




void CreatePDFFile (CGRect pageRect, const char *filename) 
// This code block sets up our PDF Context so that we can draw to it 
CGContextRef pdfContext; 
CFStringRef path; 
CFURLRef url; 
CFMutableDictionaryRef myDictionary = NULL; 

// Create a CFString from the filename we provide to this method when we call it 
path = CFStringCreateWithCString (NULL, filename, 

// Create a CFURL using the CFString we just defined 
url = CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath (NULL, path, 
            kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle, 0); 
CFRelease (path); 
// This dictionary contains extra options mostly for 'signing' the PDF 
myDictionary = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(NULL, 0, 

CFDictionarySetValue(myDictionary, kCGPDFContextTitle, CFSTR("My PDF File")); 
CFDictionarySetValue(myDictionary, kCGPDFContextCreator, CFSTR("My Name")); 
// Create our PDF Context with the CFURL, the CGRect we provide, and the above defined dictionary 
pdfContext = CGPDFContextCreateWithURL (url, &pageRect, myDictionary); 
// Cleanup our mess 
// Done creating our PDF Context, now it's time to draw to it 

// Starts our first page 
CGContextBeginPage (pdfContext, &pageRect); 

// Draws a black rectangle around the page inset by 50 on all sides 
CGContextStrokeRect(pdfContext, CGRectMake(50, 50, pageRect.size.width - 100, pageRect.size.height - 100)); 

// This code block will create an image that we then draw to the page 
const char *picture = "Picture"; 
CGImageRef image; 
CGDataProviderRef provider; 
CFStringRef picturePath; 
CFURLRef pictureURL; 

picturePath = CFStringCreateWithCString (NULL, picture, 
pictureURL = CFBundleCopyResourceURL(CFBundleGetMainBundle(), picturePath, CFSTR("png"), NULL); 
provider = CGDataProviderCreateWithURL (pictureURL); 
CFRelease (pictureURL); 
image = CGImageCreateWithPNGDataProvider (provider, NULL, true, kCGRenderingIntentDefault); 
CGDataProviderRelease (provider); 
CGContextDrawImage (pdfContext, CGRectMake(200, 200, 207, 385),image); 
CGImageRelease (image); 
// End image code 

// Adding some text on top of the image we just added 
CGContextSelectFont (pdfContext, "Helvetica", 16, kCGEncodingMacRoman); 
CGContextSetTextDrawingMode (pdfContext, kCGTextFill); 
CGContextSetRGBFillColor (pdfContext, 0, 0, 0, 1); 
const char *text = "Hello World!"; 
CGContextShowTextAtPoint (pdfContext, 260, 390, text, strlen(text)); 
// End text 

// We are done drawing to this page, let's end it 
// We could add as many pages as we wanted using CGContextBeginPage/CGContextEndPage 
CGContextEndPage (pdfContext); 

// We are done with our context now, so we release it 
CGContextRelease (pdfContext); 

编辑:下面是一个在iPhone项目中使用libHaru的GitHub的例子。 – 2013-05-04 21:27:20


如何在pdf中创建表格? – user2350731 2013-05-07 14:01:01


如何以编程方式在ios中创建(动态写入数据)多页面pdf? – user2350731 2013-05-09 04:21:26