

(function ($) { 
    // *********************************************** 
    //The main fixedTable function 
    $.fn.fixedTable = function (opts) { 
     //default options defined in $.fn.fixedTable.defaults - at the bottom of this file. 
     var options = $.extend({}, $.fn.fixedTable.defaults, opts); 
     var mainid = "#" + options.outerId; 
     var tbl = this; 
     var layout = buildLayout(tbl, opts); 
     //see the buildLayout() function below 
     var fixedArea = $(".fixedArea").width() - 150; 

     //we need to set the width (in pixels) for each of the tables in the fixedContainer area 
     //but, we need to subtract the width of the fixedColumn area. 
     var w = options.width - options.fixedColumnWidth; 

     //sanity check 
     if (w <= 0) { w = options.width; } 
     $(".fixedContainer", layout).width(w); 
     $(".fixedContainer ." + options.classHeader, layout).css({ 
      //width: (w) + "px", 
      width: "100%", 
      "float": "left", 
      "overflow": "hidden" 
     $(".fixedContainer .fixedTable", layout).css({ 
      "float": "left", 
      //width: (w + 8) + "px", 
      width: "100%", 
      "overflow": "auto" 
     $(".fixedContainer", layout).css({ 
      //width: w - 1, 
      //width: "68%", 
      "float": "left" 

     //adjust the main container to be just larger than the fixedTable 
     $(".fixedContainer ." + options.classFooter, layout).css({ 
      width: (w) + "px", 
      "float": "left", 
      "overflow": "hidden" 
     $("." + options.classColumn + " > .fixedTable", layout).css({ 
      "width": options.fixedColumnWidth, 
      "overflow": "hidden", 
      "border-collapse": $(tbl).css("border-collapse"), 
      "padding": "0" 

     $("." + options.classColumn, layout).width(options.fixedColumnWidth); 
     $("." + options.classColumn, layout).height(options.height); 
     $("." + options.classColumn + " ." + options.classHeader + " table tbody tr td", layout).width(options.fixedColumnWidth); 
     $("." + options.classColumn + " ." + options.classFooter + " table tbody tr td", layout).width(options.fixedColumnWidth); 

     //adjust the table widths in the fixedContainer area 
     var fh = $(".fixedContainer > ." + options.classHeader + " > table", layout); 
     var ft = $(".fixedContainer > .fixedTable > table", layout); 
     var ff = $(".fixedContainer > ." + options.classFooter + " > table", layout); 

     var maxWidth = fh.width(); 
     if (ft.length > 0 && ft.width() > maxWidth) { maxWidth = ft.width(); } 
     if (ff.length > 0 && ff.width() > maxWidth) { maxWidth = ff.width(); } 

     if (fh.length) { fh.width(maxWidth); } 
     if (ft.length) { ft.width(maxWidth); } 
     if (ff.length) { ff.width(maxWidth); } 

     //adjust the widths of the fixedColumn header/footer to match the fixed columns themselves 
     $("." + options.classColumn + " > ." + options.classHeader + " > table > tbody > tr:first > td", layout).each(function (pos) { 
      var tblCell = $("." + options.classColumn + " > .fixedTable > table > tbody > tr:first > td:eq(" + pos + ")", layout); 
      var tblFoot = $("." + options.classColumn + " > ." + options.classFooter + " > table > tbody > tr:first > td:eq(" + pos + ")", layout); 
      var maxWidth = $(this).width(); 
      if (tblCell.width() > maxWidth) { maxWidth = tblCell.width(); } 
      if (tblFoot.length && tblFoot.width() > maxWidth) { maxWidth = tblFoot.width(); } 
      if (tblFoot.length) { $(tblFoot).width(maxWidth); } 

     //set the height of the table area, minus the heights of the header/footer. 
     // note: we need to do this after the other adjustments, otherwise these changes would be overwrote 
     var h = options.height - parseInt($(".fixedContainer > ." + options.classHeader, layout).height()) - parseInt($(".fixedContainer > ." + options.classFooter, layout).height()); 
     var diff = $(".fixedArea").width() - options.fixedColumnWidth - w; 
     var diffadd = $(".fixedContainer").width() + diff; 
     $(".fixedContainer", layout).css("width", diffadd); 

