如何判断我在Sublime Text中使用哪个项目?


我的机器上经常有相同的Git仓库的多个副本。我通常会打开多个Sublime Text窗口,每个窗口都有一个Git repo副本的打开项目。如何判断我在Sublime Text中使用哪个项目?

是否有任何设置可以在状态栏或标题栏上显示项目文件的路径,或者是否可以轻松区分其他类似项目?事实上,我没有简单的方法来区分哪个Sublime Text窗口正在使用哪个项目文件。


Sample window caption


[编辑]问题跟踪器上有一个open feature request,用于添加配置标题栏的功能,您可能需要权衡该标题栏。 [/编辑]


要使用此功能,您可以从菜单中选择Tools > Developer > New Plugin...,并使用此代码替换默认存根,根据需要进行修改。

此代码是also available on GitHub

import sublime 
import sublime_plugin 
import os 

# Related Reading: 
#  https://forum.sublimetext.com/t/displaying-project-name-on-the-rite-side-of-the-status-bar/24721 

# This just displays the filename portion of the current project file in the 
# status bar, which is the same text that appears by default in the window 
# caption. 

def plugin_loaded(): 
    Ensure that all views in all windows show the associated project at startup. 
    # Show project in all views of all windows 
    for window in sublime.windows(): 
     for view in window.views(): 
      show_project (view) 

def show_project(view): 
    If a project file is in use, add the name of it to the start of the status 
    if view.window() is None: 

    project_file = view.window().project_file_name() 
    if project_file is not None: 
     project_name = os.path.splitext (os.path.basename (project_file))[0] 
     view.set_status ("00ProjectName", "[" + project_name + "]") 

class ProjectInStatusbar(sublime_plugin.EventListener): 
    Display the name of the current project in the status bar. 
    def on_new(self, view): 
     show_project (view) 

    def on_load(self, view): 
     show_project (view) 

    def on_clone(self, view): 
     show_project (view)