使用find,count或first in parse来测试是否存在


我需要知道一个对象是否存在于我正在使用的db中。我知道我可以使用query.count来测试结果是否为零,否则它不存在。但有人告诉我,计数很贵,所以我认为query.first可能更有效。这是真的,测试db中对象存在的最好方法是什么?使用find,count或first in parse来测试是否存在



我需要测试存在只有我不需要结果数 –



好的,现在有些代码。我在我的parse-server repo中编译了一些单元测试,以测试我能想到的三种测试存在的方式。在所有三种情况下,我使用的可能是特殊的objectId,因此您可以轻松调整它。我也只做了一次每个测试,而要做到科学性,我们想每次做100次,平均每次测试。但是之后我们需要考虑查询缓存,所以我只是保持简单,并且可以使用相同的模式对自己的数据进行真实测试。


describe('way to find if an object exists....', function() { 

    beforeEach(function (done) { 
    new Parse.Object('Test') 
     .then((testObj) => { 
     this.testObj = testObj; 

    it('should use get if we know object id', function(done) { 
    this.start = new Date(); 
    new Parse.Query('Test').get(this.testObj.id) 
     .then(result => { 
     console.log('get time exists', new Date() - this.start); 
     return expect(result.id).toBe(this.testObj.id); 
     .then(() => { 
     this.start = new Date(); 
     return new Parse.Query('Test').get('not the id'); 
     () => done.fail('we shouldn\'t get here, cause the obj doesn\'t exist'), 
     // so if the get is rejected you know it doesn't exist. 
     e => { 
      console.log('get time does not exist', new Date() - this.start); 
      expect(e).toEqual(new Parse.Error(101, 'Object not found.')); 

    it('should also work with find', function (done) { 
    this.start = new Date(); 
    new Parse.Query('Test') 
     .equalTo('objectId', this.testObj.id) 
     .then(result => { 
     console.log('find time exists', new Date() - this.start); 
     return expect(result.length).toBe(1); 
     .then(() => { 
     this.start = new Date(); 
     return new Parse.Query('Test') 
      .equalTo('objectId', 'not the id') 
     .then((result) => { 
     console.log('find time does not exist', new Date() - this.start); 

    it('should also work with count', function (done) { 
    this.start = new Date(); 
    new Parse.Query('Test') 
     .equalTo('objectId', this.testObj.id) 
     .then(result => { 
     console.log('count time exists', new Date() - this.start); 
     return expect(result).toBe(1); 
     .then(() => { 
     this.start = new Date(); 
     return new Parse.Query('Test') 
      .equalTo('objectId', 'not the id') 
     .then((result) => { 
     console.log('count time does not exist', new Date() - this.start); 


Jasmine started 

    way to find if an object exists.... 

    ✓ should use get if we know object id 
    get time exists 19 
    get time does not exist 8 

    ✓ should also work with find 
    find time exists 12 
    find time does not exist 9 

    ✓ should also work with count  
    count time exists 7 
    count time does not exist 6 
