Outlook 2010 VBA - 添加发件人到联系人当我点击一个邮件


有一点问题,我希望有人能帮助我。Outlook 2010 VBA - 添加发件人到联系人当我点击一个邮件

(如Outlook 2010 VBA)

这是我当前的代码,我需要的是当我在邮件上的(只有邮件我点击,而不是在文件夹/同一个地方每封邮件)点击 有要检查邮件的发送者已经在我的联系人或 通讯录“所有用户”, ,如果它不是其中一个呢,打开的addContact窗口,并在他/她的信息填写


  • 最重要的是,当我点击邮件时它不运行脚本
  • 当前检查联系人是否已经存在不起作用 并且带有vbMsgBox(是或否和响应的东西)不是我想要的/需要的 如果联系人已经存在,则不需要发生任何事情。


Sub AddAddressesToContacts(objMail As Outlook.MailItem) 
Dim folContacts As Outlook.MAPIFolder 
Dim colItems As Outlook.Items 
Dim oContact As Outlook.ContactItem 
Dim oMail As Outlook.MailItem 
Dim obj As Object 
Dim oNS As Outlook.NameSpace 

''don't want or need a vbBox/ask box, this is a part of the current contactcheck 
''wich doesn't work and is totaly wrong :P 
Dim response As VbMsgBoxResult 

Dim bContinue As Boolean 
Dim sSenderName As String 

On Error Resume Next 

Set oNS = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI") 
Set folContacts = oNS.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderContacts) 
Set colItems = folContacts.Items 

''this selects the mail that is currently selected. 
''what i want is that the sender of the new incoming mail gets added to contacts 
''(ofcourse, if that contact doesn't exsist yet) 
''so the new incoming mail gotta be selected. 
For Each obj In Application.ActiveExplorer.Selection 

If obj.Class = olMail Then 
Set oContact = Nothing 

bContinue = True 
sSenderName = "" 

Set oMail = obj 

sSenderName = oMail.SentOnBehalfOfName 
If sSenderName = ";" Then 
sSenderName = oMail.SenderName 
End If 

Set oContact = colItems.Find("[FullName] = '" & sSenderName & "'") 

''this part till the --- is wrong, i need someting to check if the contact (the sender) 
''already exsists. Any ideas? 
If Not (oContact Is Nothing) Then 
    response = vbAbort 
If response = vbAbort Then 
    bContinue = False 
End If 
End If 

If bContinue Then 
Set oContact = colItems.Add(olContactItem) 
With oContact 

.Email1Address = oMail.SenderEmailAddress 
.Email1DisplayName = sSenderName 
.Email1AddressType = oMail.SenderEmailType 
.FullName = oMail.SenderName 



End With 
End If 
End If 

Set folContacts = Nothing 
Set colItems = Nothing 
Set oContact = Nothing 
Set oMail = Nothing 
Set obj = Nothing 
Set oNS = Nothing 
End Sub 


'sets the name of the contact 
    Set oContact = colItems.Find("[FullName] = '" & sSenderName & "'") 

    'checks if the contact exsist, if it does exit the for loop 
    If Not oContact Is Nothing Then 
     Exit For 
    End If 
End If 

此检查,如果名称是已经在联系人, 我需要它,它会检查电子邮件是否在联系人或不, 你能帮我吗?


set oSendermail = ?the e-mailaddress? 

     If Not oSendermail Is Nothing Then 
      Exit For 
     End If 
End If 

定义发件人是否包含在你的地址簿中其中将所有传入邮件到您的邮箱规则,然后停止规则处理。然后,只有发件人不在您的地址簿中才会调用第二条规则。第二条规则应该调用一个VBA子例程,它在将邮件移动到收件箱之前自动将发件人添加到地址簿中。如何定义规则在这里解释:http://superuser.com/questions/174145/can-you-create-a-rule-in-outlook-to-move-all-emails-that-were-sent-to -any-distri – 2013-02-26 10:30:19


嘿,感谢您的快速反应,这是我从我的老板那里得到的一个任务,而且这个任务必须贯穿整个公司,它必须检查发件人是否存在,如果它没有打开addContact窗口,如果你点击一个邮件,而不是当你收到一封新邮件。我希望你能进一步帮助我:) – Ricje20 2013-02-26 10:32:40


好的。如果您的第一条规则具有发件人在地址簿中的前提条件,这意味着发件人存在。规则在用户点击邮件之前执行。你还有疑虑吗? – 2013-02-26 10:40:53

溶液(包括测试程序)可以看看如下: (假设我们只考虑外部SMTP邮件调整路径到您的联系人文件夹并添加。一些错误检查!)

