



最初的意图将是Manifest中定义的默认意图。 – t0mm13b


是的 - Android应该保持意图数据,以便可以正确地重新创建活动。 – adelphus

Android source采取了一些意见摘录:

    * Information you can retrieve about a particular task that is currently 
    * "running" in the system. Note that a running task does not mean the 
    * given task actually has a process it is actively running in; it simply 
    * means that the user has gone to it and never closed it, but currently 
    * the system may have killed its process and is only holding on to its 
    * last state in order to restart it when the user returns. 
    public static class RunningTaskInfo ... 


     * The original Intent used to launch the task. You can use this 
     * Intent to re-launch the task (if it is no longer running) or bring 
     * the current task to the front. 
     public Intent baseIntent; 



陈述您找到评论的来源。 – t0mm13b


@ t0mm13b搜索Android源代码非常简单 - 我已经添加了链接。 – adelphus


谢谢。这非常有帮助。但它指的是切换任务,但活动可以在不切换任务的情况下销毁。然而,破坏当前任务中的活动似乎是在后台任务中销毁它的一个子集。谢谢 – Buckstabue