iOS iPad恐慌崩溃日志解释


任何人都可以帮我解释这个恐慌崩溃日志吗? 这种情况在旋转过程中会出现很多图像......它涉及JavaScript,如果这有帮助的话。iOS iPad恐慌崩溃日志解释

Incident Identifier: AD3EB83A-2379-4876-BCB3-6C9A4B5DC862 
CrashReporter Key: e580be25a4b36b96f0d033b88c3cfebf6232e309 
Hardware Model:  iPad2,1 
Date/Time:  2012-06-27 14:26:41.182 +0200 
OS Version:  iPhone OS 5.1.1 (9B206) 

panic(cpu 1 caller 0x801c6fdb): mbuf_watchdog: 4 waiters stuck for 12 secs 
13872/13872 mbufs in use: 
    13868 mbufs allocated to data 
    4 mbufs allocated to packet headers 
13748/13748 mbuf 2KB clusters in use 
0/122 mbuf 4KB clusters in use 
31452 KB allocated to network (approx. 98% in use) 

mbuf leak detection table: 
    total captured: 31701 (one per 500) 
    total allocs outstanding: 42 
    new hash recorded: 27032 allocs, 26944 traces 
    hash collisions: 18 allocs, 4669 traces 
    overwrites: 26449 allocs, 0 traces 
    lock conflicts: 0 

top 5 outstanding traces: 
[1] 29 outstanding alloc(s), 30 hit(s), 1 collision(s) 
[2] 5 outstanding alloc(s), 26 hit(s), 0 collision(s) 
[3] 3 outstanding alloc(s), 2546 hit(s), 0 collision(s) 
[4] 3 outstanding alloc(s), 1844 hit(s), 0 collision(s) 
[5] 1 outstanding alloc(s), 4662 hit(s), 4661 collision(s) 

    trace [1] trace [2] trace [3] trace [4] trace [5] 
    ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 
1: 0x801bff71 0x801bff71 0x801bff71 0x801bff71 0x801bff71 
2: 0x801b0df3 0x801b0df3 0x801b0e2b 0x801b0df3 0x801b0df3 
3: 0x801bf8b5 0x801c12db 0x801c12db 0x801bf871 0x801b0f39 
4: 0x801b0c67 0x801c9517 0x801c9517 0x801b0c67 0x801c08bb 
5: 0x801c12db 0x801cece3 0x801cece3 0x801c12db 0x802b7855 
6: 0x801c9517 0x801ceb05 0x801ceb05 0x801c9517 0x801be739 
7: 0x801cece3 0x801e1bd8 0x801e1bd8 0x801cece3 0x8010e8d5 
8: 0x801ceb05       0x801ceb05 0x802b91f5 
9: 0x801e1bd8       0x801e1bd8 0x802b937f 
10:             0x802b8591 
11:             0x8002425b 

Debugger message: panic 
OS version: 9B206 
Kernel version: Darwin Kernel Version 11.0.0: S 



看看象征性的崩溃报告。看看这个SO回答。 http://*.com/q/1460892/41116 – Abizern

您应该使用仪器来检查内存分配和内存泄漏。也可能是该应用程序太久无响应而被杀,文本4 waiters stuck for 12 secs可能表明这一点。崩溃报告的内容和格式非常独特,还没有看到。所以这些只是猜测。


这是一个旧的帖子,但这个答案是错误的......它不能是他的应用程序没有反应,因为这是*恐慌*日志,这表明*内核*崩溃。这也是格式独特的原因。 – Elist