Webpack 1.15.0 FeathersJS React Redux渲染DOM中没有编译或存在的Material UI样式


确定为什么我的样式表似乎在我为了自己的使用而修改的程序包中被忽略的原因非常困难。不知道这是否是Material-UI或Webpack本身的问题,但是任何添加到任何.js文档头部的require或import语句在运行构建脚本时都会引发错误。 './style.css'中的导入样式的相同导入适用于原始存储库中的文档。Webpack 1.15.0 FeathersJS React Redux渲染DOM中没有编译或存在的Material UI样式




/* eslint-env node */ 
/* eslint no-console: 0, no-var: 0 */ 

// Webpack config for PRODUCTION and DEVELOPMENT modes. 
// Changes needed if used for devserver mode. 

const webpack = require('webpack'); 
const rucksack = require('rucksack-css'); 
const HtmlWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin'); 
const envalid = require('envalid'); 
const path = require('path'); 

// Validate environment variables 

const config = require('config'); 

if (config.NODE_ENV === 'devserver') { 
    throw new Error('This webpack config does not work as is with the web-dev-server.') 

const isProduction = config.isProduction; 

const outputPublicPaths = { 
    production: '/dist/', 
    development: '/dist/', 
    devserver: 'http://localhost:8080/', // we don't use this config for webpack-dev-server 

console.log(`----- ${config.NODE_ENV.toUpperCase()} build.`); // eslint-disable-line no-console 

// Base Webpack configuration 
const webpackConfig = { 
    context: path.join(__dirname, 'client'), 
    // re devtool: http://cheng.logdown.com/posts/2016/03/25/679045 
    devtool: isProduction ? 'cheap-module-source-map' : 'source-map', 
    entry: { 
    main: ['./index.js'], 
    // Webpack cannot produce chunks with a stable chunk hash as of June 2016, 
    // stable meaning the hash value changes only when the the code itself changes. 
    // See doc/FAQ.md#webpackChunks. 
    // This vendor chunk will not reduce network requests, it will likely force a second request 
    // each time the main chunk changes. So why separate them? 
    // Chunks for code which is dynamically optionally loaded makes sense. 
    // The first page will render faster as the parsing of such chunks can be delayed 
    // till they are needed. 
    // Of course the React routing must be changed to load such chunks as needed. 
    // Maybe we'll make the routing do that at some time. 
    user: [ 
     // './screens/Users/UserSignIn', // sign in occurs often enough to retain in main chunk 
    output: { 
    filename: '[name].bundle.[chunkhash].js', 

    // Tell Webpack where it should store the resulting code. 
    path: path.join(__dirname, 'public', 'dist'), 
    // Give Webpack the URL that points the server to output.path 
    publicPath: outputPublicPaths[config.NODE_ENV], 
    /* This is needed for joi to work on the browser, if the client has that dependency 
    node: { 
    net: 'empty', 
    tls: 'empty', 
    dns: 'empty', 
    module: { 
    loaders: [ 
     // File index.html is created by html-webpack-plugin. It should be a file webpack processes. 
     test: /\.html$/, 
     loader: 'file?name=[name].[ext]', 
     // When require'd, these /client/../*.inject.css files are injected into the DOM as is. 
     test: /\.inject\.css$/, 
     include: /client/, 
     loader: 'style!css', 
     // When required, the class names in these /client/../*.css are returned as an object. 
     // after being made unique. The css with the modified class names is injected into the DOM. 
     test: /^(?!.*\.inject\.css).*\.css$/, 
     include: /client/, 
     loaders: [ 
     // Standard processing for .css outside /client 
     test: /\.css$/, 
     exclude: /client/, 
     loader: 'style!css', 
     test: /\.(js|jsx)$/, // does anyone still use .jsx? 
     exclude: /(node_modules|bower_components)/, 
     loaders: [ 
     test: /\.(svg|woff|woff2|ttf|eot)$/, 
      loader: 'file?name=assets/fonts/[name].[hash].[ext]' 

    resolve: { 
    extensions: ['', '.js', '.jsx'], 
    // Reroute import/require to specific files. 'react$' reroutes 'react' but not 'react/foo'. 
    alias: { 
    postcss: [ 
     autoprefixer: true, 
    plugins: [ 
    // Webpack's default file watcher does not work with NFS file systems on VMs, 
    // definitely not with Oracle VM, and likely not with other VMs. 
    // OldWatchingPlugin is a slower alternative that works everywhere. 
    new webpack.OldWatchingPlugin(), // can use "webpack-dev-server --watch-poll" instead 
    Build our HTML file. 
    // repeat new HtmlWebpackPlugin() for additional HTML files 
    new HtmlWebpackPlugin({ 
     // Template based on https://github.com/jaketrent/html-webpack-template/blob/master/index.ejs 
     template: path.join(process.cwd(), 'server', 'utils', 'index.ejs'), 
     filename: 'index.html', 
     inject: false, // important 
     minify: { 
     collapseWhitespace: true, 
     conservativeCollapse: true, 
     minifyCSS: true, 
     minifyJS: true, 
     preserveLineBreaks: true, // leave HTML readable 
     cache: false, 
     /* We'd need this if we had a dynamically loaded user chunk 
     excludeChunks: ['user'], 

