



for($i=0; $i<$len; $i++) { 
     $user_id = $array[$i]; 

     #get user name 
     $name = "..."; 

     #get all day from selected month with holidays 
     $day_of_month_arr = allDay_of_month($year,$month); 

     #get user datetime 

     #prepare start and finish time with holidays and weekend 
     $result_arr = time_format($result, $day_of_month_arr); 

     #prepare data as csv format to export as csv 
     $exp = export($result_arr); 

     #put each user csv file into 'Report.zip' 
     #archive all csv file as zip and force download that zip file 
     $zipname = 'Report.zip'; 
     $zip = new ZipArchive; 
     $zip->open($zipname, ZipArchive::CREATE); 
     $f = fopen('php://memory', 'w'); 
     $file_name = $name."-".$user_id.".csv"; 
     foreach ($exp as $arr) { 
     $zip->addFromString($file_name, stream_get_contents($f)); 
     //close the file 


    header('Content-Type: application/zip'); 
    header('Content-disposition: attachment; filename='.$zipname); 
    header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($zipname)); 

    // remove the zip archive 

    function export() {.......} 
    function time_format() {........} 
    function allDay_of_month() {......} 

所以,我上传脚本export_csv.php到我的Ubuntu的服务器(生产服务器)。当我尝试从生产服务器下载此文件时,我可以下载该文件,但无法再打开此zip文件。它显示"......\Report.zip" is invalid"


[12-Oct-2016 04:09:43 Europe/Berlin] PHP Warning: main(): Cannot destroy the zip context in /opt/lampp/htdocs/project/export_csv.php on line 48 
[12-Oct-2016 04:09:43 Europe/Berlin] PHP Warning: main(): Cannot destroy the zip context in /opt/lampp/htdocs/project/export_csv.php on line 48 
[12-Oct-2016 04:09:43 Europe/Berlin] PHP Warning: main(): Cannot destroy the zip context in /opt/lampp/htdocs/project/export_csv.php on line 48 
[12-Oct-2016 04:09:44 Europe/Berlin] PHP Warning: main(): Cannot destroy the zip context in /opt/lampp/htdocs/project/export_csv.php on line 48 
[12-Oct-2016 04:09:44 Europe/Berlin] PHP Warning: main(): Cannot destroy the zip context in /opt/lampp/htdocs/project/export_csv.php on line 48 
[12-Oct-2016 04:09:44 Europe/Berlin] PHP Warning: main(): Cannot destroy the zip context in /opt/lampp/htdocs/project/export_csv.php on line 48 
[12-Oct-2016 04:09:44 Europe/Berlin] PHP Warning: main(): Cannot destroy the zip context in /opt/lampp/htdocs/project/export_csv.php on line 48 
[12-Oct-2016 04:09:44 Europe/Berlin] PHP Warning: main(): Cannot destroy the zip context in /opt/lampp/htdocs/project/export_csv.php on line 48 
[12-Oct-2016 04:09:44 Europe/Berlin] PHP Warning: main(): Cannot destroy the zip context in /opt/lampp/htdocs/project/export_csv.php on line 48 
[12-Oct-2016 04:09:44 Europe/Berlin] PHP Warning: main(): Cannot destroy the zip context in /opt/lampp/htdocs/project/export_csv.php on line 48 
[12-Oct-2016 04:09:44 Europe/Berlin] PHP Warning: main(): Cannot destroy the zip context in /opt/lampp/htdocs/project/export_csv.php on line 48 
[12-Oct-2016 04:09:44 Europe/Berlin] PHP Warning: main(): Cannot destroy the zip context in /opt/lampp/htdocs/project/export_csv.php on line 48 
[12-Oct-2016 04:09:44 Europe/Berlin] PHP Warning: main(): Cannot destroy the zip context in /opt/lampp/htdocs/project/export_csv.php on line 48 
[12-Oct-2016 04:09:44 Europe/Berlin] PHP Warning: main(): Cannot destroy the zip context in /opt/lampp/htdocs/project/export_csv.php on line 48 
[12-Oct-2016 04:09:44 Europe/Berlin] PHP Warning: main(): Cannot destroy the zip context in /opt/lampp/htdocs/project/export_csv.php on line 48 
[12-Oct-2016 04:09:44 Europe/Berlin] PHP Warning: ZipArchive::close(): Failure to create temporary file: Permission denied in /opt/lampp/htdocs/project/export_csv.php on line 62 
[12-Oct-2016 04:09:44 Europe/Berlin] PHP Warning: filesize(): stat failed for Report.zip in /opt/lampp/htdocs/project/export_csv.php on line 65 
[12-Oct-2016 04:09:44 Europe/Berlin] PHP Warning: readfile(Report.zip): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /opt/lampp/htdocs/project/export_csv.php on line 66 
[12-Oct-2016 04:09:44 Europe/Berlin] PHP Warning: unlink(Report.zip): No such file or directory in /opt/lampp/htdocs/project/export_csv.php on line 69 






试着给你的文件777个权限。 – IsThisJavascript


应该小心...... – gba


@ WillParky93我已经添加了777个权限'sudo chmod 777/opt/lampp/htdocs/project/export_csv.php'。但它仍然是一样的错误。 – Cloud

似乎你的php服务器不允许写入你给它的路径。 您需要将运行php服务器的用户的写权限添加到此路径:/ opt/lampp/htdocs/project/

您应该使用chmod linux命令。运行php的linux用户应该具有对该路径的写入权限。




非常感谢@gba。在向项目文件夹添加777权限后,一切都很好:) – Cloud