     // Fix Hight:Left and right Header table 
     var leftTable = $(".fixedColumn .fixedHead table").height(); 
     var rightTable = $("#fixeddiv .fixedHead table").height(); 
     $(".fixedColumn .fixedHead table").height(rightTable); 
     $("#fixeddiv .fixedHead table").height(rightTable); 
     //sanity check 
     if (h < 0) { h = options.height; } 
     $(".fixedContainer > .fixedTable", layout).height(h); 
     $("." + options.classColumn + " > .fixedTable", layout).height(h); 
     //Adjust the fixed column area if we have a horizontal scrollbar on the main table 
     // - specifically, make sure our fixedTable area matches the main table area minus the scrollbar height, 
     // and the fixed column footer area lines up with the main footer area (shift down by the scrollbar height) 
     var tblWidth = $("#Open_Text_General").width(); 
     if (diffadd >= tblWidth) { 
      var h = $(".fixedContainer > .fixedTable", layout)[0].offsetHeight; 
     } else { 
      var h = $(".fixedContainer > .fixedTable", layout)[0].offsetHeight - 17; 
     $("." + options.classColumn + " > .fixedTable", layout).height(h); //make sure the row area of the fixed column matches the height of the main table, with the scrollbar 

     // Apply the scroll handlers 
     //$(".fixedContainer > .fixedTable", layout).scroll(function() { 
     //handleScroll(mainid, options); 

     //the handleScroll() method is defined near the bottom of this file. 
     return tbl; 
    //function to support scrolling of title and first column 
    fnScroll = function() { 
    function buildLayout(src, options) { 
     //create a working area and add it just after our table. 
     //The table will be moved into this working area 
     var area = $("<div class=\"fixedArea\" style=\"float: left;width:100%;\"></div>").appendTo($(src).parent()); 

     //fixed column items 
     var fc = $("<div class=\"" + options.classColumn + "\" style=\"float: left;\"></div>").appendTo(area); 
     var fch = $("<div class=\"" + options.classHeader + "\"></div>").appendTo(fc); 
     var fct = $("<div class=\"fixedTable\" id=\"firstcol\"></div>").appendTo(fc); 
     var fcf = $("<div class=\"" + options.classFooter + "\"></div>").appendTo(fc); 

     //fixed container items 
     var fcn = $("<div class=\"fixedContainer\" id=\"fixeddiv\"></div>").appendTo(area); 
     var fcnh = $("<div class=\"" + options.classHeader + "\" id=\"divHeader\"></div>").appendTo(fcn); 
     var fcnt = $("<div class=\"fixedTable\" id=\"table_div\" style=\"position: relative; overflow: scroll\" onscroll=\"fnScroll()\"></div>").appendTo(fcn); 
     var fcnf = $("<div class=\"" + options.classFooter + "\"></div>").appendTo(fcn); 

     //create the fixed column area 
     if (options.fixedColumns > 0 && !isNaN(options.fixedColumns)) { 
      buildFixedColumns(src, "thead", options.fixedColumns, fch); 
      buildFixedColumns(src, "tbody", options.fixedColumns, fct); 
      buildFixedColumns(src, "tfoot", options.fixedColumns, fcf); 
      //see the buildFixedColumns() function below 

     //Build header/footer areas 
     buildFixedTable(src, "thead", fcnh); 
     buildFixedTable(src, "tfoot", fcnf); 
     //see the buildFixedTable() function below 

     //Build the main table 
     //we'll cheat here - the src table should only be a tbody section, with the remaining columns, 
     //so we'll just add it to the fixedContainer table area. 
     return area; 

    /* ******************************************************************** */ 
    // duplicate a table section (thead, tfoot, tbody), but only for the desired number of columns 
    function buildFixedColumns(src, section, cols, target) { 
     //TFOOT - get the needed columns from the table footer 
     if ($(section, src).length) { 
      var colHead = $("<table width=\"100%\" cellpadding=\"3\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\" class=\"leftcol\"></table>").appendTo(target); 

      //If we have a thead or tfoot, we're looking for "TH" elements, otherwise we're looking for "TD" elements 
      var cellType = "td"; //deafault cell type 
      if (section.toLowerCase() == "thead" || section.toLowerCase() == "tfoot") { cellType = "th"; } 

      //check each of the rows in the thead 
      $(section + " tr", src).each(function() { 
       var tr = $("<tr></tr>").appendTo(colHead); 
       $(cellType + ":lt(" + cols + ")", this).each(function() { 
        $("<td>" + $(this).html() + "</td>").addClass(this.className).attr("id",; 
        //Note, we copy the class names and ID from the original table cells in case there is any processing on them. 
        //However, if the class does anything with regards to the cell size or position, it could mess up the layout. 
        //Remove the item from our src table. 

