


SomeThing obj1; 
SomeOtherThing obj2; 
YetAntherThing obj3; 

DoProperties(obj1, obj1.GetType()); 
DoProperties(obj2, obj2.GetType()); 
DoProperties(obj3, obj3.GetType()); 


private void DoProperties(object obj, Type objectType) 
    // this is where I get lost. I want to "cast" 'obj' to the type 
    // held in 'objectType' so that I can do something like: 
    // foreach (var prop in obj.Properties) 
    // { 
    // string name = prop.Name; 
    // string value = prop.Value; 
    // } 



当您说“属性”集合时,是指每个类上定义的属性集合,还是每个类上有一个名为Properties的公开集合? – FacticiusVir 2010-10-02 00:33:25


每个班级都有公开曝光的名为“属性”的集合。它的这个类,我想检索名称/价值。 – BillP3rd 2010-10-02 00:50:31


糟糕,重新阅读问题并相应地更正了我的答案。 – FacticiusVir 2010-10-02 00:50:58


interface IHasProperties 
    PropertyCollection Properties {get;} 


private void DoProperties(IHasProperties obj) 
    foreach (var prop in obj.Properties) 
     string name = prop.Name; 
     string value = prop.Value; 

或者使用反射来查找属性集合在运行 - 时间,如:

private void DoProperties(object obj) 
    Type objectType = obj.GetType(); 

    var propertyInfo = objectType.GetProperty("Properties", typeof(PropertyCollection)); 

    PropertyCollection properties = (PropertyCollection)propertyInfo.GetValue(obj, null); 

    foreach (var prop in properties) 
     // string name = prop.Name; 
     // string value = prop.Value; 

使用反射的解决方案就是票。谢谢! – BillP3rd 2010-10-02 01:04:12

通过FacticiusVir提到的接口是去,如果你有在每个对象的源控制的方式。如果没有,.NET 4中有第三种选择。dynamic


class A 
    public Dictionary<string, string> Properties { get; set; } 

class B 
    public Dictionary<string, string> Properties { get; set; } 

class C 
    public Dictionary<string, string> Properties { get; set; } 


static void DoSomething(dynamic obj) 
    foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> pair in obj.Properties) 
     string name = pair.Key; 
     string value = pair.Value; 
     // do something 