Outlook VBA。实施.SentOnBehalfOfName到我的代码


我有我的代码是这样的:Outlook VBA。实施.SentOnBehalfOfName到我的代码

Public WithEvents myItem As Outlook.MailItem 

Private Sub Application_ItemLoad(ByVal Item As Object) 
If Item.Class = olMail Then 
    Set myItem = Item 
End If 
End Sub 

Private Sub myItem_Open(Cancel As Boolean) 

Dim oAccount As Outlook.Explorer 
Dim oMail As MailItem 

Dim Recip As Outlook.Recipient 

Set oAccount = Application.ActiveExplorer 
MsgBox (oAccount.CurrentFolder.Store) 

If oAccount.CurrentFolder.Store = "[email protected]" Then 
MsgBox ("CC needs to be added") 

Set Recip = myItem.Recipients.Add("[email protected]") 
Recip.Type = olCC 

MsgBox ("no need to add CC") 
End If 
End Sub 

我想补充像myItem.SentOnBehalfOfName =“[email protected]”到我的代码,而只是将其粘贴到我的代码不起作用。我是编码技术人员,所以可能我必须先设置一些东西。任何人都可以帮助我这个?

我一直在寻找几个小时。我已经尝试了myItem.SentOnBehalfOfName =“[email protected]”,但它实际上什么都不做。它也没有显示任何错误,所以我不知道什么可能是错的。任何人都有线索?


先搜索。基于该搜索,将myItem.SentOnBehalfOfName =“[email protected]”放入您的代码中,如果有问题,则询问有关问题。 – niton


我一直在寻找几个小时。我已经尝试了myItem.SentOnBehalfOfName =“[email protected]”,但它实际上什么都不做。它也没有显示任何错误,所以我不知道什么可能是错的。任何人都有线索? – Art


Private Sub myItem_Open_SentonBehalf_Test() 

Dim oExpl As Explorer 
Dim myItem As mailitem 

Set oExpl = ActiveExplorer 
Set myItem = CreateItem(olMailItem) 
' Do not display 

If oExpl.CurrentFolder.store = "[email protected]" Then 

    Debug.Print "myItem.SentOnBehalfOfName:" & "x " & myItem.SentOnBehalfOfName & " x" 
    myItem.SentOnBehalfOfName = "[email protected]" 
    Debug.Print "myItem.SentOnBehalfOfName:" & "x " & myItem.SentOnBehalfOfName & " x" 

    ' be careful to put this after updating SentOnBehalfOfName 
    ' Manually display the From field to see the updated entry 


    Debug.Print "Wrong path." 

End If 

    Set myItem = Nothing 
    Set oExpl = Nothing 

End Sub