

我试图将刷卡手势(任何方向,快或慢)上的视图缩小为一个圆,类似于WhatsApp videoCall视图上的体验。查看下面的图片,了解我想要实现的目标。将视图更改为刷卡手势上的一个圆圈,iOS,Swift



videoView.addGestureRecognizer(UISwipeGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(self.minimiseView))) 


func minimiseView(gesture: UISwipeGestureRecognizer){ 
     let location = gesture.location(in: self.view) 

enter image description here


  1. 捕获起始姿势位置
  2. 在刷卡,从原来的刷卡
  3. 使用这个距离测量距离增加相机视角的圆角半径
    • 例如设置cornerRadius = distanceSwiped
  4. 一旦拐角半径已经达到了一定的量(以及视图为圆形),再次捕获当前手势位置
  5. 使用此值来开始跟踪运动,并用它来减少宽度视图的
  6. 当视图是足够小驳回


enum VideoDismissState { 
    case cornerRadiusChanging, sizeChanging, complete 

var initialGesturePosition: CGPoint = .zero 
var maxCornerRadiusGesturePosition: CGPoint = .zero 
var dismissState: VideoDismissState = .complete 

func minimiseView(_ gesture: UISwipeGestureRecognizer) { 
    let location = gesture.location(in: videoView) 

    switch gesture.state { 
    case .began: 
     initialGesturePosition = gesture.location(in: videoView) 
     dismissState = .cornerRadiusChanging 
    case .changed: 
     let currentPosition = gesture.location(in: videoView) 

     switch dismissState { 
     case cornerRadiusChanging: 
      let swipeDistance = distance(between: initialGesturePosition, and: currentPosition) 
      // play around with this formula to see what feels right 
      videoView.layer.cornerRadius = swipeDistance/2 

      // at a certain point, switch to changing the size 
      if swipeDistance >= videoView.width/2 { 
       maxCornerRadiusGesturePosition = currentPosition 
       dismissState = .sizeChanging 
     case sizeChanging: 
      let swipeDistance = distance(between: maxCornerGesturePosition, and: currentPosition) 
      // again try different things to see what feels right here 
      let scaleFactor = 50/swipeDistance 

      videoView.layer.transform = CGAffineTransform(scaledX: scaleFactor, y: scaleFactor 

      if scaleFactor <= 0.2 { 
       dismissState = .complete 
     case complete: 
      // reset values 
      initialGesturePosition = .zero 
      maxCornerRadiusGesturePosition = .zero 

      // dismiss videoView 
      // for example: videoView.isHidden = true OR videoView.removeFromSuperview() 
    case .ended: 
     // if the gesture ends too soon you may want to animate the view back to full screen 

/// Measure distance between two points 
func distance(between first: CGPoint, and second: CGPoint) -> CGFloat { 
    return sqrt((first.x - second.x)^2 + (first.y - second.y)^2) 



感谢您的指导,我不知道如何计算距离? 'distance(between:initialGesturePosition,and:currentPosition)' – user44776


@ user44776我在代码的末尾写了这个函数。这只是两个x,y坐标的基本距离公式。 – Paolo


我想我需要玩这个来达到我想要的地方,但它是一个很好的首发。 – user44776