




import UIKit 
import Parse 

class BuildArray: UICollectionViewController { 
    class func buildArrayFromQuery(queryForCollection: String, sender: UIViewController, completeBlock: (_ result: Any) -> Void) { 
     struct collectionStruct { 
      var name : String 
      var description : String 
      var title : String 
      var image : PFFile 
      var id: String 

     var collectionArray = [collectionStruct]() 

     //var queryFromSource = 
     var fromClass = "" 
     var fromName = "" 
     var fromDescription = "" 
     var fromTitle = "" 
     var fromImage = "" 

     //------------------------------------------------------------- set the class to query based off the collection 

     if queryForCollection == "Pack" { 
      fromClass = "Pack" 
      fromName = "packName" 
      fromDescription = "packDescription" 
      fromTitle = "packTitle" 
      fromImage = "packImage" 
     } else if queryForCollection == "Part" { 
      fromClass = "Part" 
      fromName = "partName" 
      fromDescription = "partDescription" 
      fromTitle = "partTitle" 
      fromImage = "partImage" 

     //------------------------------------------------------------- check reachability and set LDS if required 

     var query = PFQuery(className: fromClass) 
     query.order(byAscending: fromName) 

     CheckReachability.setupReachability(hostName: nil) { (block) in 
      if (block) { 
       //var connected = true 
      } else { 
       //var connected = false 

     //------------------------------------------------------------- find the objects 

     query.findObjectsInBackground(block: { (objects, error) in 
      if error != nil { 
      } else if let packs = objects { 
       //------------------------------------------------------------- if we have objects and were reachable unpin everthing so it can be updated 
       CheckReachability.setupReachability(hostName: nil) { (block) in 
        if (block) { 
         PFObject.unpinAllObjectsInBackground(withName: "packDataLDS") 

       //------------------------------------------------------------- if there are objects loop through 

       for object in packs { 

        let arrayName = object.object(forKey: fromName) as! String 
        let arrayDescription = object.object(forKey: fromDescription) as! String 
        let arrayTitle = object.object(forKey: fromTitle) as! String 
        let arrayImage = object.object(forKey: fromImage) as! PFFile 
        let arrayID = object.objectId as String! 

        collectionArray.append(collectionStruct(name: arrayName, description: arrayDescription, title: arrayTitle, image: arrayImage, id: arrayID!)) 

       //    DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 0.1) { 
       //     sender.collectionView?.reloadData() 
       //     sender.collectionView?.layoutIfNeeded() 
       //     sender.collectionView?.setScaledDesginParam(scaledPattern: .verticalCenter, maxScale: 1.0, minScale: 0.8, maxAlpha: 1.0, minAlpha: 0.5) 
       //     sender.collectionView?.scaledVisibleCells() 
       ////     if sender.collectionView?.dataSource?.collectionView(sender.collectionView!, cellForItemAt: IndexPath(item: 0, section: 0)) != nil { 
       ////      //self.collectionView?.scrollToItem(at: IndexPath(item: self.packIndexLDS, section: 0), at: .centeredVertically, animated: true) 
       ////      let rect = sender.collectionView.layoutAttributesForItem(at: IndexPath(item: sender.packIndexLDS, section: 0))?.frame 
       ////      self.collectionView.scrollRectToVisible(rect!, animated: false) 
       ////     } 
       //    } 

      //------------------------------------------------------------- if we are reachable pin everthing 

      CheckReachability.setupReachability(hostName: nil) { (block) in 
       if (block) { 
        PFObject.pinAll(inBackground: objects, withName: "packDataLDS") 


     completeBlock(result: collectionArray) 

或许,如果你缩进你的代码正确,你会看到,有接近尾声:) – Alexander


我不匹配括号没有看到没有不匹配的括号,但我认为你的'completeBlock(result:collectionArray)'应该在'})'之前(在名为'block'的块的末尾) – Toldy

您正在查询的完成块外调用completeBlock(result: collectionArray)。将其移入查询的完成块而不是之后。


query.findObjectsInBackground(block: { (objects, error) in 
     // lots of stuff removed for clarity 

    completeBlock(result: collectionArray) 


query.findObjectsInBackground(block: { (objects, error) in 
     // lots of stuff removed for clarity 

     completeBlock(result: collectionArray) 

好的调用,我还需要添加@在完成时转义:“completeBlock:@ escaping(_” – Pippo