


#include <stdio.h> 
    #include <string.h> 
    #include <stdlib.h> 

    struct properties 
    int properties; 
    char type[20]; 
    float rcost; 
    float mcost; 
    int bedrooms; 
    int bathrooms; 

typedef struct properties p; 

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) 
    FILE *ifp; 
    p A[50]; 
    p B[50]; 
    int n; 
    int m; 
    if (argc == 2) 
     if (ifp = fopen(argv[1], "r")) 
      fscanf(ifp, "%d", &n); 
      int i; 
      int house = 0; 
      int house1 = 0; 
      int house2 = 0; 
      float totalrent = 0; 
      float totalrentA = 0; 
      float totalrentB = 0; 
      float averagecostA = 0; 
      float averagecostB = 0; 
      float totalcost = 0; 
      float averageprice = 0; 
      for (i = 1; i <= n; ++i) 
       fscanf(ifp, "%s", &A[i].type); 
       fscanf(ifp, "%f", &A[i].rcost); 
       fscanf(ifp, "%f", &A[i].mcost); 
       fscanf(ifp, "%d", &A[i].bedrooms); 
       fscanf(ifp, "%d", &A[i].bathrooms); 
       totalrentA += A[i].rcost; 
       averagecostA = A[i].rcost/A[i].bedrooms; 
       if (A[i].type == "house") 
        house1 += 1; 
       //printf("%s\n", A[i].type); 
       //printf("%.2f\n", A[i].rcost); 
       //printf("%.2f\n", A[i].mcost); 
       //printf("%d\n", A[i].bedrooms); 
       //printf("%d\n", A[i].bathrooms); 
      printf("Total income Owner 1: $%.2f\n", totalrentA); 
      fscanf(ifp, "%d", &m); 
      for (i=1; i <= m; ++i) 
       fscanf(ifp, "%s", &B[i].type); 
       fscanf(ifp, "%f", &B[i].rcost); 
       fscanf(ifp, "%f", &B[i].mcost); 
       fscanf(ifp, "%d", &B[i].bedrooms); 
       fscanf(ifp, "%d", &B[i].bathrooms); 
       totalrentB += B[i].rcost; 
       totalcost += B[i].mcost; 
       averagecostB = B[i].rcost/B[i].bedrooms; 
       averageprice = (totalrentA + totalrentB)/(n + m); 
       if (B[i].type == "house*") 
        house2 += 1; 

       //printf("%s\n", B[i].type); 
       //printf("%.2f\n", B[i].rcost); 
       //printf("%.2f\n", B[i].mcost); 
       //printf("%d\n", B[i].bedrooms); 
       //printf("%d\n", B[i].bathrooms); 
      printf("Total cost Owner 2: $%.2f\n", totalcost); 
      printf("Average price per bedroom Owner1: $%.2f\n", averagecostA); 
      printf("Average price per bedroom Owner2: $%.2f\n", averagecostB); 
      printf("# of houses Owner1: %d\n", house1); 
      printf("# of houses Owner2: %d\n", house2); 
      printf("Average price of all properties: $%.2f\n", averageprice); 
     printf("Correct Usage: ./<exec> <infile>\n"); 
    return 0; 



“为什么不会我的if语句打印“if”语句不用于打印;使用'printf'或类似的函数。 – Olaf


我说我的问题错了,我试图弄清楚的是,我的语法不正确,从.txt文件中获取我想要的值,因为我的house1和house2值只能作为0. – Maxsensa


为什么不启动调试器并看看你自己。 – Olaf

我认为它好懂什么在主要通过(INT ARGC,CHAR *的argv []),如果你在代码中使用它。 “argc是从命令行传入程序的参数个数,argv是参数数组。换句话说,argc是argv的数量,所以你的第一个条件if(argc == 2)基本上检查命令行的参数是否为2,我不认为这是你的意图。在大多数情况下(或者默认情况下),参数是1,它的值是你的目录。

在第二个if条件中,您尝试使用fopen传递argv [1]作为文件名打开文件。这是有效的,但我建议你先检查argv [1]的确是你的文件名,而不是NULL。 我不知道你是否注意到,但你的for循环从2开始,因为++我会增加它之前,不像我++是后增量影响起点和终点