: new google.maps.LatLng(44, -90), 
     mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP 
    map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map_canvas'), 

    // Creating a marker and positioning it on the map 
    for(var i = 0; i < latitudes.length; i++){ 
     var latitude = latitudes[i]; 
     var longitude = longitudes[i]; 
    // Creating a marker and positioning it on the map 
     var marker = new google.maps.Marker({ 
     position: new google.maps.LatLng(latitude,longitude), 
     map: map 

    google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', initialize); 


my $lats = ''; 
my $lons = ''; 
$lats .= $latitude . ','; 
$lons .= $longitude . ','; 

(您可能需要印章($拉特);在循环后斩($ LONS)删除最后一个逗号),然后在您的javascript部分:

// create two arrays from that lats and lons string using split() 
var latitudes = "$lats".split(','); 
var longitudes = "$lons".split(','); 
// create map code 
for(var i = 0; i < latitudes.lenght; i++){ 
    var latitude = latitudes[i]; 
    var longitude = longitudes[i]; 
    // Creating a marker and positioning it on the map 
    var marker = new google.maps.Marker({ 
     position: new google.maps.LatLng(latitude,longitude), 
     map: map 

修复它,让所有的东西都能正常工作。问题在于,$ latitude和$ longitude变量仍然被分配了一堆额外的文本,这些文本是不需要的。现在只分配了这个值。

my $latitude = $result->valueof('//LATITUDE'); 
my $longitude = $result->valueof('//LONGITUDE');