





//from available plugin delegates 
delegate bool SendMessage(Session info, string ip, int port, string message); 
delegate void LogMessage(Session info, string message); 

//to create script delegates 
delegate bool SendMessage(string ip, int port, string message); 
delegate void LogMessage(string message); 

所以当脚本引擎调用LogMessage("Test")应该在插件调用LogMessage(mysession, "Test")



public class Session 
    //Some metadata here 

public class Plugin 
    private delegate bool SendMessage(Session info, string ip, int port, string message); 
    private delegate void LogMessage(Session info, string message); 

    public Delegate[] GetFunctions() 
     return new Delegate[] { new SendMessage(HandleSendMessage), new LogMessage(HandleLogMessage) }; 

    private bool HandleSendMessage(Session info, string ip, int port, string message) 
     Console.WriteLine($"SEND {ip}:{port} >> \"{message}\""); 
     return true; 

    private void HandleLogMessage(Session info, string message) 
     Console.WriteLine($"LOG \"{message}\""); 

//stand-in for 3rd party code 
public class Engine 
    private IEnumerable<Delegate> _functions = null; 

    public void Add(IEnumerable<Delegate> functions) 
     //ignore this code, just simulating 3rd party behavior 
     _functions = functions; 

    public void Execute() 
     //ignore this code, just simulating 3rd party behavior 
     foreach (Delegate function in _functions) 
      ParameterInfo[] fparams = function.Method.GetParameters(); 
      int n = fparams.Count(); 
      object[] args = new object[n]; 
      for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) 
       if (string.Compare(fparams[i].Name, "ip") == 0) 
        args[i] = ""; 
       else if (string.Compare(fparams[i].Name, "port") == 0) 
        args[i] = 80; 
       else if (string.Compare(fparams[i].Name, "message") == 0) 
        args[i] = "Some message"; 
       else if (string.Compare(fparams[i].Name, "info") == 0) 
        Console.WriteLine("Error this should not be here"); 
        args[i] = null; 

class Program 
    static void Main(string[] args) 
     Plugin p = new Plugin(); //assume this instead comes from Assembly.Load(..) and Activator.CreateInstance(..) 
     Engine e = new Engine(); //stand-in for 3rd party code 
     List<Delegate> newDelegates = new List<Delegate>(); 

     foreach (Delegate d in p.GetFunctions()) 
      //QUESTION: create a new delegate same as (d) minus the first param (Session info) 
      //QUESTION: link the new delegate to (d) and set (Session info) to some value 

      newDelegates.Add(d); //add new delegate instead of (d) 




/// <summary> 
/// Based on code from user svick [https://*.com/questions/9505117/creating-delegates-dynamically-with-parameter-names] 
/// </summary> 
class DelegateTypeFactory 
    private readonly ModuleBuilder _module; 

    public DelegateTypeFactory() 
     //Build in-memory assembly to contain the new types 
     AssemblyBuilder assembly = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly(new AssemblyName("DelegateTypeFactory"), AssemblyBuilderAccess.RunAndCollect); 
     _module = assembly.DefineDynamicModule("DelegateTypeFactory"); 

    public Type CreateDelegateType(MethodInfo method) 
     //Create new name for the type to avoid *es 
     string nameBase = string.Format("{0}{1}", method.DeclaringType.Name, method.Name); 
     string name = GetUniqueName(nameBase); 

     //Create the toolset to make the new type 
     TypeBuilder builder = _module.DefineType(name, TypeAttributes.Sealed | TypeAttributes.Public, typeof(MulticastDelegate)); 
     ConstructorBuilder constructor = builder.DefineConstructor(MethodAttributes.RTSpecialName | MethodAttributes.HideBySig | MethodAttributes.Public, CallingConventions.Standard, new[] { typeof(object), typeof(IntPtr) }); 

     //define the methods params and filter unwanted param 
     ParameterInfo[] parameters = method.GetParameters(); 
     parameters = parameters.Where(p => p.ParameterType != typeof(Session)).ToArray(); 