    /* ******************************************************************** */ 
    // duplicate a table section (thead, tfoot, tbody) 
    function buildFixedTable(src, section, target) { 
     if ($(section, src).length) { 
      var th = $("<table width=\"100%\" id=\"addcols\" cellpadding=\"3\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\" align=\"left\" class=\"\"></table>").appendTo(target); 
      var tr = null; 

      //If we have a thead or tfoot, we're looking for "TH" elements, otherwise we're looking for "TD" elements 
      var cellType = "td"; //deafault cell type 
      if (section.toLowerCase() == "thead" || section.toLowerCase() == "tfoot") { cellType = "th"; } 

      $(section + " tr", src).each(function() { 
       var tr = $("<tr></tr>").appendTo(th); 
       $(cellType, this).each(function() { 
        $("<td class=\'header\'>" + $(this).html() + "</td>").appendTo(tr); 

      //The header *should* be added to our head area now, so we can remove the table header 
      $(section, src).remove(); 

    // *********************************************** 
    // Handle the scroll events 
    function handleScroll(mainid, options) { 
     //Find the scrolling offsets 
     var tblarea = $(mainid + " .fixedContainer > .fixedTable"); 
     var x = tblarea[0].scrollLeft; 
     var y = tblarea[0].scrollTop; 
     $(mainid + " ." + options.classColumn + " > .fixedTable")[0].scrollTop = y; 
     $(mainid + " .fixedContainer > ." + options.classHeader)[0].scrollLeft = x; 
     $(mainid + " .fixedContainer > ." + options.classFooter)[0].scrollLeft = x; 

    // *********************************************** 
    // Reset the heights of the rows in our fixedColumn area 
    function adjustSizes(options) { 
     var Id = options.outerId; 
     var maintbheight = options.height; 
     var backcolor = options.Contentbackcolor; 
     var hovercolor = options.Contenthovercolor; 
     var fixedColumnbackcolor = options.fixedColumnbackcolor; 
     var fixedColumnhovercolor = options.fixedColumnhovercolor; 
     // row height 
     $("#" + Id + " ." + options.classColumn + " .fixedTable table tbody tr").each(function (i) { 
      var maxh = 0; 
      var fixedh = $(this).height(); 
      var contenth = $("#" + Id + " .fixedContainer .fixedTable table tbody tr").eq(i).height(); 
      if (contenth > fixedh) { 
       maxh = contenth; 
      else { 
       maxh = fixedh; 
      $("#" + Id + " .fixedContainer .fixedTable table tbody tr").eq(i).children("td").height(maxh); 

     //adjust the cell widths so the header/footer and table cells line up 
     var ccount = $("#" + Id + " .fixedContainer ." + options.classHeader + " table tr:first td").size(); 
     var widthArray = new Array(); 
     var totall = 0; 

     $("#" + Id + " .fixedContainer ." + options.classHeader + " table tr:first td").each(function (pos) { 
      var cwidth = $(this).width(); 
      $("#" + Id + " .fixedContainer .fixedTable table tbody td").each(function (i) { 
       if (i % ccount == pos) { 
        if ($(this).width() > cwidth) { 
         cwidth = $(this).width(); 
      widthArray[pos] = cwidth; 
      totall += (cwidth + 2); 
     var contentH = $("#" + Id + " .fixedContainer .fixedTable table").height(); 
     var addwidth = widthArray.length; 
     var ww = addwidth * 3 + addwidth; 
     if (contentH > 610) { 
      if ($.browser.msie && $.browser.version.substr(0, 1) > 7) { 
       var newwidth = $("#fixeddiv").width() - (17 + ww); 
      } else { 
       var newwidth = $("#fixeddiv").width() - 17; 
     } else { 
      var newwidth = $("#fixeddiv").width(); 
     //More column added 
     $("#" + Id + " .fixedContainer ." + options.classHeader + " table").width(newwidth); 
     $("#" + Id + " .fixedContainer .fixedTable table").width(newwidth); 
     var widthTdArray = new Array(); 
     for (i = 0; i < widthArray.length; i++) { 
      var headtdWd = $(this).width(); 
      $("#" + Id + " .fixedContainer ." + options.classHeader + " table tr td").each(function (j) { 
       if (j % ccount == i) { headtdWd = $(this).width(); } 
      }); // Get Header Section width value 
      widthTdArray[i] = headtdWd; 
     for (i = 0; i < widthArray.length; i++) { 
      $("#" + Id + " .fixedContainer ." + options.classHeader + " table tr:last td").each(function (j) { 
       if (j % ccount == i) { // Fix width for Header section 
        $(this).css("width", widthTdArray[i] + "px"); 
        $(this).css("min-width", widthTdArray[i] + "px"); 
        $("#addcols table tr:last td span").css("width", widthTdArray[i] + "px"); 
        if ($.browser.msie && $.browser.version.substr(0, 1) > 7) { 
         $("#fixeddiv table tr td span").css("width", (widthTdArray[i] - 3) + "px"); 
        } else { 
         $("#fixeddiv table tr td span").css("min-width", widthTdArray[i] + "px"); 
        //if ($.browser.msie && $.browser.version.substr(0,1) > 7 || $.browser.mozilla){ 
        // $("#addcols table tr:last td span").css("min-width", widthTdArray[i] + "px"); 
      $("#" + Id + " .fixedContainer .fixedTable table tr:nth-child(3) td").each(function (j) { 
       if (j % ccount == i) { // Fix width for Content section 
        $(this).css("width", widthTdArray[i] + "px"); 
        $(this).css("min-width", widthTdArray[i] + "px"); 
        $("#fixeddiv table tr td span").css("width", widthTdArray[i] + "px"); 
        if ($.browser.msie && $.browser.version.substr(0, 1) > 7) { 
         $("#fixeddiv table tr td span").css("width", (widthTdArray[i] - 3) + "px"); 
        } else { 
         $("#fixeddiv table tr td span").css("min-width", widthTdArray[i] + "px"); 
        //if ($.browser.msie && $.browser.version.substr(0,1) > 7 || $.browser.mozilla){ 
        // $("#fixeddiv table tr td span").css("min-width", widthTdArray[i] + "px"); 
     if (contentH > 610) { 
      $("#fixeddiv .fixedHead table tr:first td:last").css("padding-left", 19); 
      $("#fixeddiv .fixedHead table tr:last td:last").css("padding-left", 19); 

