

由于各种原因,我需要使用C#代码中的远程PowerShell命令而不是使用EWS API来查询用户的邮箱自动回复配置。使用C#运行远程PowerShell代码通过序列化丢失信息?

我几乎使用this article作为模板如何做到这一点,我遇到了一个问题,我不能包裹我的头。具体来说,它看起来像是通过远程PowerShell命令的序列化/反序列化过程丢失了一些信息。所以我不能将它转换为另一种类型并将其用于C#代码中。有谁会有一个想法如何找到解决方法或避免这种情况?



using (PowerShell PowerShellInstance = PowerShell.Create()) 
    // add a script that creates a new instance of an object from the caller's namespace 
$session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionURI <URI> 
Import-PSSession $session 
$configuration = Get-MailboxAutoReplyConifguration -identity <E-Mail> 

# Put it on the output stream 

    // invoke execution on the pipeline (collecting output) 
    Collection<PSObject> PSOutput = PowerShellInstance.Invoke(); 

    // loop through each output object item 
    foreach (PSObject outputItem in PSOutput) 
     if (outputItem != null) 
      if(outputItem.BaseObject.GetType().ToString() == "Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Storage.Management.MailboxAutoReplyConfiguration"){ 
       # We have a decrepancy here as the above is the Exchange API class and 
       # below would be the EWS API class. As they expose the same attributes I'd expect it to work. 
       OofSettings settings = outputItem.BaseObject as OofSettings 




using (PowerShell PowerShellInstance = PowerShell.Create()) 
    // add a script that creates a new instance of an object from the caller's namespace 
$session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionURI <URI> 
Import-PSSession $session 
$configuration = Get-MailboxAutoReplyConifguration -identity <E-Mail> 
***INSERT HERE Powershell-Cmdlets to do the things you need*** 

# Put it on the output stream 

    // invoke execution on the pipeline (collecting output) 
    Collection<PSObject> PSOutput = PowerShellInstance.Invoke(); 

    // loop through each output object item 
    foreach (PSObject outputItem in PSOutput) 
     if (outputItem != null) 
      if(outputItem.BaseObject.GetType().ToString() == "Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Storage.Management.MailboxAutoReplyConfiguration"){ 
       # We have a decrepancy here as the above is the Exchange API class and 
       # below would be the EWS API class. As they expose the same attributes I'd expect it to work. 
       OofSettings settings = outputItem.BaseObject as OofSettings 

我其实需要,因为它是一个ASP.NET MVC应用程序中的C#一部分的对象,我需要显示的信息。我的解决方案是检查类型(只使用'outputItem.ToString()',因为它具有原始类型)并使用'outputItem.Properties ['key'] .value'来访问属性。 – Seth