




阅读()保存() OK,如果你读的数据文件,然后刻录没有变化。


import java.io.*; 
import java.util.Arrays; 

public class wavIO 

private String myPath; 
private long myChunkSize; 
private long mySubChunk1Size; 
private int myFormat; 
private long myChannels; 
private long mySampleRate; 
private long myByteRate; 
private int myBlockAlign; 
private int myBitsPerSample; 
private long myDataSize; 

public byte[] myData; 

public String getPath() 
    return myPath; 
public void setPath(String newPath) 
    myPath = newPath; 

public wavIO() 
    myPath = ""; 
public wavIO(String tmpPath) 
    myPath = tmpPath; 

// read a wav file into this class 
public boolean read() 
    DataInputStream inFile = null; 
    myData = null; 
    byte[] tmpLong = new byte[4]; 
    byte[] tmpInt = new byte[2]; 

     inFile = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(myPath)); 

     //System.out.println("Reading wav file...\n"); // for debugging only 

     String chunkID = "" + (char)inFile.readByte() + (char)inFile.readByte() + (char)inFile.readByte() + (char)inFile.readByte(); 

     inFile.read(tmpLong); // read the ChunkSize 
     myChunkSize = byteArrayToLong(tmpLong); 

     String format = "" + (char)inFile.readByte() + (char)inFile.readByte() + (char)inFile.readByte() + (char)inFile.readByte(); 

     // print what we've read so far 
     //System.out.println("chunkID:" + chunkID + " chunk1Size:" + myChunkSize + " format:" + format); // for debugging only 

     String subChunk1ID = "" + (char)inFile.readByte() + (char)inFile.readByte() + (char)inFile.readByte() + (char)inFile.readByte(); 

     inFile.read(tmpLong); // read the SubChunk1Size 
     mySubChunk1Size = byteArrayToLong(tmpLong); 

     inFile.read(tmpInt); // read the audio format. This should be 1 for PCM 
     myFormat = byteArrayToInt(tmpInt); 

     inFile.read(tmpInt); // read the # of channels (1 or 2) 
     myChannels = byteArrayToInt(tmpInt); 

     inFile.read(tmpLong); // read the samplerate 
     mySampleRate = byteArrayToLong(tmpLong); 

     inFile.read(tmpLong); // read the byterate 
     myByteRate = byteArrayToLong(tmpLong); 

     inFile.read(tmpInt); // read the blockalign 
     myBlockAlign = byteArrayToInt(tmpInt); 

     inFile.read(tmpInt); // read the bitspersample 
     myBitsPerSample = byteArrayToInt(tmpInt); 
     // print what we've read so far 
     //System.out.println("SubChunk1ID:" + subChunk1ID + " SubChunk1Size:" + mySubChunk1Size + " AudioFormat:" + myFormat + " Channels:" + myChannels + " SampleRate:" + mySampleRate); 

     // read the data chunk header - reading this IS necessary, because not all wav files will have the data chunk here - for now, we're just assuming that the data chunk is here 
     String dataChunkID = "" + (char)inFile.readByte() + (char)inFile.readByte() + (char)inFile.readByte() + (char)inFile.readByte(); 

     inFile.read(tmpLong); // read the size of the data 
     myDataSize = byteArrayToLong(tmpLong); 

     // read the data chunk 
     myData = new byte[(int)myDataSize]; 

     // close the input stream 

    catch(Exception e) 
     return false; 

    return true; // this should probably be something more descriptive 

// write out the wav file 
public boolean save(String outputPath) 
     //DataOutputStream outFile = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(myPath)); 
     DataOutputStream outFile = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(outputPath)); 

     // write the wav file per the wav file format 
     outFile.writeBytes("RIFF");     // 00 - RIFF 
     outFile.write(intToByteArray((int)myChunkSize), 0, 4);  // 04 - how big is the rest of this file? 
     outFile.writeBytes("WAVE");     // 08 - WAVE 
     outFile.writeBytes("fmt ");     // 12 - fmt 
     outFile.write(intToByteArray((int)mySubChunk1Size), 0, 4); // 16 - size of this chunk 
     outFile.write(shortToByteArray((short)myFormat), 0, 2);  // 20 - what is the audio format? 1 for PCM = Pulse Code Modulation 
     outFile.write(shortToByteArray((short)myChannels), 0, 2); // 22 - mono or stereo? 1 or 2? (or 5 or ???) 
     outFile.write(intToByteArray((int)mySampleRate), 0, 4);  // 24 - samples per second (numbers per second) 
     outFile.write(intToByteArray((int)myByteRate), 0, 4);  // 28 - bytes per second 
     outFile.write(shortToByteArray((short)myBlockAlign), 0, 2); // 32 - # of bytes in one sample, for all channels 
     outFile.write(shortToByteArray((short)myBitsPerSample), 0, 2); // 34 - how many bits in a sample(number)? usually 16 or 24 
     outFile.writeBytes("data");     // 36 - data 
     outFile.write(intToByteArray((int)myDataSize), 0, 4);  // 40 - how big is this data chunk 
     outFile.write(myData);      // 44 - the actual data itself - just a long string of numbers 
    catch(Exception e) 
     return false; 

