


  1. Z序节点创建:创建/配置12345(例如在12年12月12日 创建)
  2. 更新被该结构制成,设置/配置34567 (例如修订于13年12月12日)
  3. 一个月配置被再次修改之后,设置/配置567889(例如修订于13年1月1日)


  1. 什么是“得到”(或维护)以“/配置”相关的版本历史 最好的办法,即有没有办法,我能得到存储在节点数据的 整个历史?
  2. 什么是最好的方式来恢复我的当前配置值,即567889,原始值12345? (通过爬取节点的数据历史记录)



您可以添加一个“监视”到znode并跟踪历史记录吗? – LenW


1. divide the configurations in two znodes [say, /Config and /Config/data-*] 
    - /config/data-* are the data nodes which will store the configuration 
    - /config will store the history of all the configs so far 
2. /Config/data-* is sequential node 
     So, every znode will have a strictly increasing number appended to it. 
     For example, /config/data-1, /config/data-2, and so on. Your configuration object 
     will be stored in data nodes. 
     /config/data-1 -> 12345 
     /config/data-2 -> 34567 
     /config/data-3 -> 56789 
3. /config will look like this: 
    ["/config/data-1","/config/data-2","/config/data-3"] or just 
    ["1", "2", "3"] 


1. create a data node with new config. Which will return the the actual path. 
    say /config/data-4 
2. now try to do conditional update on /config with "/config/data-4" or just "4" appended to 
    the existing data i.e. 
    ["/config/data-1","/config/data-2","/config/data-3","/config/data-4"] or just 
    ["1", "2", "3","4"] 
    - if update succeeds, end. 
    - else, someone else was simultaneously trying to update the config and won the race. 
    So, either quit or try again starting with step1. 



1. call sync [if consistency is important] 
2. read /config 
3. pick the path which is at the last index in the array retrieved from /config 
4. read the config from that path 

要回滚,无论是德从列表中最后一个条目存储在/ config或追加最后一个但列表的第二个条目到最后