



  1. 了解,在运行时,由给定处理器对象预期参数的数量?
  2. 在运行时,获取提供给多参数处理程序的某种argv参数列表(或者可能是处理程序中定义的名称空间的记录表示)?

1)否 - 2)无 – vadian


(1)当然不是,技术上是不可能的 - 我们可以在运行时肯定刮的错误消息字符串 - 但一些清洁剂将是一件好事。 – houthakker


-- HOW MANY ARGUMENTS DOES A HANDLER EXPECT ? -------------------------------- 

-- arityAndMaybeValue :: Handler -> {arity: Int, nothing: Bool, just: Any} 
on arityAndMaybeValue(h) 
     set v to mReturn(h)'s |λ|() 
     {arity:0, nothing:false, just:v} 
    on error errMsg 
     {arity:length of splitOn(",", errMsg), nothing:true} 
    end try 
end arityAndMaybeValue 

-- TEST ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
on run 
    -- Arities for zipWith and helloWorld handlers 

    {arityAndMaybeValue(zipWith), arityAndMaybeValue(helloWorld)} 

    -- If the arity was 0, then a return value is is given 
    -- in the 'just' key of the record returned. 
    -- otherwise, the 'nothing' key contains the value `true` 

    --> {{arity:3, nothing:true}, {arity:0, nothing:false, just:"hello world!"}} 
end run 

-- SAMPLE HANDLERS TO TEST FOR ARITY AT RUN-TIME ----------------------------- 

-- helloWorld ::() -> String 
on helloWorld() 
    "hello world!" 
end helloWorld 

-- zipWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> [a] -> [b] -> [c] 
on zipWith(f, xs, ys) 
    set lng to min(length of xs, length of ys) 
    set lst to {} 
    tell mReturn(f) 
     repeat with i from 1 to lng 
      set end of lst to |λ|(item i of xs, item i of ys) 
     end repeat 
     return lst 
    end tell 
end zipWith 

-- GENERIC FUNCTIONS --------------------------------------------------------- 

-- splitOn :: Text -> Text -> [Text] 
on splitOn(strDelim, strMain) 
    set {dlm, my text item delimiters} to {my text item delimiters, strDelim} 
    set xs to text items of strMain 
    set my text item delimiters to dlm 
    return xs 
end splitOn 

-- Lift 2nd class handler function into 1st class script wrapper 
-- mReturn :: Handler -> Script 
on mReturn(f) 
    if class of f is script then 
      property |λ| : f 
     end script 
    end if 
end mReturn