Lodash - 如何总结阵列


的数组的长度我有阵Lodash - 如何总结阵列

const myArrays = [ 
    [ 1, 2, 3, 4], // length = 4 
    [ 1, 2], // length = 2 
    [ 1, 2, 3], // length = 3 


const length = 4 + 2 + 3 


const myArrays = [ 
    [ 1, 2, 3, 4], // length = 4 
    [ 1, 2], // length = 2 
    [ 1, 2, 3], // length = 3 

var length = _.sumBy(myArrays, 'length'); 
console.log("length =", length);
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传递给'sumBy'的函数可以用iteratee:'sumBy(myArrays,'length')'替换。 –


谢谢@GruffBunny。我已经更新了答案 –


const myArrays = [ 
    [ 1, 2, 3, 4], // length = 4 
    [ 1, 2], // length = 2 
    [ 1, 2, 3], // length = 3 

var length = 0; 

_.forEach(myArrays, (arr) => length += arr.length); 

console.log('Sum of length of inner array using forEach : ', length); 

length = _.reduce(myArrays, (len, arr) => { 
    len += arr.length; 
    return len; 
}, 0); 

console.log('Sum of length of inner array using reduce : ', length);
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