C++ - <无法解析的重载函数类型>


在我的课程Mat,我希望有一个函数,将另一个函数作为参数。现在我有以下4个函数,但是在调用print()时出现错误。第二行给了我一个错误,但我不明白为什么,因为第一行是有效的。唯一的区别是功能f不是类Mat的成员,但是f2是。 故障是:error: no matching function for call to Mat::test(< unresolved overloaded function type>, int)'C++ - <无法解析的重载函数类型>

template <typename F> 
int Mat::test(F f, int v){ 
    return f(v); 

int Mat::f2(int x){ 
    return x*x; 

int f(int x){ 
    return x*x; 

void Mat::print(){ 
    printf("%d\n",test(f ,5)); // works 
    printf("%d\n",test(f2 ,5)); // does not work 



'f2'是否是静态的? – 2013-04-05 18:52:56


尝试将printf调用更改为printf(“%d \ n”,test(Mat :: f2,5)); – 2to1mux 2013-04-05 18:57:54


你有多个'f2'超载吗? – 2013-04-05 18:58:24


printf("%d\n", test([=](int v){return this->f2(v);}, 5)); 



由于f2和print都是Mat的成员函数,因此不打印允许在不引用Mat对象的情况下调用f2? – 2to1mux 2013-04-05 19:04:07


哇,这个工程(从原来的代码调整了一些)。 +1从我 – 2013-04-05 19:04:42


-1。错误消息说错误发生是因为函数重载,而不是因为函数模板的函数调用语法错误(这就是你所说的)。 – 2013-04-05 19:06:51



int f(int x); 
the type is "int (*)(int)" // since it is an ordinary function 


int Mat::f2(int x); 
the type is "int (Mat::*)(int)" // since it is a non-static member function of class Mat 

注:如果它是Fred类的静态成员函数,其类型与普通函数类型相同:"int (*)(char,float)"

In C++, member functions have an implicit parameter which points to the object (the this pointer inside the member function). Normal C functions can be thought of as having a different calling convention from member functions, so the types of their pointers (pointer-to-member-function vs pointer-to-function) are different and incompatible. C++ introduces a new type of pointer, called a pointer-to-member, which can be invoked only by providing an object.

NOTE: do not attempt to "cast" a pointer-to-member-function into a pointer-to-function; the result is undefined and probably disastrous. E.g., a pointer-to-member-function is not required to contain the machine address of the appropriate function. As was said in the last example, if you have a pointer to a regular C function, use either a top-level (non-member) function, or a static (class) member function.



但这并不能解释为什么模板无法解决它。或者我错过了什么? – 2013-04-05 20:36:48


@LuchianGrigore这就是我的理解。编译器需要一个提供'调用操作符'的类型,或者查看它是否能够找到一个匹配Mat :: Test可以访问的'int f(int)'的函数。根据上面的描述,'指向成员函数的指针与指向函数的指针是不同的和不兼容的'。所以它不会匹配'this-> f2'作为一个函数。这只是我的理解。在今天之前,我甚至都不知道:) – 2013-04-05 20:50:50


链接似乎已经死亡。 – derM 2017-09-20 12:39:10