如何在C++ builder中获得Flash电影的每秒帧属性


我正在使用C++ builder 2010 IDE中的ShockWave flash ActiveX以及将通过.ini文件加载的程序展示广告(swf文件)每部电影。当数量广告增加时,我决定在C++ builder中编写一个方法来播放每个swf电影。 由于不同的SWF电影有不同数量的帧,持续时间和速度(FPS),我将创建一个跟踪所有SWF信息并通过TTimer控制播放SWF文件的方法。如何在C++ builder中获得Flash电影的每秒帧属性




void __fastcall TForm1::PlaySwfFile(TShockwaveFlash *fObj, AnsiString movPath) 
    int totFrames,framesPerSec; 
// framesPerSec=fObj-> 

    delete fObj; 



如何在C++ builder 2010中获取此属性?????? 如何找出电影将播放多长时间(以秒为单位)以设置定时器间隔?



这就是我需要在二进制模式打开SWF,读取必要的字节,并将它们转换为...对吧? – 2011-02-17 07:05:46


// SWF HEADER - version 1.0 
// Small utility class to determine basic data from a SWF file header 
// Does not need any php-flash extension, based on raw binary data reading 
// SWFHEADER CLASS - PHP SWF header parser 
// Copyright (C) 2004 Carlos Falo Hervбs 
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or 
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public 
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either 
// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. 
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 
// Lesser General Public License for more details. 
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public 
// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software 
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA 

class swfheader { 

    var $debug ;    // Output DEBUG info 
    var $fname ;    // SWF file analyzed 
    var $magic ;    // Magic in a SWF file (FWS or CWS) 
    var $compressed ;  // Flag to indicate a compressed file (CWS) 
    var $version ;   // Flash version 
    var $size ;     // Uncompressed file size (in bytes) 
    var $width ;    // Flash movie native width 
    var $height ;    // Flash movie native height 
    var $valid ;    // Valid SWF file 
    var $fps ;     // Flash movie native frame-rate 
    var $frames ;    // Flash movie total frames 

    // swfheader($debug) : Constructor, basically does nothing but initilize 
    //           debug and data fields 
    function swfheader($debug = false) { 
     $this->debug = $debug ; 
     $this->init() ; 

    // init() : initialize the data fields to "empty" values 
    function init() { 
     $this->valid   = false ; 
     $this->fname   = "" ; 
     $this->magic   = "" ; 
     $this->compressed = false ; 
     $this->version  = 0 ; 
     $this->width   = 0 ; 
     $this->height   = 0 ; 
     $this->size    = 0 ; 
     $this->frames   = 0 ; 
     $this->fps[]   = Array() ; 
     if ($this->debug) echo "DEBUG: Data values initialized<br>" ; 

    // loadswf($filename) : loads $filename and stores data from it's header 
    function loadswf($filename) { 
     $this->fname = $filename ; 
     $fp = @fopen($filename,"rb") ; 
     if ($fp) { 
      if ($this->debug) echo "DEBUG: Opened " . $this->fname . "<br>" ; 
      // Read MAGIC FIELD 
      $this->magic = fread($fp,3) ; 
      if ($this->magic!="FWS" && $this->magic!="CWS") { 
       if ($this->debug) echo "DEBUG: " . $this->fname . " is not a valid/supported SWF file<br>" ; 
       $this->valid = 0 ; 
      } else { 
       // Compression 
       if (substr($this->magic,0,1)=="C") $this->compressed = true ; 
       else $this->compressed = false ; 
       if ($this->debug) echo "DEBUG: Read MAGIC signature: " . $this->magic . "<br>" ; 
       // Version 
       $this->version = ord(fread($fp,1)) ; 
       if ($this->debug) echo "DEBUG: Read VERSION: " . $this->version . "<br>" ; 
       // Size 
       $lg = 0 ; 
       // 4 LSB-MSB 
       for ($i=0;$i<4;$i++) { 
        $t = ord(fread($fp,1)) ; 
        if ($this->debug) echo "DEBUG: Partial SIZE read: " . ($t<<(8*$i)) . "<br>" ; 
        $lg += ($t<<(8*$i)) ; 
       $this->size = $lg ; 
       if ($this->debug) echo "DEBUG: Total SIZE: " . $this->size . "<br>" ; 
       // RECT... we will "simulate" a stream from now on... read remaining file 
       $buffer = fread($fp,$this->size) ; 
       if ($this->compressed) { 
        // First decompress GZ stream 
        $buffer = gzuncompress($buffer,$this->size) ; 
       $b   = ord(substr($buffer,0,1)) ; 
       $buffer = substr($buffer,1) ; 
       $cbyte = $b ; 
       $bits = $b>>3 ; 
       if ($this->debug) echo "DEBUG: RECT field size: " . $bits . " bits<br>" ; 
       $cval = "" ; 
       // Current byte 
       $cbyte &= 7 ; 
       $cbyte<<= 5 ; 
       // Current bit (first byte starts off already shifted) 
       $cbit = 2 ; 
       // Must get all 4 values in the RECT 
       for ($vals=0;$vals<4;$vals++) { 
        $bitcount = 0 ; 
        while ($bitcount<$bits) { 
         if ($cbyte&128) { 
          $cval .= "1" ; 
         } else { 
          $cval.="0" ; 
         $cbyte<<=1 ; 
         $cbyte &= 255 ; 
         $cbit-- ; 
         $bitcount++ ; 
         // We will be needing a new byte if we run out of bits 
         if ($cbit<0) { 
          $cbyte = ord(substr($buffer,0,1)) ; 
          $buffer = substr($buffer,1) ; 
          $cbit = 7 ; 
        // O.k. full value stored... calculate 
        $c  = 1 ; 
        $val = 0 ; 
        // Reverse string to allow for SUM(2^n*$atom) 
        if ($this->debug) echo "DEBUG: RECT binary value: " . $cval ; 
        $tval = strrev($cval) ; 
        for ($n=0;$n<strlen($tval);$n++) { 
         $atom = substr($tval,$n,1) ; 
         if ($atom=="1") $val+=$c ; 
         // 2^n 
         $c*=2 ; 
        // TWIPS to PIXELS 
        $val/=20 ; 
        if ($this->debug) echo " (" . $val . ")<br>" ; 
        switch ($vals) { 
         case 0: 
          // tmp value 
          $this->width = $val ; 
         break ; 
         case 1: 
          $this->width = $val - $this->width ; 
         break ; 
         case 2: 
          // tmp value 
          $this->height = $val ; 
         break ; 
         case 3: 
          $this->height = $val - $this->height ; 
         break ; 
        $cval = "" ; 
       // Frame rate 
       $this->fps = Array() ; 
       for ($i=0;$i<2;$i++) { 
        $t   = ord(substr($buffer,0,1)) ; 
        $buffer = substr($buffer,1) ; 
        $this->fps[] = $t ; 
       if ($this->debug) echo "DEBUG: Frame rate: " . $this->fps[1] . "." . $this->fps[0] . "<br>" ; 
       // Frames 
       $this->frames = 0 ; 
       for ($i=0;$i<2;$i++) { 
        $t   = ord(substr($buffer,0,1)) ; 
        $buffer = substr($buffer,1) ; 
        $this->frames += ($t<<(8*$i)) ; 
       if ($this->debug) echo "DEBUG: Frames: " . $this->frames . "<br>" ; 
       fclose($fp) ; 
       if ($this->debug) echo "DEBUG: Finished processing " . $this->fname . "<br>" ; 
       $this->valid = 1 ; 
     } else { 
      $this->valid = 0 ; 
      if ($this->debug) echo "DEBUG: Failed to open " . $this->fname . "<br>" ; 
     return $this->valid ; 

