




MicrophoneSample.prototype.visualize = function() { 
    this.canvas.width = this.WIDTH; 
    this.canvas.height = this.HEIGHT; 
    var drawContext = this.canvas.getContext('2d'); 

    var times = new Uint8Array(this.analyser.frequencyBinCount); 
    for (var i = 0; i < times.length; i++) { 
    var value = times[i]; 
    var percent = value/256; 
    var height = this.HEIGHT * percent; 
    var offset = this.HEIGHT - height - 1; 
    var barWidth = this.WIDTH/times.length; 
    drawContext.fillStyle = 'purple'; 
    drawContext.fillRect(i * barWidth, offset, 1, 1); 



Rq:调整画布大小/获取每次调用的上下文是一个矫枉过正的做法:做一次并存储ctx。是否需要将声源连接到分析仪以获取频率? – GameAlchemist 2013-03-28 09:52:45


输入已连接到分析仪,我也可以获取波形值可以提取或其他声音属性。主要问题是如何让他们的居民可视化? – user2039789 2013-03-28 10:07:37



如果getByteTimeDomainData允许创建一个有用的波形。这些例子已经将输入可视化了,但正如我所说的每秒图表消失。我怎样才能让它留在那里? – user2039789 2013-03-28 09:54:19


正如我所说:将times [i]数据推送到另一个数组中,该数组存储在MicrophoneSample类中并绘制该数组。 – headchant 2013-03-28 10:33:29


沿着这个线:http://jsfiddle.net/ez6R6/1/ – headchant 2013-03-28 10:46:06



编辑 现在我想到了......解决方案应该非常简单。纠正我,如果我错了,但这个粗略的解决方案是假设你从动画循环中调用MicrophoneSample.visualize()...因此,其中的代码每秒执行一次。如果你发布了MicrophoneSample对象代码,或者至少是你的动画循环,我可以提供更多的帮助。

/* NOTE! 
// Find a way to put these into your PARENT MicrophoneSample object 
var delay = 5; 
// Note that I am setting delayCount initially to zero - during the loop 
// the delayCount will actually get reset to 1 from thereafter (not 0)... 
// this gives us a way to initially draw your visualization on the first frame. 
var delayCount = 0; 

// Pull var times out so it doesn't get calculated each time. 
var times = new Uint8Array(MicrophoneSample.analyser.frequencyBinCount); 

// Same goes for the canvas... 
// I would set these values inside of the PARENT MicrophoneSample object 
MicrophoneSample.canvas.width = this.WIDTH; 
MicrophoneSample.canvas.height = this.HEIGHT; 

// you only need to establish the drawing context once. Do it in the PARENT 
// MicrophoneSample object 
var drawContext = this.canvas.getContext('2d'); 

MicrophoneSample.prototype.visualize = function() { 

     * NOTE! 
     // Here's the juicy meat & potatoes: 
     // only if the delayCount reaches the delay amount, should you UPDATE THE 
     // TIME DOMAIN DATA ARRAY (times) 
     // if your loop runs every second, then delayCount increments each second 
     // and after 5 seconds will reach your designated delay amount and update your 
     // times array. 

     if(delayCount == 0 || delayCount == delay) { 

      // Now, it would be redundant (and totally noob-programmer of you) to 
      // redraw the same visualization onto the canvas 5 times in a row, so 
      // only draw the visualization after the first pass through the loop and then 
      // every 5th pass after that :] 
      for (var i = 0; i < times.length; i++) { 
       var value = times[i]; 
       var percent = value/256; 
       var height = this.HEIGHT * percent; 
       var offset = this.HEIGHT - height - 1; 
       var barWidth = this.WIDTH/times.length; 
       drawContext.fillStyle = 'purple'; 
       drawContext.fillRect(i * barWidth, offset, 1, 1); 

      // Note: 1, not 0! 
      delayCount = 1; 
     else { 




我试图用你的伪代码来实现一个解决方案,但没有成功。不知道是否是因为我的编程技巧或... 你能在这里或在PM中写更详细的代码吗?谢谢哥们:))) – user2039789 2013-04-01 10:23:44


好吧,只是为了确保,你知道伪代码不是从字面上理解的吗?只是为了让首先和最重要的:] – 2013-04-01 10:48:14


有你去。去拿他们。 – 2013-04-01 11:25:26