


  • 边缘手势已被禁用与PKEY_EdgeGesture_DisableTouchWhenFullScreen =>工作

  • 我使用的是PreFilterMessage但似乎WM_GESTURE不能从那里被过滤:

    public bool PreFilterMessage(ref Message m) 
        // Messages to be filtered 
        const int WM_MOUSEWHEEL = 0x20A; 
        const int WM_SYSCOMMAND = 0x0112; 
        const int WM_GESTURE = 0x0119; 
        const int WM_GESTURENOTIFY = 0x011A; 
        const int SC_MOVE = 0xF010; 
        switch (m.Msg) 
         case WM_MOUSEWHEEL: 
          Debug.WriteLine("Filtering WM_MOUSEWHEEL !"); // Working 
          return true; 
         case WM_GESTURE: 
          Debug.WriteLine("Filtering WM_GESTURE !"); // Not working 
          return true; 
         case WM_GESTURENOTIFY: 
          Debug.WriteLine("Filtering WM_GESTURENOTIFY !"); // Not working 
          return true; 
         case WM_SYSCOMMAND: 
          int command = m.WParam.ToInt32() & 0xfff0; 
          if (command == SC_MOVE) return true; 
  • 下一页我已经转移到WndProc覆盖,我看到在调试日志中的消息,但到目前为止,我还没有想出如何从那里过滤消息:无论如何手势得到执行。

    protected override void WndProc(ref Message m) 
        const int WM_GESTURE = 0x0119; 
        const int WM_GESTURENOTIFY = 0x011A; 
        switch (m.Msg) 
         case WM_GESTURE: 
          Debug.WriteLine("WM_GESTURE go away !!!"); 
         case WM_GESTURENOTIFY: 
          Debug.WriteLine("WM_GESTURENOTIFY begone with thee !!"); 
        base.WndProc(ref m); 

我会尽量避免在HTML页面或设置注册表值,以全局禁用变焦在Internet Explorer CSS注入,任何人有一个想法?


新不成功的尝试:使用SetGestureConfig我的具有以下GESTURECONFIG块的WndProc覆盖内: dwID = 0; dwWant = 0; dwBlock = GC_ALLGESTURES; 我正在WM_GESTURENOTIFY消息发射SetGestureConfig,但我仍然能够放大我的WinForm的WebBrowser :( – Usul



WM_POINTER是去... Filetering WM_POINTERUP方式和WM_POINTERDOWN消息对我的应用程序有影响。



public partial class Form1 : Form, IMessageFilter 
    internal static int HIWORD(IntPtr wParam) 
     return (int)((wParam.ToInt64() >> 16) & 0xffff); 

    internal static int LOWORD(IntPtr wParam) 
     return (int)(wParam.ToInt64() & 0xffff); 
    internal enum VIRTUAL_KEY_STATES 
     NONE = 0x0000, 
     LBUTTON = 0x0001, 
     RBUTTON = 0x0002, 
     SHIFT = 0x0004, 
     CTRL = 0x0008, 
     MBUTTON = 0x0010, 
     XBUTTON1 = 0x0020, 
     XBUTTON2 = 0x0040 

    internal struct POINT 
     public int X; 
     public int Y; 

     public POINT(int x, int y) 
      X = x; 
      Y = y; 
     public POINT(Point pt) 
      X = pt.X; 
      Y = pt.Y; 
     public Point ToPoint() 
      return new Point(X, Y); 
     public void AssignTo(ref Point destination) 
      destination.X = X; 
      destination.Y = Y; 
     public void CopyFrom(Point source) 
      X = source.X; 
      Y = source.Y; 
     public void CopyFrom(POINT source) 
      X = source.X; 
      Y = source.Y; 

    internal struct RECT 
     public int Left; 
     public int Top; 
     public int Right; 
     public int Bottom; 

     public RECT(Rectangle source) 
      Left = source.Left; 
      Top = source.Top; 
      Right = source.Right; 
      Bottom = source.Bottom; 
     public RECT(int x, int y, int width, int height) 
      Left = x; 
      Top = y; 
      Right = Left + width; 
      Bottom = Top + height; 
     public int Width 
      get { return Right - Left; } 
     public int Height 
      get { return Bottom - Top; } 
     public Rectangle ToRectangle() 
      return new Rectangle(Left, Top, Width, Height); 
     public void Inflate(int dx, int dy) 
      Left -= dx; 
      Top -= dy; 
      Right += dx; 
      Bottom += dy; 
     public void Deflate(int leftMargin, int topMargin, int rightMargin, int bottomMargin) 
      Left += leftMargin; 
      Top += topMargin; 
      Right -= rightMargin; 
      Bottom -= bottomMargin; 
      if (Bottom < Top) 
       Bottom = Top; 
      if (Right < Left) 
       Right = Left; 
     public void Offset(int dx, int dy) 
      Left += dx; 
      Top += dy; 
      Right += dx; 
      Bottom += dy; 