    // show() : report to screen all the header info 
    function show() { 
     if ($this->valid) { 
      // FNAME 
      echo "<b>FILE: " . $this->fname . "</b><br>" ; 
      // Magic 
      echo "<b>MAGIC:</b> " . $this->magic ; 
      if ($this->compressed) echo " (COMPRESSED)" ; 
      echo "<br>" ; 
      // Version 
      echo "<b>VERSION:</b> " . $this->version . "<br>" ; 
      // Size 
      echo "<b>SIZE:</b> " . $this->size . " bytes <br>" ; 
      // FRAMESIZE 
      echo "<b>WIDHT:</B> " . $this->width . "<br>"; 
      echo "<b>HEIGHT:</B> " . $this->height . "<br>" ; 
      // FPS 
      echo "<b>FPS:</b> " . $this->fps[1] . "." . $this->fps[0] . " Frames/s <br>" ; 
      // FRAMES 
      echo "<b>FRAMES:</b> " . $this->frames . " FRAME <br>" ; 
     } else { 
      if (file_exists($this->fname)) 
       echo $this->fname . "is not a valid SWF file<br>" ; 
       if ($this->fname=="") 
        echo "SWFHEADER->SHOW : No file loaded<br>" ; 
        echo "SWFHEDAR->SHOW : " . $this->fname . "was not found<br>" ; 

    // display($trans) : just echo <OBJECT>/<EMBED> tags for the parsed file, if 
    //         trans is set, WMODE is set to transparent 
    function display($trans = false, $qlty = "high", $bgcolor = "#ffffff", $name = "") { 

     $endl = chr(13) ; 

     if ($this->valid) { 
      if ($name=="") $name = substr($this->fname,0,strrpos($this->fname,".")) ; 
      echo '<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase="http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=' . $this->version . ',0,0,0" width="' . $this->width . '" height="' . $this->height . '" id="' . $name . '" align="middle">' . $endl ; 
      echo '<param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" />' . $endl ; 
      if ($trans) { 
       echo '<param name="wmode" value="transparent" />' . $endl ; 
      echo '<param name="movie" value="' . $this->fname . '" />' . $endl ; 
      echo '<param name="quality" value="' . $qlty . '" />' . $endl ; 
      echo '<param name="bgcolor" value="' . $bgcolor .'" />' . $endl ; 
      echo '<embed src="' . $this->fname . '" '; 
      if ($trans) echo 'wmode="transparent" ' ; 
      echo 'quality="' . $qlty . '" bgcolor="' . $bgcolor . '" width="' . $this->width . '" height="' . $this->height . '" name="' . $name . '" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" />' . $endl ; 
      echo '</object>' . $endl ; 
     } else { 
      if ($this->debug) { 
       if ($this->fname=="") { 
        echo "SWFHEADER->DISPLAY : No loaded file in the object<br>" ; 
       } else { 
        if (file_exists($this->fname)) { 
         echo "SWFHEADER->DISPLAY : " . $this->fname . " is not a valid SWF file<br>" ; 
        } else { 
         echo "SWFHEADER->DISPLAY : " . $this->fname . " was not found<br>" ; 


<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> 
    <title>SWF header info</title> 
<? require ("swfheader.class.php") ;?> 
// Create a new SWF header object with debug info, open with 
// disabled debug (false) for silent processing 
$swf = new swfheader(true) ; 
// Open the swf file... 
// Replace filename accordingly to your test environment... 
$swf->loadswf("test.swf") ; 
// Show data as a block... you can also access data within the object 
$swf->show() ; 