

我正在使用signtool.exe v6.2.9200.20527来管理/ tr和/ td开关。在以下示例中,0961 ... 35d2是当前用户的“个人”>“证书”存储中的SHA256代码签名证书的SHA1指纹。SignTool验证.application和.manifest文件的等效项目吗?


c:signtool.exe sign /fd sha256 /sha1 0961...35d2 CertificateCheck.exe 
c:signtool.exe verify /all /pa CertificateCheck.exe 

File: CertificateCheck.exe 
Index Algorithm Timestamp 
0  sha256  None 

Successfully verified: CertificateCheck.exe 


c:signtool.exe sign /fd sha1 /sha1 0961...35d2 CertificateCheck.exe 
c:signtool.exe verify /all /pa CertificateCheck.exe 

File: CertificateCheck.exe 
Index Algorithm Timestamp 
0  sha1  None 

Successfully verified: CertificateCheck.exe 


c:signtool.exe sign /fd sha256 /sha1 0961...35d2 /tr /td sha256 CertificateCheck.exe 
c:signtool.exe sign /as /fd sha1 /sha1 0961...35d2 /tr /td sha1 CertificateCheck.exe 
c:signtool.exe verify /all /pa CertificateCheck.exe 

File: CertificateCheck.exe 
Index Algorithm Timestamp 
0  sha256  RFC3161 
1  sha1  RFC3161 

使用signtool验证/ V我还可以看到证书的详细信息和证书信任链...

c:signtool.exe verify /all /pa /v CertificateCheck.exe 

Verifying: CertificateCheck.exe 
Signature Index: 0 (Primary Signature) 
Hash of file (sha256): 6774...B2D1 

Signing Certificate Chain: 
    Issued to: GlobalSign 
    Issued by: GlobalSign 
    Expires: Sun Mar 18 20:00:00 2029 
    SHA1 hash: D69B...76AD 

     Issued to: GlobalSign CodeSigning CA - SHA256 - G2 
     Issued by: GlobalSign 
     Expires: Fri Aug 02 20:00:00 2019 
     SHA1 hash: 4E34...36FF 

      Issued to: Example Company Pty Ltd 
      Issued by: GlobalSign CodeSigning CA - SHA256 - G2 
      Expires: Fri May 11 02:17:24 2018 
      SHA1 hash: 0961...35D2 

The signature is timestamped: Wed May 06 13:51:05 2015 
Timestamp Verified by: 
    Issued to: GlobalSign Root CA 
    Issued by: GlobalSign Root CA 
    Expires: Fri Jan 28 22:00:00 2028 
    SHA1 hash: B1BC...829C 

     Issued to: GlobalSign Timestamping CA - G2 
     Issued by: GlobalSign Root CA 
     Expires: Fri Jan 28 22:00:00 2028 
     SHA1 hash: C0E4...5B71 

      Issued to: GlobalSign TSA for Standard - G2 
      Issued by: GlobalSign Timestamping CA - G2 
      Expires: Tue Mar 03 10:00:00 2026 
      SHA1 hash: 19E1...65B6 

Signature Index: 1 
Hash of file (sha1): CFA4...7863 

Signing Certificate Chain: 
    Issued to: GlobalSign 
    Issued by: GlobalSign 
    Expires: Sun Mar 18 20:00:00 2029 
    SHA1 hash: D69B...76AD 

     Issued to: GlobalSign CodeSigning CA - SHA256 - G2 
     Issued by: GlobalSign 
     Expires: Fri Aug 02 20:00:00 2019 
     SHA1 hash: 4E34...36FF 

      Issued to: Example Company Pty Ltd 
      Issued by: GlobalSign CodeSigning CA - SHA256 - G2 
      Expires: Fri May 11 02:17:24 2018 
      SHA1 hash: 0961...35D2 

The signature is timestamped: Wed May 06 13:51:06 2015 
Timestamp Verified by: 
    Issued to: GlobalSign Root CA 
    Issued by: GlobalSign Root CA 
    Expires: Fri Jan 28 22:00:00 2028 
    SHA1 hash: B1BC...829C 

     Issued to: GlobalSign Timestamping CA - G2 
     Issued by: GlobalSign Root CA 
     Expires: Fri Jan 28 22:00:00 2028 
     SHA1 hash: C0E4...5B71 

      Issued to: GlobalSign TSA for Standard - G2 
      Issued by: GlobalSign Timestamping CA - G2 
      Expires: Tue Mar 03 10:00:00 2026 
      SHA1 hash: 19E1...65B6 

Successfully verified: CertificateCheck.exe 

Number of signatures successfully Verified: 2 
Number of warnings: 0 
Number of errors: 0 


c:signtool.exe verify /all /pa /v CertificateCheck.application 

Verifying: CertificateCheck.application 
SignTool Error: This file format cannot be verified because it is not recognized. 

