





app.get('/tm', (req, res) => { 
    axios // getting venues 
    .then(response => { 
     const venuesToBeInserted = response.data._embedded.venues.map(venue => { // preparing venues 
     return { 
      sourceID: venue.id, 
      venue: venue.name, 
      postalCode: venue.postalCode, 
      city: venue.city.name, 
      country: venue.country.name, 
      countryCode: venue.country.countryCode, 
      address: !!venue.address ? venue.address.line1 : null, 
      longitude: !!venue.location ? venue.location.longitude : null, 
      latitude: !!venue.location ? venue.location.latitude : null, 
      source: 'ticketmaster' 

     // Create all venues at once 
     Venue.create(venuesToBeInserted).then(venues => { 
     console.log("venues inserted") 

     axios // getting events and shows - note the page parameter in the api link 
     .then(response => { 
      const eventsToBeInserted = response.data._embedded.events.map(events => { // preparing events 
      const event = events._embedded.attractions[0] 
      return { 
       sourceID: event.id, 
       name: event.name, 
       slug: slugify(event.name).toLowerCase(), 
       tags: !!event.classifications ? [event.classifications[0].genre.name, event.classifications[0].subGenre.nam] : [], // duplicate genres occur 
       // possible tags from ticketmaster: type and subtype 

      // Create all events at once 
      Event.create(eventsToBeInserted).then(events => { 
       console.log("events inserted") 

       const showsToBeInserted = response.data._embedded.events.map(show => { 
       const event = events.find(event => event.sourceID == show._embedded.attractions[0].id); 
       const venue = venues.find(venue => venue.sourceID == show._embedded.venues[0].id); 

       if (!!event && !!venue) { 
        return { 
        event: event._id, 
        venue: venue._id, 
        timezone: show.dates.timezone, 
        dateStart: !!show.dates.start.dateTime ? show.dates.start.dateTime : show.dates.start.localDate, 
        tickets: !!show.priceRanges ? { 
         minPrice: show.priceRanges[0].min, 
         maxPrice: show.priceRanges[0].max, 
         currency: show.priceRanges[0].currency 
        }: {} 
       // Let's see what we have created in the database 
        name: 1, 
        slug: -1 
       }).limit(10).populate('event').populate('venue').then(events => { 
       }).catch(err => { 
      }).catch(err => { 

      }).catch(err => { 
     }).catch(err => { 
    }).catch(err => { 



error message


function getVenues(page, size, venues) { 
    page = page || 0; 
    size = size || 200; 
    venues = venues || []; 
    return axios 
     .then(response => response.data._embedded.venues) 
     .then(rawVenues => { 
      rawVenues.forEach(venue => venues.push(venue)); 
      if (rawVenues.length < size) { 
       // All done return the compiled list. 
       return venues; 
      // Recurse over the next set of venues by adding another promise to the chain. 
      return getVenues(page + 1, size, venues); 

function getEvents(page, size, events) { 
    page = page || 0; 
    size = size || 200; 
    events = events || []; 
    return axios 
     .then(response => response.data._embedded.events) 
     .then(rawEvents => { 
      rawEvents.forEach(event => events.push(event)); 
      if (rawEvents.length < size) { 
       // All done return the compiled list. 
       return events; 
      // Recurse over the next set of events by adding another promise to the chain. 
      return getEvents(page + 1, size, events); 

app.get('/tm', (req, res) => { 
    getVenues().then(rawVenues => { 

     const venuesToBeInserted = rawVenues.map(venue => { 
      return { 
       sourceID: venue.id, 
       venue: venue.name, 
       postalCode: venue.postalCode, 
       city: venue.city.name, 
       country: venue.country.name, 
       countryCode: venue.country.countryCode, 
       address: !!venue.address ? venue.address.line1 : null, 
       longitude: !!venue.location ? venue.location.longitude : null, 
       latitude: !!venue.location ? venue.location.latitude : null, 
       source: 'ticketmaster' 

     // Return promise so errors bubble up the chain... 
     return Venue.create(venuesToBeInserted).then(venues => { 
      console.log("venues inserted"); 

      // Return promise so errors bubble up the chain... 
      return getEvents().then(rawEvents => { 

       const eventsToBeInserted = rawEvents.map(rawEvent => { 
        const event = events._embedded.attractions[0]; 
        return { 
         sourceID: event.id, 
         name: event.name, 
         slug: slugify(event.name).toLowerCase(), 
         tags: !!event.classifications ? [event.classifications[0].genre.name, event.classifications[0].subGenre.nam] : [] 

       // Return promise so errors bubble up the chain... 
       return Event.create(eventsToBeInserted).then(events => { 
        console.log("events inserted"); 

        const showsToBeInserted = rawEvents.map(show => { 
         const event = events.find(event => event.sourceID == show._embedded.attractions[0].id); 
         const venue = venues.find(venue => venue.sourceID == show._embedded.venues[0].id); 

         if (!!event && !!venue) { 
          return { 
           event: event._id, 
           venue: venue._id, 
           timezone: show.dates.timezone, 
           dateStart: !!show.dates.start.dateTime ? show.dates.start.dateTime : show.dates.start.localDate, 
           tickets: !!show.priceRanges ? { 
            minPrice: show.priceRanges[0].min, 
            maxPrice: show.priceRanges[0].max, 
            currency: show.priceRanges[0].currency 
           } : {} 

        // Do something with the found shows... 
    }).then(() => { // This then is fired after all of the promises above have resolved... 
     return Venue.find({}).select({ 
      name: 1, 
      slug: -1 
     }).limit(10).populate('event').populate('venue').then(events => { 
    }).catch(err => { // Catches any error during execution. 

感谢您的帮助杰克。但是我收到一条错误消息。请参阅我在上面的帖子中的编辑。我不知道错误是什么意思.. –


401意味着你是未经授权的,它看起来像错误消息说你的MongoDB是安全的,并需要用户名/密码来建立与Mongoose的连接。 –


看起来您并未在请求URL中设置真实的API密钥,该值在响应中为'apiKey',您需要发送在请求URL中提供给您的API密钥。 –