

class Person 
    private String lastName; 
    private String firstName; 
    private int age; 
    public Person(String last, String first, int a) 
     {        // constructor 
     lastName = last; 
     firstName = first; 
     age = a; 
    public void displayPerson() 
     System.out.print(" Last name: " + lastName); 
     System.out.print(", First name: " + firstName); 
     System.out.println(", Age: " + age); 
    public String getLast()   // get last name 
     { return lastName; } 
    } // end class Person 
class ClassDataArray 
    private Person[] a;    // reference to array 
    private int nElems;    // number of data items 

    public ClassDataArray(int max) // constructor 
     a = new Person[max];    // create the array 
     nElems = 0;      // no items yet 
    public Person find(String searchName) 
     {        // find specified value 
     int j; 
     for(j=0; j<nElems; j++)   // for each element, 
     if(a[j].getLast().equals(searchName)) // found item? 
      break;      // exit loop before end 
     if(j == nElems)     // gone to end? 
     return null;     // yes, can't find it 
     return a[j];     // no, found it 
     } // end find() 
//--------------------------------------------------------------         // put person into array 
    public void insert(String last, String first, int age) 
     a[nElems] = new Person(last, first, age); 
     nElems++;       // increment size 
    public boolean delete(String searchName) 
     {        // delete person from array 
     int j; 
     for(j=0; j<nElems; j++)   // look for it 
     if(j==nElems)      // can't find it 
     return false; 
     else        // found it 
     for(int k=j; k<nElems; k++)  // shift down 
      a[k] = a[k+1]; 
     nElems--;      // decrement size 
     return true; 
     } // end delete() 
    public void displayA()   // displays array contents 
     for(int j=0; j<nElems; j++)  // for each element, 
     a[j].displayPerson();   // display it 
    } // end class ClassDataArray 
class ClassDataApp 
    public static void main(String[] args) 
     int maxSize = 100;    // array size 
     ClassDataArray arr;   // reference to array 
     arr = new ClassDataArray(maxSize); // create the array 
            // insert 10 items 
     arr.insert("Evans", "Patty", 24); 
     arr.insert("Smith", "Lorraine", 37); 
     arr.insert("Yee", "Tom", 43); 
     arr.displayA();    // display items 

     String searchKey = "Stimson"; // search for item 
     Person found; 
     if(found != null) 
     System.out.print("Found "); 
     System.out.println("Can't find " + searchKey); 

     System.out.println("Deleting Smith, Yee, and Creswell"); 
     arr.delete("Smith");   // delete 3 items 

     arr.displayA();    // display items again 
     } // end main() 
    } // end class ClassDataApp 

在给定示例中,没有创建对象的人被创建并且它被初始化为Person找到; found = arr.find(searchKey);但我能够调用displayperson方法,而不用使用new关键字创建对象。这个概念是在java中吗?在不创建对象的情况下调用类的方法


有一个Person对象在'insert'方法中创建。实际上三个对象被创建,因为它被称为三次。 – immibis 2014-10-09 06:59:11


声明方法为静态 – Amy 2014-10-09 07:00:17


检查find(searchKey)返回类型的Person对象,稍后使用该对象可以调用其任何方法。我建议你阅读一个关于java编程的好教程 – vikeng21 2014-10-09 07:08:22

不,你错了。 Person创建不仅一个,但3,因为你拨打insert()方法3次。你只需要看到这个

public void insert(String last, String first, int age) { 
    a[nElems] = new Person(last, first, age);// new Person created here 