     // Substitution values 
     supportOldIE: false, 
     meta: { description: config.client.appName }, 
     title: config.client.appName, 
     faviconFile: '/favicon.ico', 
     mobile: false, 
     links: [], 
     baseHref: null, 
     unsupportedBrowserSupport: false, 
     appMountId: 'root', 
     appMountIds: {}, 
     addRobotoFont: true, // See //www.google.com/fonts#UsePlace:use/Collection:Roboto:400,300,500 
     copyWindowVars: {}, 
     scripts: ['/socket.io/socket.io.js'], 
     devServer: false, 
     googleAnalytics: false, 
    new webpack.DefinePlugin({ 
     'process.env': { NODE_ENV: JSON.stringify(config.NODE_ENV) }, // used by React, etc 
     __processEnvNODE_ENV__: JSON.stringify(config.NODE_ENV), // used by us 

// Production customization 

if (isProduction) { 
    Besides the normal benefits, this is needed to minify React, Redux and React-Router 
    for production if you choose not to use their run-time versions. 
    new webpack.optimize.UglifyJsPlugin({ 
     compress: { warnings: false }, 
     comments: false, 
     sourceMap: false, 
     mangle: true, 
     minimize: true, 
     verbose: false, 

module.exports = webpackConfig; 

// Validate environment variables 
function validateEnvironmentVariables() { 
    const strPropType = envalid.str; 

    // valid NODE_ENV values. 
    const nodeEnv = { 
    production: 'production', 
    prod: 'production', 
    development: 'development', 
    dev: 'development', 
    devserver: 'devserver', 
    testing: 'devserver', 
    test: 'devserver', 

    const cleanEnv = envalid.cleanEnv(process.env, 
     NODE_ENV: strPropType({ 
     choices: Object.keys(nodeEnv), 
     default: 'developmwent', 
     desc: 'processing environment', 

    process.env.NODE_ENV = nodeEnv[cleanEnv.NODE_ENV]; 

你的问题很混乱。你是说从node_modules的一些CSS包没有加载或你的CSS文件没有被加载?你可以发布你的项目文件夹结构吗? '/ client'目录中有什么? –


对于陈述不佳的问题/解释的道歉 - 我的css文档没有加载,'node_modules'加载之外的所有样式表(全部在客户端目录中),“屏幕”层次结构中没有任何内容是导入或对任何* .css客户之外的文件。请参阅[链接](https://pastebin.com/UHxikdqe)目录结构 – lexparsimonet


在再次阅读我的原始问题之后,我想我应该澄清一下,'./style.css'语句的导入方式不会导致错误,但样式不在DOM中呈现。 --displaymodules标志打印来自css-loader打印的哈希字符串:'css-loader?modules&sourceMap&importLoaders = 1&localIdentName ='+ '[name] __ [local] ___ [hash:base64:5]'[not cached] 0 bytes '然后是每个样式表的路径。样式的http:// blob URI也被打印在'

'中,但DOM中仍然没有样式呈现。我在想什么? – lexparsimonet


    // When require'd, these /client/../*.inject.css files are injected into the DOM as is. 
    test: /\.inject\.css$/, 
    include: /client/, 
    loaders: [ 
    // When required, the class names in these /client/../*.css are returned as an object. 
    // after being made unique. The css with the modified class names is injected into the DOM. 
    test: /^(?!.*\.inject\.css).*\.css$/, 
    include: /client/, 
    loaders: [ 
    // Standard processing for .css outside /client 
    test: /\.css$/, 
    exclude: /client/, 
    loaders: [ 

修改了我的'模块:{loaders'块,正如你上面所建议的,仍然zere是naaathing。 - 我的表格不好,原始的webpack.production.config.js块中包含一个带有css-loader的字符串,我认为这与解析结果包有关,但是字符串也可以简单地打印到终端中使用--display-modules拖尾构建:dev脚本。以它的形式呈现:[link](https://pastebin.com/BLuwUVrY) – lexparsimonet


@lexparsimonet为什么在'htmlwebpackplugin'中将'inject'设置为'false'?从文档中,控制你的文件是否被注入到你的'index.html'中。你可以删除该行,看看是否改变了什么? –


按照你的建议做了,没有区别。我离开了'HtmlWebpackPlugin'参数,因为它是在我克隆的git repo的原始dist中设置的。我很可能忽略了文件中的评论和自述,并不暗示也不表示这需要改变。还添加了'hash:true'选项,输出没有差异。看看[链接](http://www.faberge.rocks),如果你想看看我所看到的 - 多个http:// blob在样式表的头部,但没有任何呈现。还要为'.woff'设置加载器来加载字体,而不是任何东西。感谢您的帮助 – lexparsimonet