将sdf表从一个数据库复制到C#中的另一个数据库与sql ce


sqlce的新手。我花了两天的时间试图找出这个问题,并在类似的问题上搜索*。 如何利用sqlce从一个sdf数据库复制表(仅适用于模式和数据)到另一个sdf数据库?我应该寻找哪些sqlce关键词?任何意见,赞赏,任何代码更是如此。将sdf表从一个数据库复制到C#中的另一个数据库与sql ce


您可能必须使用该表的CREATE查询将它在目标数据库中。同样,源表中的一个循环将记录复制到目标数据库中 – shahsani

这个运行的脚本是什么我赶上了与:需要sql server compact nuget

using System; 
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.Linq; 
using System.Data; 
using System.Data.SqlServerCe; 

namespace ConsoleApp5 { 
    class Program { 
    static void Main(string[] args) { 
     string tableName = "ZTVC_MF_S_VALCHA"; 
     string sourceString = "Data Source = C:\\Users\\David\\source\\repos\\ConsoleApp5\\ConsoleApp5\\bin\\Debug\\XXX.sdf"; 
     string destString = "Data Source = C:\\Users\\David\\source\\repos\\ConsoleApp5\\ConsoleApp5\\bin\\Debug\\YYY.sdf"; 

     using (SqlCeConnection sourceConn = new SqlCeConnection()) { 
     SqlCeCommand sourceCmd = sourceConn.CreateCommand(); 
     sourceCmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; 
     sourceCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("tableName", tableName); 
     sourceConn.ConnectionString = sourceString; 

     using (SqlCeConnection destConn = new SqlCeConnection()) { 
      destConn.ConnectionString = destString; 

      DoesTableExist(tableName, destConn); 
      DataTable dt=GetDataFromTable(tableName, sourceConn); 
      CopyTableSchema(tableName, dt, destConn); 
      FillTableCopy(tableName, dt, destConn); 
      DeleteTable(tableName, destConn); 

    private static void FillTableCopy( string tabName, DataTable dt, SqlCeConnection destConn) { 
     List<string> dTypesList = new List<string>(); 
     int dTypesListIndexCounter = 0; 
     string sqlCmd = ""; 
     foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { 
      sqlCmd = "INSERT INTO " + tabName + "("; 
      int colHeadCounter = 0; 
      int colHeadLast = dt.Columns.Count; 
      foreach (DataColumn colHead in dt.Columns) { 
      string dType = colHead.DataType.ToString().ToLower().Substring(7); 
      if (++colHeadCounter == colHeadLast) { 
       sqlCmd += colHead + " "; 
      else { 
       sqlCmd += colHead + ", "; 
      sqlCmd += ") VALUES("; 
      colHeadCounter = 0; 
      colHeadLast = row.ItemArray.Length; 
      foreach (var item in row.ItemArray) { 
      var temp = item.ToString(); 
      if (temp.Count() == 0) { 
       if (++colHeadCounter == colHeadLast) { 
       sqlCmd += ("null "); 
       }else { 
       sqlCmd += ("null, "); 
      }else if (dTypesList[dTypesListIndexCounter] == "string" 
      || dTypesList[dTypesListIndexCounter] == "char" 
      || dTypesList[dTypesListIndexCounter] == "datetime" 
      || dTypesList[dTypesListIndexCounter] == "single" 
      || dTypesList[dTypesListIndexCounter] == "guid") { 
       if (++colHeadCounter == colHeadLast) { 
       sqlCmd += ("'" + item + "' "); 
       }else { 
       sqlCmd += ("'" + item + "', "); 
      }else { 
       if (++colHeadCounter == colHeadLast) { 
       sqlCmd += (item + " "); 
       }else { 
       sqlCmd += (item + ", "); 
      sqlCmd += ")"; 
      SqlCeCommand cmd = new SqlCeCommand(sqlCmd, destConn); 
     Console.WriteLine("Data copy executed."); 
    private static void DeleteTable(string tableName, SqlCeConnection pathConn) { 
     string sqlCmd = "DROP TABLE " + tableName; 
     SqlCeCommand cmd = new SqlCeCommand(sqlCmd, pathConn); 
     Console.WriteLine(tableName + " deleted."); 
    private static void CopyTableSchema(string tableName, DataTable dt, SqlCeConnection destConn) { 
     string sqlCmd = "Create table " + tableName + "("; 
     int colHeadCounter = 0; 
     int colHeadLast = dt.Columns.Count; 
     /*sqlce supported types: bigint, integer,smallint,tinyint,bit,numeric, money, float, real, datetime, 
     * national character, national character varying, ntext, nchar, binary,varbinary, image, uniqueidentifier, 
     * identity, rowguidcol, timestamp/rowversion */ 
     foreach (DataColumn colHead in dt.Columns) { 
      string dType = colHead.DataType.ToString().ToLower().Substring(7); 

      ////still needs all type conversions mapped 
      if (dType == "int16") { 
      dType = "smallint"; 
      else if (dType == "int32") { 
      dType = "int"; 
      else if (dType == "int64") { 
      dType = "bigint"; 
      else if (dType == "string") { 
      dType = "nvarchar(4000)"; 
      else if (dType == "boolean") { 
      dType = "bit"; 
      else if (dType == "byte") { 
      dType = "tinyint"; 
      else if (dType == "byte[]") { 
      dType = "binary"; 
      else if (dType == "char") { 
      dType = "nchar"; 
      else if (dType == "datetime") { 
      dType = "datetime"; 
      else if (dType == "decimal") { 
      dType = "money"; 
      else if (dType == "double") { 
      dType = "float"; 
      else if (dType == "sbyte") { 
      dType = "tinyint"; 
      else if (dType == "single") { 
      dType = "real"; 
      else if (dType == "guid") { 
      dType = "uniqueidentifier"; 
      else { 
      Console.WriteLine("Add new type to type conversion"); 

      if (++colHeadCounter == colHeadLast) { 
      sqlCmd += colHead + " " + dType; 
      else { 
      sqlCmd += colHead + " " + dType + ", "; 
     sqlCmd += ")"; 
     SqlCeCommand cmd = new SqlCeCommand(sqlCmd, destConn); 
     Console.WriteLine("Copy of " + tableName + " created."); 
    private static DataTable GetDataFromTable(string tableName, SqlCeConnection sourceConn) { 
     SqlCeCommand sourceCmd = sourceConn.CreateCommand(); 
     sourceCmd.CommandText = "Select * from " + tableName; 
     SqlCeDataAdapter sourceAdp = new SqlCeDataAdapter(sourceCmd); 
     DataTable dt = new DataTable(); 
     //Console.WriteLine("The SqlCeDataAdapter succesfully filled " + dt.Rows.Count + " rows in the DataSet!"); 
     return dt; 
    private static bool DoesTableExist(string tableName, SqlCeConnection destConn) { 
     bool doesIt = false; 
     SqlCeCommand destCmd = destConn.CreateCommand(); 
     destCmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; 
     destCmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; 
     destCmd.CommandText = "SELECT 1 FROM Information_Schema.Tables WHERE TABLE_NAME = @tableName"; 
     destCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("tableName", tableName); 
     object result = destCmd.ExecuteScalar(); 
     if (result != null) { 
     doesIt = true; 
     return doesIt; 

我不得不返回并添加一些代码以处理基准字符串中的单引号 – AlanAxis

你可以用我的SQL Server Compact工具箱在Visual Studio(或命令行),以脚本模式和表从一个SDF文件,也​​对其他SDF文件