





class FBPicture { 
    public $uid; 
    public $dir; 
    public $type = 'large'; 

    public function setUId ($id) { 
     $this->uid = $id; 

    public function setDir ($dir) { 
     $this->dir = $dir; 

    public function fetch ($_uid=null, $_dir=null, $_type=null) { 
     if ($_uid === null) 
      throw new CHttpException ('Facebook User ID or Username is not set.'); 
     if ($_dir === null) 
      $_dir = '/storage/'; 
     if ($_type === null) 
      $_type = 'large'; 

     $this->uid = $_uid; 
     $this->dir = $_dir; 
     $this->type = $_type; 

     $dir = getcwd() . $this->dir; 
     $type = $this->type; 

     // request URI 
     $host = 'http://graph.facebook.com/' . $_uid; 
     $request = '/picture'; 
     $type = '?type=' . $type; 

     $contents = file_get_contents ($host.$request.$type); 

     // create the file (check existance); 
     $file = 'fb_' . $uid . '_' . rand (0, 9999); 
     $ext = '.jpg'; 

     if (file_exists ($dir)) { 
      if (file_exists ($dir.$file.$ext)) { 
       $file .= $dir.$file.'2'.$ext; 

       if ($this->appendToFile ($file, $contents)) { 
        return str_replace ($dir, '', $file); 
      } else { 
       $file = $dir.$file.$ext; 
       touch ($file); 

       if ($this->appendToFile ($file, $contents)) { 
        return str_replace ($dir, '', $file); 
     } else { 
      // false is returned if directory doesn't exist 
      return false; 

    private function appendToFile ($file, $contents) { 
     $fp = fopen ($file, 'w'); 
     $retVal = fwrite ($fp, $contents); 
     fclose ($fp); 

     return $retVal; 

// sample usage: 
// $pic will be the filename of the saved file... 
$pic = FBPicture::fetch('zuck', 'uploads/', 'large'); // get a large photo of Mark Zuckerberg, and save it in the "uploads/" directory 
// this will request the graph url: http://graph.facebook.com/zuck/picture?type=large 
