



      <group>Group Name - Will be iPhone section name</group> 
       <name>Route Name - Will be iphone cell lable</name> 
       <url>Route URL - View Did select lable</url> 
       <name>Route Name - Will be iphone cell lable</name> 
       <url>Route URL - View Did select lable</url> 
       <name>Route Name - Will be iphone cell lable</name> 
       <url>Route URL - View Did select lable</url> 
       <name>Route Name - Will be iphone cell lable</name> 
       <url>Route URL - View Did select lable</url> 
      <group>Group 2 - Will be iPhone section name</group> 
       <name>Route Name - Will be iphone cell lable</name> 
       <url>Route URL - View Did select lable</url> 
       <name>Route Name - Will be iphone cell lable</name> 
       <url>Route URL - View Did select lable</url> 

现在大部分都在项目相当多的项目 - 和Group节点将是该部分的标题为UITableView的


(这里是xNode_ declaraions :)

static NSString *xNode_route [email protected]"//route"; 
static NSString *xNode_group [email protected]"group"; 
static NSString *xNode_item= @"//item"; 
static NSString *xNode_name = @"name"; 
static NSString *xNode_url = @"url"; 


CXMLDocument *doc = [[CXMLDocument alloc] initWithData:dataReply options:0 error:nil]; 
    NSArray *route = [doc nodesForXPath:xNode_route error:nil];//Root node 
    for (CXMLElement *item in route) 
     AssessObject *newobj2 = [[AssessObject alloc] init]; 
     NSArray *arryGroup = [item elementsForName:xNode_group]; 
     for(CXMLElement *assGroup in arryGroup) 

      newobj2.assGroup = assGroup.stringValue; 
      NSLog(@"Assessment Group: %@", assGroup.stringValue); 


     [groupArray addObject:newobj2]; 


    NSArray *items = [doc nodesForXPath:xNode_item error:nil];//Root node 
    for (CXMLElement *item in items) 
     AssessObject *newobj = [[AssessObject alloc] init]; 
     NSArray *arryName = [item elementsForName:xNode_name]; 
     for(CXMLElement *assName in arryName) 

      newobj.assName = assName.stringValue; 
      NSLog(@"Assessment Name: %@", assName.stringValue); 


     NSArray *arryUrl = [item elementsForName:xNode_url]; 
     for(CXMLElement *assUrl in arryUrl) 

      newobj.assUrl = assUrl.stringValue; 
      NSLog(@"Assessment URL: %@", assUrl.stringValue); 


      [totalArray addObject:newobj]; 




哪个解析器使用乌尔...我知道通过的NSXMLParser ... – mAc


我使用CXML解析器 – TMB87


在发布的代码中有6个发布语句 - 全部删除它们。


[release newObj2]; 



编辑: 好吧,让我们来谈谈解析:

+ (NSMutableArray *) parseResponseString:(NSString *) responseString { 
NSError *error; 
CXMLDocument *doc = [[CXMLDocument alloc] initWithXMLString: responseString 
                options: 0 
                 error: &error]; 
if (error) { 
    NSLog(@"CXMLDocument error: %@", [error description]); 
    [doc release]; 
    return nil; 

CXMLElement * el = [doc rootElement]; 
NSMutableArray *theRoutes = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:128]; // adjust to your needs 

if ([[el name] isEqualToString:@"routes"]) {      // parameterize these string constants 
    for (CXMLElement *childElement in [el children]) { 
     if ([[childElement name] isEqualToString:@"route"]) { 
      Route *aRoute = [[Route alloc] init]; 

      for (CXMLElement *grandChild in [childElement children]) { 
       if ([[grandChild name] isEqualToString:@"group"]) { 
        aRoute.group = [grandChild stringValue]; 
       } else if ([[grandChild name] isEqualToString:@"item"]) { 
        RouteItem *aRouteItem = [[RouteItem alloc] init]; 

        for (CXMLElement *subItem in [grandChild children]) { 
         if ([[subItem name] isEqualToString:@"name"]) { 
          aRouteItem.name = [subItem stringValue]; 
         } else if ([[subItem name] isEqualToString:@"url"]) { 
          aRouteItem.url = [subItem stringValue]; 

        if (aRouteItem && aRouteItem.name && aRouteItem.url) { 
         [aRoute.routeItems addObject:aRouteItem]; 
        [aRouteItem release]; 

      if (aRoute && aRoute.group && aRoute.items.count) { 
       [theRoutes addObject:aRoute]; 
      [aRoute release]; 
[doc release]; 
return theRoutes; // this is your array for your tableview data source. 



嘿 - 谢谢,我修复了这个问题并添加了版本 - 我的解析仍然是重复的,尽管 – TMB87


@Tom - 不知道是什么原因导致了这个问题,但是为了解决问题2,你需要以不同的方式进行解析。不要将XML glob视为不透明的数据库并进行查询,只需从上到下进行解析,随时随地构建数据结构。创建这些对象:Route和RouteItem。 Route有一个组成员(NSString *)和一个RouteItem数组。 RouteItem拥有名称和Url的成员。然后将这个数组提供给你的tableView,cellForRowAtIndexPath可以把它分开来显示你想要的。看到上面的代码(我不应该为你写代码,但你的跳舞网站让我感到好笑)。 – Rayfleck