     // mouse in/out fixedColumn's fixedtable, change background color. 
     $("#" + Id + " ." + options.classColumn + " .fixedTable table tr").each(function (i) { 
      $(this).mouseover(function() { 
        "background-color": fixedColumnhovercolor 
       var obj = $("#" + Id + " .fixedContainer .fixedTable table tr").eq(i); 
        "background-color": hovercolor 
        "background-color": hovercolor 
      $(this).mouseout(function() { 
        "background-color": fixedColumnbackcolor 
       var obj = $("#" + Id + " .fixedContainer .fixedTable table tr").eq(i); 
        "background-color": backcolor 
        "background-color": backcolor 

     // mouse in/out fixedContainer's fixedtable, change background color. 
     $("#" + Id + " .fixedContainer .fixedTable table tr").each(function (i) { 
      $(this).mouseover(function() { 
        "background-color": hovercolor 
        "background-color": hovercolor 
       var obj = $("#" + Id + " ." + options.classColumn + " .fixedTable table tr").eq(i); 
        "background-color": fixedColumnhovercolor 

      $(this).mouseout(function() { 
        "background-color": backcolor 
        "background-color": backcolor 
       var obj = $("#" + Id + " ." + options.classColumn + " .fixedTable table tr").eq(i); 
        "background-color": fixedColumnbackcolor 

     var contenttbH = $("#" + Id + " .fixedContainer .fixedTable table").height(); 

     if (contenttbH < maintbheight) { 
      $("#" + Id + " ." + options.classColumn + " .fixedTable").height(contenttbH + 20); 
      $("#" + Id + " .fixedContainer .fixedTable").height(contenttbH + 20); 
      $("#" + Id + " .fixedContainer ." + options.classHeader).width($("#" + Id + " .fixedContainer ." + options.classHeader).width()); 
      $("#" + Id + " .fixedContainer ." + options.classFooter).width($("#" + Id + " .fixedContainer ." + options.classHeader).width()); 
     else { 
      //offset the footer by the height of the scrollbar so that it lines up right. 
      $("#" + Id + " ." + options.classColumn + " > ." + options.classFooter).css({ 
       "position": "relative", 
       "top": 16 
     // Set .header class css style 
     var header_bgcolor = $(".header").css("background-color"); 
     var color_head = $(".header").css("color"); 

     $(".fixedHead td").css("background-color", header_bgcolor); 
     $(".fixedHead td").css("color", color_head); 
     $(".fixedHead a").css("color", color_head); 
    window.onunload = null; 


在执行上面的脚本我得到错误的IE“停止此脚本” 6 & IE 7,行无287 for循环创建这个错误,我认为,请建议我所以我可以修复这个问题for循环给停止脚本错误在IE

* 任何人都可以帮我解决这个问题吗? *


NOPE>对不起。我们阅读代码。不是代码的墙。告诉确切的问题在哪里。 – 2011-06-06 11:11:34


我不确定更糟糕的是,发布超过400行代码,没有任何解释,并希望人们解决您认为*的问题,或者不包括标记。不,事实上这不是一场比赛,而是前者。 – davin 2011-06-06 11:18:41


你的问题是你在jQuery中过多使用类选择器。重新指定您的选择器,理想情况下通过ID或标记名称。 – 2011-09-12 12:46:20




我有类似这样的问题,但我的代码在IE7 IE8上工作正常,它只在IE9上有问题,你能帮我解决吗? – 2012-07-02 03:17:32


是的,但我需要看脚本。你可能会为此提出一个新问题。 – 2012-07-02 09:33:25