


undefined is not an object (evaluating’el.props.component) 


import { assert } from './Util'; 
import Scene from './Scene'; 
import * as ActionConst from './ActionConst'; 

export const ActionMap = { 
    jump: ActionConst.JUMP, 
    push: ActionConst.PUSH, 
    replace: ActionConst.REPLACE, 
    back: ActionConst.BACK, 
    BackAction: ActionConst.BACK_ACTION, 
    popAndReplace: ActionConst.POP_AND_REPLACE, 
    popTo: ActionConst.POP_TO, 
    refresh: ActionConst.REFRESH, 
    reset: ActionConst.RESET, 
    focus: ActionConst.FOCUS, 
    pushOrPop: ActionConst.PUSH_OR_POP, 
    [ActionConst.JUMP]: ActionConst.JUMP, 
    [ActionConst.PUSH]: ActionConst.PUSH, 
    [ActionConst.REPLACE]: ActionConst.REPLACE, 
    [ActionConst.BACK]: ActionConst.BACK, 
    [ActionConst.BACK_ACTION]: ActionConst.BACK_ACTION, 
    [ActionConst.POP_AND_REPLACE]: ActionConst.POP_AND_REPLACE, 
    [ActionConst.POP_TO]: ActionConst.POP_TO, 
    [ActionConst.REFRESH]: ActionConst.REFRESH, 
    [ActionConst.RESET]: ActionConst.RESET, 
    [ActionConst.FOCUS]: ActionConst.FOCUS, 
    [ActionConst.PUSH_OR_POP]: ActionConst.PUSH_OR_POP, 

function filterParam(data) { 
    if (data.toString() !== '[object Object]') { 
    return { data }; 
    const proto = (data || {}).constructor.name; 
    // avoid passing React Native parameters 
    if (!data || (proto !== 'Object')) { 
    return {}; 
    return data; 

const reservedKeys = [ 

function getInheritProps(props) { 
    // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars 
    const { key, style, type, component, tabs, sceneKey, parent, children, ...parentProps } = props; 
    return parentProps.passProps ? parentProps : {}; 

class Actions { 
    constructor() { 
    this.callback = null; 
    this.create = this.create.bind(this); 
    this.iterate = this.iterate.bind(this); 
    this.pop = this.pop.bind(this); 
    this.refresh = this.refresh.bind(this); 
    this.focus = this.focus.bind(this); 

    iterate(root: Scene, parentProps = {}, refsParam = {}, wrapBy) { 
    const refs = refsParam; 
    assert(root.props, 'props should be defined for stack'); 
    const key = root.key; 
    assert(key, 'unique key should be defined '); 
     reservedKeys.indexOf(key) === -1, 
     `'${key}' is not allowed as key name. Reserved keys: [${reservedKeys.join(', ')}]` 
    const { children, component, ...staticProps } = root.props; 
    let type = root.props.type || (parentProps.tabs ? ActionConst.JUMP : ActionConst.PUSH); 
    if (type === 'switch') { 
     type = ActionConst.JUMP; 
    const inheritProps = getInheritProps(parentProps); 
    const componentProps = component ? { component: wrapBy(component) } : {}; 
    // wrap other components 
    if (wrapBy) { 
     Object.keys(staticProps).forEach(prop => { 
     const componentClass = staticProps[prop]; 
     if (componentClass && componentClass.prototype && componentClass.prototype.render) { 
      componentProps[prop] = wrapBy(componentClass); 
      delete staticProps[prop]; 
    const res = { 
     name: key, 
     sceneKey: key, 
     parent: parentProps.key, 
    let list = children || []; 
    const normalized = []; 
    if (!(list instanceof Array)) { 
     list = [list]; 
    list.forEach((item) => { 
     if (item) { 
     if (item instanceof Array) { 
      item.forEach(it => { 
     } else { 
    list = normalized; // normalize the list of scenes 

    const condition = el => (!el.props.component && !el.props.children && !el.props.onPress && 
    (!el.props.type || ActionMap[el.props.type] === ActionConst.REFRESH)); 
    // determine sub-states 
    let baseKey = root.key; 
    let subStateParent = parentProps.key; 
    const subStates = list.filter(condition); 
    list = list.filter(el => !condition(el)); 
    if (list.length) { 
     res.children = list.map(c => this.iterate(c, res, refs, wrapBy).key); 
    } else { 
     if (!staticProps.onPress) { 
     assert(component, `component property is not set for key=${key}`); 
     // wrap scene if parent is "tabs" 
     if (parentProps.tabs) { 
     const innerKey = `${res.key}_`; 
     baseKey = innerKey; 
     subStateParent = res.key; 
     const inner = { ...res, name: key, key: innerKey, 
      sceneKey: innerKey, type: ActionConst.PUSH, parent: res.key }; 
     refs[innerKey] = inner; 
     res.children = [innerKey]; 
     delete res.component; 
     res.index = 0; 
    // process substates 
    for (const el of subStates) { 
     refs[el.key] = { key: el.key, name: el.key, ...el.props, type: ActionConst.REFRESH, 
     base: baseKey, parent: subStateParent }; 
     if (this[el.key]) { 
     console.log(`Key ${el.key} is already defined!`); 
     this[el.key] = 
     (props = {}) => { 
      assert(this.callback, 'Actions.callback is not defined!'); 
      this.callback({ key: el.key, type: ActionConst.REFRESH, ...filterParam(props) }); 
    if (this[key]) { 
     console.log(`Key ${key} is already defined!`); 
    this[key] = 
     (props = {}) => { 
     assert(this.callback, 'Actions.callback is not defined!'); 
     this.callback({ key, type, ...filterParam(props) }); 
    refs[res.key] = res; 

    return res; 

    popTo(props = {}) { 
    return this.callback({ ...filterParam(props), type: ActionConst.POP_TO }); 

    pop(props = {}) { 
    return this.callback({ ...filterParam(props), type: ActionConst.BACK_ACTION }); 

    jump(props = {}) { 
    return this.callback({ ...filterParam(props), type: ActionConst.JUMP }); 

    refresh(props = {}) { 
    return this.callback({ ...filterParam(props), type: ActionConst.REFRESH }); 

    focus(props = {}) { 
    return this.callback({ ...filterParam(props), type: ActionConst.FOCUS }); 

    create(scene:Scene, wrapBy = x => x) { 
    assert(scene, 'root scene should be defined'); 
    const refs = {}; 
    this.iterate(scene, {}, refs, wrapBy); 
    return refs; 

export { Actions as ActionsTest }; 
export default new Actions(); 


el.props && (!el.props.component…) 



谢谢,现在我得到了这个错误[react-native-router-flux]道具应该定义为栈 – OsamahM