Number of signatures successfully Verified: 0 
Number of warnings: 0 
Number of errors: 1 

c:signtool.exe verify /all /pa /v CertificateCheck.exe.manifest 

Verifying: CertificateCheck.exe.manifest 
SignTool Error: This file format cannot be verified because it is not recognized. 

Number of signatures successfully Verified: 0 
Number of warnings: 0 
Number of errors: 1 

我们可以在XML-C打开.manifest的和。应用文件一个可编辑的编辑器,看到base64编码的签名实际上已被添加,但是是否有与SignTool Verify的等效项验证允许我查看从命令行附加的签名和/或证书信任链?或者我只是开车错了?我想这样做,以便我们可以添加一个测试步骤到我们的构建脚本。



我收集了几个不同版本的SignTool来尝试各种事情。 v5系列有各种验证/清单开关,而我所遇到的v6系列都没有。另一方面,v6系列支持SHA2证书和算法,而v5系列不太喜欢它们。

使用signtool.exe v5.2.3790.2568我可以用这个检查强名称(应用程序标识):

signtool verify /manifest /snonly /v CertificateChecker.application 
Successfully verified: CertificateChecker.application 

Number of files successfully Verified: 1 
Number of warnings: 0 
Number of errors: 0 


signtool verify /manifest /pa /v CertificateChecker.application 
SignTool Error: CryptVerifyManifestFile returned error: 0x800B0004 
     The subject is not trusted for the specified action. 
Signing Certificate Chain: 
    Issued to: GlobalSign 
    Issued by: GlobalSign 
    Expires: 2029-03-18 8:00:00 PM 
    SHA1 hash: D69B...76AD 

     Issued to: GlobalSign CodeSigning CA - SHA256 - G2 
     Issued by: GlobalSign 
     Expires: 2019-08-02 8:00:00 PM 
     SHA1 hash: 4E34...A36FF 

      Issued to: Example Pty Ltd 
      Issued by: GlobalSign CodeSigning CA - SHA256 - G2 
      Expires: 2018-05-11 2:17:24 AM 
      SHA1 hash: 0961...A35D2 

File is not timestamped. 
SignTool Error: File not valid: CertificateChecker.application 

Number of files successfully Verified: 0 
Number of warnings: 0 
Number of errors: 1 



旧的signtool.exes不支持SHA256。新版本可以,但不支持签名清单(为什么地狱M $删除该功能?!)。 mage.exe不支持HSM证书服务器,除非您知道私钥(这是使用此类服务​​器来保护证书的全部要点)。这真的很棒。


所以,如果我理解正确的话,就不可能创造与硬件安全模块(HSM)签署ClickOnce应用程序的安装程序? –

mage.exeManifest Generation and Editing Tool

mage -s CertificateCheck.application 



// based on tip from 
private static ManifestSignatureInformationCollection GetClickOnceManifestSignature(string manifestPath) 
    bool isApplicationManifest; 
    if (manifestPath.EndsWith(".exe.manifest")) 
     isApplicationManifest = true; 
    else if (manifestPath.EndsWith(".application")) 
     isApplicationManifest = false; 
     throw new InvalidOperationException("Unrecognized manifest type, expected either application manifest (.exe.manifest) or deployment manifest (.application)"); 

    XmlNamespaceManager namespaceManager = new XmlNamespaceManager(new NameTable()); 
    namespaceManager.AddNamespace("asmv1", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1"); 

    XElement assemblyIdentityXml = XDocument.Load(manifestPath).XPathSelectElement("/asmv1:assembly/asmv1:assemblyIdentity", namespaceManager); 

    string applicationIdentityPart = string.Format(
     "{0}, Version={1}, Culture={2}, PublicKeyToken={3}, processorArchitecture={4}", 
    if (isApplicationManifest) 
     applicationIdentityPart += ", type=" + assemblyIdentityXml.Attribute("type").Value; 

    return ManifestSignatureInformation.VerifySignature(
     ActivationContext.CreatePartialActivationContext(new ApplicationIdentity(applicationIdentityPart + "/" + applicationIdentityPart), 
      new[] { manifestPath, manifestPath }), 
     isApplicationManifest ? ManifestKinds.Application : ManifestKinds.Deployment); 

private static void Main(string[] args) 
    ManifestSignatureInformationCollection resultDeployment = GetClickOnceManifestSignature(@"path\to\DeploymentManifest.application"); 
    ManifestSignatureInformationCollection resultApplication = GetClickOnceManifestSignature(@"path\to\ApplicationManifest.exe.manifest"); 

    Console.WriteLine("Deployment manifest is trusted: "); 
    Console.WriteLine(resultDeployment[0].AuthenticodeSignature.TrustStatus == TrustStatus.KnownIdentity || resultDeployment[0].AuthenticodeSignature.TrustStatus == TrustStatus.Trusted); 

    Console.WriteLine("Application manifest is trusted: "); 
    Console.WriteLine(resultApplication[0].AuthenticodeSignature.TrustStatus == TrustStatus.KnownIdentity || resultApplication[0].AuthenticodeSignature.TrustStatus == TrustStatus.Trusted); 