


#Create the data frames 
id <- c("a", "b", "c") 
df1 <- data.frame(id=id, data=c(1, 2, 3)) 
df2 <- df1 
df3 <- data.frame(id=id, data=c(1000, 2000, 3000)) 

#Create the sublists that will store the data frame and the yes/no variable 
sub1 <- list(data=df1, useMe=TRUE) 
sub2 <- list(data=df2, useMe=TRUE) 
sub3 <- list(data=df3, useMe=FALSE) 

#Store the sublists in a main list 
main <- list(sub1, sub2, sub3) 


> desiredFun(main) 
    id data 
1 a  1 
2 b  2 
3 c  3 

当你说“相同”时,你的意思是'id'对data.frame中的每一行都是一样的,只有'data'列的值有所不同? – 2012-07-27 21:20:36


是的,这是正确的。真的每个子列表可能应该是一个对象,但我还没有深入研究R中的OOP。 – 2012-07-27 23:14:07


# Extract the "data" portion of each "main" list element 
# (using lapply to return a list) 
AllData <- lapply(main, "[[", "data") 
# Extract the "useMe" portion of each "main" list element 
# using sapply to return a vector) 
UseMe <- sapply(main, "[[", "useMe") 
# Select the "data" list elements where the "useMe" vector elements are TRUE 
# and rbind all the data.frames together 
Data <- do.call(rbind, AllData[UseMe]) 
# Aggregate the resulting data.frame 
Avg <- ddply(Data, "id", summarize, data=mean(data)) 

你能解释为什么lapply(x,“[[”...语法有效吗?我不会猜到它会这样,因为“[[”并不是我所知道的函数) – 2012-07-27 23:17:55


哦,但它是。你可以像任何其他的一样使用它,例如'x 2012-07-28 02:19:18


很酷!谢谢。 – 2012-07-28 14:43:57