

我正在写一些Scala处理线性时间线上的间隔。目前区间的开始和结束都表示为Int s,但是,在某些情况下,我想对它们稍微区别对待(但它们仍需要为Int s来处理某些外部代码)。Scala类型别名和方法重载


type IntervalStart = Int 
type IntervalEnd = Int 

case class Interval(s: IntervalStart, e: IntervalEnd) 
val i = Interval(1, 10) 

def process(s: IntervalStart): Unit = { println("Do some start specific work") } 
def process(e: IntervalEnd): Unit { println("Do some end specific work") } 

process(i.s) // "Do some end specific work" WRONG!! 
process(i.e) // "Do some end specific work" 


类型别名只是一个别名,它不会改变类型本身。 IntervalStartIntervalEnd仍然是Int s,因此process(s: IntervalStart)process(e: IntervalEnd)具有相同的签名,这是非法的。


case class IntervalStart(i: Int) 
case class IntervalEnd(i: Int) 

def process(s: IntervalStart): Unit = ... 
def process(e: IntervalEnd): Unit = ... 


def processStart(s: Int): Unit = ... 
def processEnd(e: Int): Unit = ... 

**别名**应该给我的主要线索!我在想''类型IntervalStart'是一个_new_类型。感谢您的澄清。 – Alastair 2014-09-02 13:57:23


Welcome to Scala version 2.11.2 (Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, Java 1.8.0_20). 
Type in expressions to have them evaluated. 
Type :help for more information. 

scala> :pa 
// Entering paste mode (ctrl-D to finish) 

type IntervalStart = Int 
type IntervalEnd = Int 

def process(s: IntervalStart): Unit = { println("Do some start specific work") } 
def process(e: IntervalEnd): Unit = { println("Do some end specific work") } 

// Exiting paste mode, now interpreting. 

<console>:11: error: method process is defined twice 
    conflicting symbols both originated in file '<console>' 
     def process(e: IntervalEnd): Unit = { println("Do some end specific work") } 



我发现我只是把它输入到REPL中。我需要记住在将来的例子中使用':pa'。 – Alastair 2014-09-02 13:47:21


@Alastair':pa'是':paste'的简称,顺便说一句。 – gourlaysama 2014-09-02 13:51:37


package object tagged { 
    type Tagged[U] = { type Tag = U } 
    type @@[T, U] = T with Tagged[U] 
package tagged { 
    trait Start 
    object Start { 
     def apply(i: Int): Int @@ Start = i.asInstanceOf[Int @@ Start] 
    trait End 
    object End { 
     def apply(i: Int): Int @@ End = i.asInstanceOf[Int @@ End] 
    case class Interval(start: Int @@ Start, end: Int @@ End) 
    object P { 
     def p(i: Int @@ Start) = s"Start at $i" 
     def p(i: Int @@ End)(implicit d: DummyImplicit) = s"End at $i" 
    object Test extends App { 
     Console println (P p Start(9)) 
     Console println (P p End(5)) 
     val x = Interval(Start(9), End(5)) 
     Console println (P p x.start) 
     Console println (P p x.end) 
