

Project MasterVBA代码不彼此相邻的

在MS Excel中使用VBA列的有条件复制,我想在同一工作簿中上条件复印一些帮助工作表之间。根据所附的图片,我在工作表“Master”上有一个主项目清单。对于列I(缺陷)中的“是”的所有项目,我想复制列A(工程包发布日期),B(项目编号),E(城市)和H(合同值)到另一个工作表“缺陷”,在同一工作簿中。 您能否提供一个编码: a)折叠所有行,使“缺陷”工作表中没有空白行;和 b)保留所有行,如果“缺陷”列中有“否”,则“主”工作表中的相关行将被复制为“缺陷”工作表中的空行,如果可能的话,则为 。 请帮我编写代码 - 我对宏有非常基本的了解,并且学习如何编写代码。 谢谢&关心,CK


对不起,我没有把我前面的代码 - 将注意把我的前进。新网站。 – christina86


Sub CopyValues() 

'Declare variables 
'Declare sheet variables 
Dim Masterws as Worksheet 
Dim Defectws as worksheet 

'Declare counter variables 
Dim I as Integer 
Dim n as Integer 

'Set value of sheet variables 
Set Masterws=ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Master") 
Set Defectws=ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Defects") 

'Set value of counter to track first available row on Defects sheet 

'Start a For loop to check each row on Master sheet, starting with row 2 
For I = 2 to WorksheetFunction.CountA(Masterws.Columns.EntireColumn(1)) 

    'If the cells in row I, column I have a value of, "Yes," then execute some code. If not, continue on. 
    If Cells(I, "I").value= "Yes" Then 

     'Set the value of cells in row n of the Defects sheet to the corresponding values of row I in the Master sheet. If n is replaced with I, then the value of cells in row I on Defects will be set to the values of Row I on Master, leaving blank rows where no, "Yes," was found because no copying took place. 

     'Add 1 to the n counter. The next time a row is found in the Master sheet with, "Yes," it will be written to the next available row down on the Defects sheet. 

    End If 

'End of the For loop. Move on to the next row on Master sheet 

End Sub 

@ asp8811感谢您的代码,它运作良好。很抱歉,我没有提前写过我已经有的东西 - 我是Stack Overflow的新手,并且新编码 - 将始终以我的代码向前发展。以下是我目前为止的内容 - 将您的代码和答案与我之前询问的另一个问题结合起来。你的代码运行良好,给我选择我选择的列的能力,不像我在下面 - 它打印A和H之间的所有列。我的挑战是,如果存在的话,我想保留行(作为空白行) Defects列中的“No” - 这是我在下面的内容,但我也想报告那些不相邻的列,并且能够选择像你一样的列。

Sub CopyValues() 

Dim Masterws As Worksheet 
Dim Defectws As Worksheet 
Dim I As Integer 
Dim n As Integer 

Set Masterws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Master") 
Set Defectws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Defects") 

n = 1 

For I = 2 To WorksheetFunction.CountA(Masterws.Columns.EntireColumn(1)) 

    If (Masterws.Range("J" & I) = "Yes") Then 
    Masterws.Range("A" & I & ":H" & I).Copy Destination:=Worksheets("Defects").Range("A" & I) 

    n = n + 1 
    End If 

End Sub 

如果你也想要所有的空白行,只需取出n计数器并用I代替。当你在For循环中计数时,你将粘贴到缺陷中的相同行,就像你从Master复制。 我会更多地评论我的代码,以便更好地理解它在做什么。 – asp8811


你的评论为我解释了很多事情!非常感谢 - 帮助我理解了一些基本代码。谢谢。 – christina86


不客气。祝你好运。 – asp8811