


package com.example.googlemapstext; 

import java.util.ArrayList; 

import android.location.Address; 

public class MyPlace { 
    private int id; 
    private String placeName; 
    private Address placeAddress; 
    private int ringerState; 
    private int brightnessState; 
    private int wifiState; 
    private int gpsState; 
    private int bluetoothState; 
    private int radiusValueIndex; 
    private ArrayList<Contact> contactArrayList; 
    private String message; 
    private double radiusValue; 
    private boolean notificationCheck; 

    public MyPlace(int id,String placeName, Address placeAddress, String radiusValue, 
      int ringerState, int brightnessState, int wifiState, int gpsState, 
      int bluetoothState, int radiusValueIndex, ArrayList<Contact> contactArrayList, 
      String message, boolean notificationCheck) { 
     this.placeName = placeName; 
     this.placeAddress = placeAddress; 
     this.radiusValue = getTrimedRadiusValue(radiusValue); 
     this.ringerState = ringerState; 
     this.brightnessState = brightnessState; 
     this.wifiState = wifiState; 
     this.gpsState = gpsState; 
     this.bluetoothState = bluetoothState; 
     this.contactArrayList = contactArrayList; 
     this.message = message; 
     this.radiusValueIndex = radiusValueIndex; 
     this.notificationCheck = notificationCheck; 

    private double getTrimedRadiusValue(String radiusValue) 
     radiusValue=radiusValue.replace("Radius ", ""); 
     radiusValue=radiusValue.replace(" Meters", ""); 
     return Double.parseDouble(radiusValue); 

    public boolean getNotificationCheck() { 
     return notificationCheck; 

    public void setNotificationCheck(boolean notificationCheck) { 
     this.notificationCheck = notificationCheck; 

    public int getRadiusValueIndex() { 
     return radiusValueIndex; 

    public void setRadiusValueIndex(int radiusValueIndex) { 
     this.radiusValueIndex = radiusValueIndex; 

    public int getRingerState() { 
     return ringerState; 

    public void setRingerState(int ringerState) { 
     this.ringerState = ringerState; 

    public int getBrightnessState() { 
     return brightnessState; 

    public void setBrightnessState(int brightnessState) { 
     this.brightnessState = brightnessState; 

    public int getWifiState() { 
     return wifiState; 

    public void setWifiState(int wifiState) { 
     this.wifiState = wifiState; 

    public int getGpsState() { 
     return gpsState; 

    public void setGpsState(int gpsState) { 
     this.gpsState = gpsState; 

    public int getBluetoothState() { 
     return bluetoothState; 

    public void setBluetoothState(int bluetoothState) { 
     this.bluetoothState = bluetoothState; 

    public String getMessage() { 
     return message; 

    public void setMessage(String message) { 
     this.message = message; 

    public double getRadiusValue() { 
     return radiusValue; 

    public void setRadiusValue(String radiusValue) { 
     this.radiusValue = getTrimedRadiusValue(radiusValue); 

    public String getPlaceName() { 
     return placeName; 

    public void setPlaceName(String placeName) { 
     this.placeName = placeName; 

    public Address getPlaceAddress() { 
     return placeAddress; 

    public void setPlaceAddress(Address placeAddress) { 
     this.placeAddress = placeAddress; 

    public ArrayList<Contact> getContactArrayList() { 
     return contactArrayList; 

    public void setContactArrayList(ArrayList<Contact> contactArrayList) { 
     this.contactArrayList = contactArrayList; 

    public int getId() { 
     return id`enter code here`; 

    public void setId(int id) { 
     this.id = id; 


可能是重复的:http://*.com/questions/9590685/difference-between-shared-preference-and-sqlite – 2014-11-05 11:10:48


创建一个json字符串并优先保存该字符串。 – GangaNaidu 2014-11-05 11:28:56





但是,当数据变得越来越复杂,并且您希望快速访问它的任何部分时,我认为DB总是比解析和发送JSON字符串更容易。 是的,它可能会让你写处理数据库查询更多的代码..


在此处查看更多详情:http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/data/data-storage.html – zaxy78 2014-11-05 11:17:50

我认为SQLite会更适合你。我只用SharePreferences小,简单和“键值”结构化数据。 (它应该是这样的)


阅读以了解更多信息:Pros and Cons of SQLite and Shared Preferences