Option Explicit 

Private Declare Function GetTickCount Lib "kernel32.dll"() As Long 

Sub AutoContactMessageRule(newMail As Outlook.mailItem) 
    ' "script" routine to be called for each incoming Mail message 
    ' This subroutine has to be linked to this mail type using 
    ' Outlook's rule assistant 
    Dim EntryID As String 
    Dim StoreID As Variant 
    Dim mi As Outlook.mailItem 
    Dim contactFolder As Outlook.Folder 
    Dim contact As Outlook.ContactItem 

    On Error GoTo ErrorHandler 

    ' we have to access the new mail via an application reference 
    ' to avoid security warnings 
    EntryID = newMail.EntryID 
    StoreID = newMail.Parent.StoreID 

    Set mi = Application.Session.GetItemFromID(EntryID, StoreID) 

    With mi 
     If .SenderEmailType = "SMTP" Then 
      Set contactFolder = FindFolder("Kemper\_local\TestContacts") 

      Set contact = contactFolder.items.Find("[Email1Address]=" & Chr(34) & .SenderEmailAddress & Chr(34)) 
      If Not TypeName(contact) <> "Nothing" Then 
       Set contact = contactFolder.items.Add(olContactItem) 
       contact.Email1Address = .SenderEmailAddress 
       contact.Email1AddressType = .SenderEmailType 
       contact.FullName = .SenderName 
      End If 
     End If 
    End With 

    Exit Sub 

    MsgBox Err.Description, vbCritical, "Ooops!" 
    On Error GoTo 0 
End Sub 

Private Function FindFolder(path As String) As Outlook.Folder 
' Locate MAPI Folder. 
' Separate sub-folder using '/' . Example: "My/2012/Letters" 
    Dim fd As Outlook.Folder 
    Dim subPath() As String 
    Dim I As Integer 
    Dim ns As NameSpace 
    Dim s As String 

    On Error GoTo ErrorHandler 

    s = Replace(path, "\", "/") 

    If InStr(s, "//") = 1 Then 
     s = Mid(s, 3) 
    End If 

    subPath = Split(s, "/", -1, 1) 
    Set ns = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI") 

    For I = 0 To UBound(subPath) 
     If I = 0 Then 
     Set fd = ns.Folders(subPath(0)) 
     Set fd = fd.Folders(subPath(I)) 
     End If 
     If fd Is Nothing Then 
     Exit For 
     End If 

    Set FindFolder = fd 
    Exit Function 

    Set FindFolder = Nothing 
End Function 

Public Sub TestAutoContactMessageRule() 
    ' Routine to test Mail Handlers AutoContactMessageRule()' 
    ' without incoming mail messages 
    ' select an existing mail before executing this routine 
    Dim objItem As Object 
    Dim objMail As Outlook.mailItem 
    Dim started As Long 

    For Each objItem In Application.ActiveExplorer.Selection 
     If TypeName(objItem) = "MailItem" Then 
      Set objMail = objItem 

      started = GetTickCount() 
      AutoContactMessageRule objMail 

      Debug.Print "elapsed " & (GetTickCount() - started)/1000# & "s" 
     End If 
End Sub 

谢谢:)我能够得到一些技巧来解决这个问题。 – Ricje20 2013-02-26 14:23:45


嘿,我还有最后一个问题,我eddited我的问题,并把它的问题..我希望你能帮我:) – Ricje20 2013-02-26 15:01:23


正如我的解决方案写的:感兴趣的线是contactFolder.items.Find(“[[ Email1Address] =“&Chr(34)&。SenderEmailAddress&Chr(34)) – 2013-02-26 15:03:53