    internal enum TOUCH_FLAGS 
     NONE = 0x00000000 

    internal enum TOUCH_MASK 
     NONE = 0x00000000, 
     CONTACTAREA = 0x00000001, 
     ORIENTATION = 0x00000002, 
     PRESSURE = 0x00000004, 

    internal enum POINTER_INPUT_TYPE 
     POINTER = 0x00000001, 
     TOUCH = 0x00000002, 
     PEN = 0x00000003, 
     MOUSE = 0x00000004 

    internal enum POINTER_FLAGS 
     NONE = 0x00000000, 
     NEW = 0x00000001, 
     INRANGE = 0x00000002, 
     INCONTACT = 0x00000004, 
     FIRSTBUTTON = 0x00000010, 
     SECONDBUTTON = 0x00000020, 
     THIRDBUTTON = 0x00000040, 
     FOURTHBUTTON = 0x00000080, 
     FIFTHBUTTON = 0x00000100, 
     PRIMARY = 0x00002000, 
     CONFIDENCE = 0x00004000, 
     CANCELED = 0x00008000, 
     DOWN = 0x00010000, 
     UPDATE = 0x00020000, 
     UP = 0x00040000, 
     WHEEL = 0x00080000, 
     HWHEEL = 0x00100000, 
     CAPTURECHANGED = 0x00200000, 

    internal struct POINTER_TOUCH_INFO 
     public POINTER_INFO PointerInfo; 
     public TOUCH_FLAGS TouchFlags; 
     public TOUCH_MASK TouchMask; 
     public RECT ContactArea; 
     public RECT ContactAreaRaw; 
     public uint Orientation; 
     public uint Pressure; 

    internal struct POINTER_INFO 
     public POINTER_INPUT_TYPE pointerType; 
     public int PointerID; 
     public int FrameID; 
     public POINTER_FLAGS PointerFlags; 
     public IntPtr SourceDevice; 
     public IntPtr WindowTarget; 
     public POINT PtPixelLocation; 
     public POINT PtPixelLocationRaw; 
     public POINT PtHimetricLocation; 
     public POINT PtHimetricLocationRaw; 
     public uint Time; 
     public uint HistoryCount; 
     public uint InputData; 
     public VIRTUAL_KEY_STATES KeyStates; 
     public long PerformanceCount; 
     public int ButtonChangeType; 

    internal const int 

     WM_PARENTNOTIFY = 0x0210, 
     WM_NCPOINTERUPDATE = 0x0241, 
     WM_NCPOINTERDOWN = 0x0242, 
     WM_NCPOINTERUP = 0x0243, 
     WM_POINTERUPDATE = 0x0245, 
     WM_POINTERDOWN = 0x0246, 
     WM_POINTERUP = 0x0247, 
     WM_POINTERENTER = 0x0249, 
     WM_POINTERLEAVE = 0x024A, 
     WM_POINTERWHEEL = 0x024E, 
     WM_POINTERHWHEEL = 0x024F, 

     // WM_POINTERACTIVATE return codes 
     PA_ACTIVATE = 1, 
     PA_NOACTIVATE = 3, 

     MAX_TOUCH_COUNT = 256; 
    internal static int GET_POINTER_ID(IntPtr wParam) 
     return LOWORD(wParam); 
    [DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError = true)] 
    internal static extern bool GetPointerInfo(int pointerID, ref POINTER_INFO pointerInfo);  

    public bool PreFilterMessage(ref Message m) 
     switch (m.Msg) 
      case WM_POINTERDOWN: 
      case WM_POINTERUP: 
       int pointerID = GET_POINTER_ID(m.WParam); 
       POINTER_INFO pi = new POINTER_INFO(); 
       if (GetPointerInfo(pointerID, ref pi)) 
        // Not a primary pointer => filter ! 
        if ((pi.PointerFlags & POINTER_FLAGS.PRIMARY) == 0) 
         return true; 
     return false; 