    return true; 

// return a printable summary of the wav file 
public String getSummary() 
    //String newline = System.getProperty("line.separator"); 
    String newline = "<br>"; 
    String summary = "<html>Format: " + myFormat + newline + "Channels: " + myChannels + newline + "SampleRate: " + mySampleRate + newline + "ByteRate: " + myByteRate + newline + "BlockAlign: " + myBlockAlign + newline + "BitsPerSample: " + myBitsPerSample + newline + "DataSize: " + myDataSize + "</html>"; 
    return summary; 

// =========================== 
// =========================== 

// these two routines convert a byte array to a unsigned short 
public static int byteArrayToInt(byte[] b) 
    int start = 0; 
    int low = b[start] & 0xff; 
    int high = b[start+1] & 0xff; 
    return (int)(high << 8 | low); 

// these two routines convert a byte array to an unsigned integer 
public static long byteArrayToLong(byte[] b) 
    int start = 0; 
    int i = 0; 
    int len = 4; 
    int cnt = 0; 
    byte[] tmp = new byte[len]; 
    for (i = start; i < (start + len); i++) 
     tmp[cnt] = b[i]; 
    long accum = 0; 
    i = 0; 
    for (int shiftBy = 0; shiftBy < 32; shiftBy += 8) 
     accum |= ((long)(tmp[i] & 0xff)) << shiftBy; 
    return accum; 

// =========================== 
// =========================== 
// returns a byte array of length 4 
private static byte[] intToByteArray(int i) 
    byte[] b = new byte[4]; 
    b[0] = (byte) (i & 0x00FF); 
    b[1] = (byte) ((i >> 8) & 0x000000FF); 
    b[2] = (byte) ((i >> 16) & 0x000000FF); 
    b[3] = (byte) ((i >> 24) & 0x000000FF); 
    return b; 

// convert a short to a byte array 
public static byte[] shortToByteArray(short data) 
    return new byte[]{(byte)(data & 0xff),(byte)((data >>> 8) & 0xff)}; 

public void encode(String text, int numberOfBits) 
    byte[] byteMessage = text.getBytes(); 
    byte[] messageLength = bit_conversion(byteMessage.length); 
    encodeText(messageLength, myData, 0, numberOfBits); 
    encodeText(byteMessage, myData, 32, numberOfBits); 

private void encodeText(byte[] addition, byte[] byteDataInputWav, int offset, int numberOfBits) 
    if(addition.length + offset > byteDataInputWav.length) 
     System.out.println("File not long enough!"); 
     for(int i=0; i<addition.length; ++i) 
      int add = addition[i]; 
      for(int bit=7; bit>=0; --bit, ++offset) 
       int b = (add >>> bit) & 1; 
       byteDataInputWav[offset] = (byte)((byteDataInputWav[offset] & numberOfBits) | b); 

private byte[] bit_conversion(int i) 
    byte byte3 = (byte)((i & 0xFF000000) >>> 24); 
    byte byte2 = (byte)((i & 0x00FF0000) >>> 16); 
    byte byte1 = (byte)((i & 0x0000FF00) >>> 8); 
byte byte0 = (byte)((i & 0x000000FF)  ); 
return(new byte[]{byte3,byte2,byte1,byte0}); 

public String decode(String inputPath) 
    byte[] byteDataOutputWav = myData; 
    int length = 0; 
int offset2 = 32; 
for(int i=0; i<32; ++i) 
    length = (length << 1) | (byteDataOutputWav[i] & 1); 
byte[] result = new byte[length]; 
for(int b=0; b<result.length; ++b) 
     for(int i=0; i<8; ++i, ++offset2) 
      result[b] = (byte)((result[b] << 1) | (byteDataOutputWav[offset2] & 1)); 
    return new String(result); 



