

如果此问题与one I asked previously非常相似,请致歉。但是,我遇到了一个我以前没有遇到的新问题。如何在不复制项目的情况下更新NSMutableDictionary中的对象的值






@property int yPosStart; 
@property NSString *switchValue; 
@property (nonatomic, strong) UISwitch *qualifierSwitch; 
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSMutableDictionary *evqValuesDict; 


for (int i =0; i < [evqArray count]; i++) 
    id selector = [evqArray objectAtIndex:i]; 
     NSLog(@"selector: %@", selector); 

    NSString *labelText = selector[@"label"]; 
     NSLog(@"labelText: %@", labelText); 

    NSString *evqQualifierID = selector[@"event_qualifier_id"]; 
     NSLog(@"evqQualifierID: %@", evqQualifierID); 

    NSInteger b = [evqQualifierID integerValue]; 

    // for every item in the array, add 35 pixels to the xPosStart 
    _yPosStart = _yPosStart + 35; 

    // Convert integer into CGFloat for positioning 
    CGFloat yPosition = _yPosStart; 

    UILabel *switchLabel = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(60, yPosition, 240, 27)]; 

    [switchLabel setText:labelText]; 

    _qualifierSwitch = [[UISwitch alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, yPosition, 0, 0)]; 

    // add an incrementing tag so the siwtch interactions are unique 
    _qualifierSwitch.tag = b; 

    [myScroll addSubview:_qualifierSwitch]; 

    [myScroll addSubview:switchLabel]; 

    //Matcht the saved value to the switch 
    _dbSwitchValue = [_evqSavedValues objectForKey:evqQualifierID]; 
     NSLog(@"myString2: %@", _dbSwitchValue); 

    if ([_dbSwitchValue isEqualToString:@"Yes"]) { 
     [_qualifierSwitch setOn:YES animated:YES]; 
    } else { 
     [_qualifierSwitch setOn:NO animated:YES]; 

    if (_qualifierSwitch.on) 
     _editSwitchValue = @"Yes"; 

    } else { 
     _editSwitchValue = @"No"; 

    [_qualifierSwitch addTarget:self action:@selector(evqChangeSwitch:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside]; 

    [_evqValuesDict setObject:_editSwitchValue forKey:evqQualifierID]; 


- (void)evqChangeSwitch:(id)sender { 
NSLog(@"evqSwitch: %@", _qualifierSwitch); 
NSLog(@"_evqValuesDict at start of method: %@", _exqValuesDict); 

//get the sender's tag value 
NSInteger i = [sender tag]; 

//cast the tag value into a string for comparison to the string value for purposes of matching the dictionary key 
NSString *tagID = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%ld", (long)i]; 

NSLog (@"tagID: %@:", tagID); 

if([sender isOn]){ 

    NSLog(@"Switch is ON for tagID: %@", tagID); 
    //Set string for display purposes elsewhere 
    switchValue = @"Yes"; 
    [_exqValuesDict removeObjectForKey:tagID]; 
    [_evqValuesDict setObject:switchValue forKey:tagID]; 

} else { 

    NSLog(@"Switch is OFF for tagID: %@", tagID); 
    //Set string for display purposes elsewhere 
    switchValue = @"No"; 
    [_exqValuesDict removeObjectForKey:tagID]; 
    [_evqValuesDict setObject:switchValue forKey:tagID]; 


NSLog(@"_evqValuesDict at end of method: %@", _evqValuesDict); 



_evqValuesDict at start of method: { 
3 = No; 
1 = No; 
2 = No; 

evqValuesDict at end of method: { 
3 = No; 
2 = No; 
2 = Yes; 
1 = No; 



我建立和反对iOS9测试和运行的XCode 7.1


而不是删除和密钥附加价值的,你可以尝试更新键的值就是这样,'_exqValuesDict [标签识别] = switchValue' – Vijay


我会尝试,并让你知道会发生什么。 –


对字典的值没有影响。这几乎就像这些物品本身是不可变的。我做了一个测试,只尝试从字典中删除项目,没有任何反应。或者,也许有一些关于发送UISwitch.tag的整数值并将其转换回一个字符串,使它与我试图在字典中引用的密钥有所不同。 –


我做的主要改变是使用单个属性evqQualifierID来跟踪字典键。 h。


@property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *evqQualifierID; 


- (void)evqChangeSwitch:(id)sender { 
NSLog(@"evqSwitch: %@", _qualifierSwitch); 
NSLog(@"_evqValuesDict at start of method: %@", _exqValuesDict); 

//get the sender's tag value 
NSInteger i = [sender tag]; 

//cast the tag value into a string for comparison to the string value for purposes of matching the dictionary key 
NSString *tagIDString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%ld", (long)i]; 

NSLog (@"tagIDString: %@:", tagIDString); 

if([sender isOn]){ 

    NSLog(@"Switch is ON for tagIDString: %@", tagIDString); 
    //Set string for display purposes elsewhere 
    switchValue = @"Yes"; 

} else { 

    NSLog(@"Switch is OFF for tagIDString: %@", tagIDString); 
    //Set string for display purposes elsewhere 
    switchValue = @"No"; 

[_evqValuesDict setObject:switchValue forKey:_evqQualifierID]; 

NSLog(@"_evqValuesDict at end of method: %@", _evqValuesDict); 