


P.S是的我知道有两个相同的推荐,我只是想5为未来的参考,所以我重复了一个。 :P


.test-slider { 
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<div class="test-slider"> 
    <div class="test-slide"> 
    <figure class="test"> 
     <img class="img-border img-circle" src="http://i1.wp.com/www.visualelegance.ca/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/danielliasquare.png?zoom=2&amp;w=1020" /> 
      <h2>John &amp; Sara</h2> 
     <p>John and I finally had a night to sit down and watch our video! Thank you so much for the absolutely amazing job you both did! We love the video and song choices! We are so happy you guys were able to work with us last min and do our wedding. There 
     were so many things that you captured that we had forgotten already and we now have those memories to hold forever! This truly was the best day of our life, thank you for capturing it for us! It means the world! 

<div class="test-slide"> 
    <figure class="test"> 
     <img class="img-border img-circle" src="http://i1.wp.com/www.visualelegance.ca/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/danielliasquare.png?zoom=2&amp;w=1020" /> 
     <h2>Crisbel &amp; Daniel</h2> 
    <p>Thank you for a job well done regarding the video. From the full video to the highlights and separating the performances. I love how you guys did it. It's really great! We'll definitely recommend your business. You guys exceeded our expectation. :) 

<div class="test-slide"> 
    <figure class="test"> 
     <img class="img-border img-circle" src="http://i1.wp.com/www.visualelegance.ca/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/danielliasquare.png?zoom=2&amp;w=1020" /> 
     <h2>Kris &amp; Annelise</h2> 
    <p>Annelise and I love our video. It captured all the highlights, the music was a great choice, and it made us both laugh and cry. Thank you for all the hard work and effort you both put in to making the video. 

<div class="test-slide"> 
    <figure class="test"> 
     <img class="img-border img-circle" src="http://i1.wp.com/www.visualelegance.ca/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/danielliasquare.png?zoom=2&amp;w=1020" /> 
     <h2>Kris &amp; Annelise</h2> 
    <p>Annelise and I love our video. It captured all the highlights, the music was a great choice, and it made us both laugh and cry. Thank you for all the hard work and effort you both put in to making the video. 

<div class="test-slide"> 
    <figure class="test"> 
     <img class="img-border img-circle" src="http://i1.wp.com/www.visualelegance.ca/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/danielliasquare.png?zoom=2&amp;w=1020" /> 
     <h2>Jahmeil &amp; Angel</h2> 
    <p>Thank you so much Michael and Dora, it was absolutely beautiful! We loved every minute of it. You did a great job interviewing and editing the video to show the highlights of our special day. We have already watched it twice lol the length and content 
     are absolutely perfect! 


如果我理解正确的,你需要使用z-index: -1了点。此外,你需要把它放在一个div中,并直接设置边距。





  • 添加position: relative.fl-html股利,其中包含滑块的div。
  • 变化max-width到100%或从.test-slide DIV中删除它
  • 变化width至100%在.test-slide DIV。






我更新了codepen代码,谢谢。 :)不幸的是它没有工作。 – ERIC


这和以前一样。如果您不想向每个人展示您的完整网站,也许可以通过PM将其发送给我?我确信我可以帮助你,但是如果没有你面临的问题,你真的很难理解你想要做什么。或者你可以创建一个div,将滑块粘贴到这个div中,然后明确什么是错误的,以及你想要达到什么目的。谢谢。编辑:我要睡觉,明天早上才能帮助你。 –


不用担心,我没有试图隐藏网站,因为笔中的图像与网站链接,但它不是我的公司,我只是在网站上工作,所以我只是不想让链接可以轻松查看。我的意思是如果有人真的想找到它,他们可以大声笑。当你有空时,我会在明天下午给你! :) 队友的欢呼声! – ERIC