     //design the method signature 
     MethodBuilder invokeMethod = builder.DefineMethod("Invoke", MethodAttributes.HideBySig | MethodAttributes.Virtual | MethodAttributes.Public, method.ReturnType, parameters.Select(p => p.ParameterType).ToArray()); 
     for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Length; i++) 
      invokeMethod.DefineParameter(i + 1, ParameterAttributes.None, parameters[i].Name); 

     //Return the newly created delegate type 
     return builder.CreateType(); 

    private string GetUniqueName(string nameBase) 
     int number = 2; 
     string name = nameBase; 
     while (_module.GetType(name) != null) 
      name = $"{nameBase}{number++}"; 
     return name; 


DelegateTypeFactory factory = new ConsoleApplication1.DelegateTypeFactory(); 
Type newDelegateType = factory .CreateDelegateType(originalDelegate.Method); 






我在您的main中看到您有意见表明您正在考虑改变那里的插件功能。 我不知道你会如何做到这一点,因为你不知道什么参数插件作者打算在/可见。


我以你写的方式离开了你的Handle *方法,但是如果需要的话,他们确实可以访问Session对象。

public class Session 
    //Some metadata here 

public class Plugin 
    private delegate bool SendMessage(string ip, int port, string message); 
    private delegate void LogMessage(string message); 

    public Delegate[] GetFunctions() 
     var sessionInfo = new Session(); 
     return new Delegate[] { new SendMessage(HandleSendMessage(sessionInfo)), new LogMessage(HandleLogMessage(sessionInfo)) }; 

    private SendMessage HandleSendMessage(Session info) 
     return delegate (string ip, int port, string message) 
      Console.WriteLine($"SEND {ip}:{port} >> \"{message}\""); 
      return true; 

    private LogMessage HandleLogMessage(Session info) 
     return delegate (string message) 
      Console.WriteLine($"LOG \"{message}\""); 

//stand-in for 3rd party code 
public class Engine 
    private IEnumerable<Delegate> _functions = null; 

    public void Add(IEnumerable<Delegate> functions) 
     //ignore this code, just simulating 3rd party behavior 
     _functions = functions; 

    public void Execute() 
     //ignore this code, just simulating 3rd party behavior 
     foreach (Delegate function in _functions) 
      ParameterInfo[] fparams = function.Method.GetParameters(); 
      int n = fparams.Count(); 
      object[] args = new object[n]; 
      for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) 
       if (string.Compare(fparams[i].Name, "ip") == 0) 
        args[i] = ""; 
       else if (string.Compare(fparams[i].Name, "port") == 0) 
        args[i] = 80; 
       else if (string.Compare(fparams[i].Name, "message") == 0) 
        args[i] = "Some message"; 
       else if (string.Compare(fparams[i].Name, "info") == 0) 
        Console.WriteLine("Error this should not be here"); 
        args[i] = null; 

class Program 
    static void Main(string[] args) 
     Plugin p = new Plugin(); //assume this instead comes from Assembly.Load(..) and Activator.CreateInstance(..) 
     Engine e = new Engine(); //stand-in for 3rd party code 
     List<Delegate> newDelegates = new List<Delegate>(); 

     foreach (Delegate d in p.GetFunctions()) 
      //QUESTION: create a new delegate same as (d) minus the first param (Session info) 
      //QUESTION: link the new delegate to (d) and set (Session info) to some value 

      newDelegates.Add(d); //add new delegate instead of (d) 



我加了一个全长的例子,希望澄清一下这个问题。我没有发现关闭,看起来有趣,但它可以让我一路?我不能输入类似'Func '的东西,因为我不知道委托插件具有什么(第三方代码),所以需要基于反射来生成签名。 –


这是有效的,但对于我们的目标插件 - 作者观众来说有点太高级了:(我们最终为脚本引擎构建了一个通用的'invoke(string function,string [] params)'委托,它被转换为普通的插件委托然后我们将脚本预加载到引擎中,并在调用周围生成包装函数以匹配插件委托(无需会话)。 –